A common question when I meet new people is, “So where are you from?” To that I answer, “Well, I’ve lived in Bloomington-Normal for about 6 years now but I was born in North Dakota & I’ve lived in 7 different states.” After I get the usual “gasp” or “Oh wow really?” reaction, then the next thing 95% of the time people ask is me “Are you a military kid/brat?” And to that I answer proudly, “No, Pastor’s Kid/Brat.” 😉
So for those of you who didn’t know, there you are- I’m a Pastor’s Kid. And proud of it! My parents pastored for over 20+ years. We moved around a lot. We saw people change & healed. We drew close to those around us & were hurt by others. We also had incredible experiences that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Growing up as a pastor’s kid is unlike anything else. I’m thankful for the journey the Lord led my family on & how the Lord used it to shape us all.
Couple weekends ago, I had the privilege of spending time with our new lead pastor (at Eric & I’s church-First Assembly of God) & his family. We caught the tail end of October leaves & weather & I thought it was rather fitting that it worked out to do their session at that time of the year since October is Pastor Appreciation Month.
The Labertew Family has been at our church since around the Fourth of July. It seems longer. We are thankful they are here. Friends, support your pastor/s & their families. Pray for them. Be there for them. Say yes when they ask for help. You will be blessed beyond measure for doing so.
Meet the Labertew Family!
Loved her giggles 🙂
Getting silly!
Thanks for capturing my family and me in these photos. They will provide years of joy!