In the past few weeks since these photos were taken, my little family has moved to our new house & Heidi & Jordan have welcomed their little girl into their arms! Rylynn is here & just the cutest thing! (I’m actually hoping to meet her in person this coming weekend so stay tuned for those pictures!!!)
I wanted to share Heidi’s maternity session because I just LOVE these photos & she’s a beautiful pregnant lady 😉 This is a very special blog post for me because Heidi & I have known each other since college & we’ve been able to share bits of our lives together through the years. (If you want to read more about our unique friendship, feel free to take a walk down memory lane & view Heidi & Jordan’s engagement pictures that I had the honor of taking HERE.)
Heidi had the sweetest idea for having their maternity session in her & Jordan’s adorable little home. They’ve been living there since this past fall & it’s just full of character & WINDOWS!!!! Heidi’s desire was to be able to take pictures in their home before their baby girl arrived AND then come back here for their newborn session & in a sense show the before/after 😉 I mean, a baby changes everything doesn’t it folks? 😉 (Also, let me put a little plug in here, I LOVE in-home sessions!!! All my newborn sessions are done in my clients homes & I LOVE doing any other sessions AT HOME. In my opinion, it’s the best place to take photos with your kids because they’re so comfortable & relaxed. Plus, it shows where you truly to life & love.)
Ok, back to the Doddek’s! Here’s a few of my personal favorites from their session!
That window seat has my heart!!!!!
Beautiful, glowing momma! You can bet your boots we’ll be back here at this exact spot with Miss Rylynn!
I love ALL.OF.THESE. as well!
I love this one of Heidi. I wanted her to just be still & think about her coming baby girl. I love the expression on her face. Love & expectancy all rolled into one <3
For the second part of their session, we moved outside into their cute little yard!
The happy parents!!!!
I feel these next two photos perfectly capture the goofy/fun side of Heidi & Jordan’s relationship 😉
And my personal ALL TIME FAV of the session right here! Look at that COLOR!
Well, Heidi & Jordan, since these pictures were taken, your life, your world & your hearts have forever changed. I’m having a hard time typing words without crying & getting all emotional because I’ve seen you walk on this journey of becoming parents & I’m SO HAPPY for you THREE! Rylynn is a blessed little girl & I can’t wait to watch you become the parents the Lord wants you to be. All my love & see you soon for those newborn pictures!!!!!!!!