I’m getting emotional just thinking about all the reasons why I want to do birth photography.
I love people. I firmly believe that EACH person has a purpose. That’s why we’re here. We ALL have a purpose.
My first birth I photographed, I remember the excitement growing in my heart as I was waiting for the go-ahead to come photograph his birth from his mom. It was this tangible excitement. Adrenaline was flowing through me & I couldn’t think about anything else but his arrival or his mom. I remember asking myself WHY. Why was this SOOO different then anything else I had ever photographed. I’ve photographed some amazing things including two weddings. But let’s be honest, a birth is QUITE spectacular. There’s just NOTHING like it. I KNEW that this was unlike anything else, but I wanted to know WHY.
My answer hit my heart so quick, I knew it was from the Lord, & again, I’ve got tears threatening to brim over & down my face as I try to convey my heart! “HE HAS A PURPOSE. I’ve got something planned for him.” That’s what I heard in my heart. I knew it was from the Lord. I remember getting out of the car & running into the hospital. My heart pumping, my smile as big as it could get. You’d have thought this baby coming was my own! But the joy in my heart & the joy I felt in that hospital room as he made his arrival was knowing the reason he was here was that he had a purpose. And he had arrived to fulfill it.
After documenting his birth, I was hooked. The joy. The pain. The newness of a life all in one space, all in front of me. It was the honor of a lifetime to be there & save it forever for his mom, his dad to look back on & one day share with him.
Since then birth has become a big part of my life as I’ve had my own two baby girls & photographed more babies & another birth. I want to be that person. That person in the room when the baby arrives & documents it all. That person that is softly praying & encouraging the momma. Watching for the beautiful details to unfold & capturing them to be remembered forever. For the momma to look back on & see those moments when she wondered if she could keep going. And then to see the moment when she realizes it’s all worth it
I know this post is about birth photography, but let me take this moment to say, my friend, you have a purpose. It started the day you were conceived & continued on strong the moment you were born.
I have needed to wait for just the right timing to offer birth as a regular photography service, but thanks to a team of people & a couple small life changes, the time is NOW!!!
Will you do me a favor? Help me get the word out!!! If you have a friend, a cousin, a neighbor, a co-worker who’s expecting, will you connect us? Let them know I’m NOW OFFERING BIRTH PHOTOGRAPHY as a service. I want to be their photographer for this incredible life experience. Have them email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com or just direct them to my page HERE. Or if you’re the one expecting, I’d love to take you out for tea/coffee & go over my Birth Experience package with you! (And for a limited time I am gifting FREE Fresh 48 Sessions along with Birth Sessions that are booked with me!)
I’d love to meet you or your friend. To celebrate this new life, this new little one that has a PURPOSE.
Here are two of my birth sessions from my portfolio to view – TOBIAS (hospital birth) & BLYTHE (Birth Center birth).
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