Hello friends, I’m here to share a family update & ask for your prayers for our family. Some of you already know from being friends with me on facebook but life has changed quite a bit for us in the past 2 weeks.
First of all, we “accidentally” found out the gender of our Little Wilcox #3 at 24 Weeks. It’s a whole unique story that has turned into the most precious gift to know. Elizabeth & Ruth have a Little Baby Brother & we are all THRILLED!!!
Secondly, Memorial Day I was airlifted to St. Francis Hospital in Peoria with our little guy inside me. My water broke early that Monday morning at 29 weeks, 1 day & the best place for us to be is at St. Francis where they have an amazing NICU & healthcare team. I’m currently still here on monitored bedrest & being taken care of by high risk doctors. By the grace of God, our Mighty Creator, Little Wilcox at this point has been as content as can be inside me growing & very much enjoying his one on one time with his momma. I will be here at St. Francis until he is born, which we’re praying he stays in until 34 weeks & around that time I will be induced. Once he is born he will more then likely need to be in the NICU here for several weeks.
This has been the both the hardest season for our family & the season where we’ve heard & felt the Lord the most. Because of the corona virus, I can only have one visitor & that of course is my husband. I’m not able to leave my room other then to walk the hall twice a day for 15 minutes. I also have not held or touched our girls since I put them to bed the evening before Memorial Day & at this point it will be 5 weeks until I kiss them. And it’s been that long since I’ve been able to be outside. I’ve never mentally gone through anything like this before. BUT our son is healthy & growing & I/we would do anything for him.
Please pray Little Brother Wilcox stays inside me until the desired 34 weeks. Please pray against infection for him & I-since my water has broke we are at a high risk for that. Pray for Eric & I as we lead our family in this season & for Eric as he’s home with our girls. Please pray for my mental health.
I’m not getting all my emails with having a bit slower internet here at the hospital so if you respond, please don’t worry if you don’t hear back. You can always send me a message on my personal facebook account.
Many of you are like dear friends to me & my family. You’ve celebrated WITH us & I know now you’ll be praying FOR us & that means more to me then you know. I look forward to telling you our son’s entire birth story & sharing an update sometime when he’s HOME with us. I can’t wait to show off pictures of him to you all when we meet up for photo sessions this fall.
We appreciate all your prayers!
Naomi, Eric, Elizabeth, Ruth & Little Brother Wilcox
Praying for all of you! We do serve an Amazing God!!!