I’m quite behind on blogging Elizabeth’s Monthly Updates. I always post on my personal facebook page & Instagram (feel free to follow me THERE) but I’ve not been diligent in posting on my blog! Sooooo I decided to take her last four main monthly pics & combine them all into one blog post before she turns 9 Months (which is in just a few days actually! 🙁 )
So take a minute & see how our daughter, Elizabeth Leah has grown!!! We love her SO much!
Hi friends!!! On my “dada’s” birthday, May 19, I turned 5 Months! Yay!!! My favorite things to do are TALK (My mommy would like me to point out that I’m not really talking, I’m baby talking. I basically say “dada” all day 😉 ). Put my fingers in my mouth & suck on them. TALK. Sing. TALK. Sit in my highchair like a big girl. TALK. Be with my dada. TALK. Avoid naps longer then 45 minutes whenever possible. TALK. Smile & laugh. And talk some more! Oh, I got to go to the Miller Park Zoo this month! I don’t remember much of it since I slept thru most of it but it was fun being with my mommy & my friends 🙂 See you next time!