Elizabeth is 5, 6, 7, Wait 8 Months Old!

I’m quite behind on blogging Elizabeth’s Monthly Updates. I always post on my personal facebook page & Instagram (feel free to follow me THERE) but I’ve not been diligent in posting on my blog! Sooooo I decided to take her last four main monthly pics & combine them all into one blog post before she turns 9 Months (which is in just a few days actually! 🙁 )

So take a minute & see how our daughter, Elizabeth Leah has grown!!! We love her SO much!

Hi friends!!! On my “dada’s” birthday, May 19, I turned 5 Months! Yay!!! My favorite things to do are TALK (My mommy would like me to point out that I’m not really talking, I’m baby talking. I basically say “dada” all day 😉 ). Put my fingers in my mouth & suck on them. TALK. Sing. TALK. Sit in my highchair like a big girl. TALK. Be with my dada. TALK. Avoid naps longer then 45 minutes whenever possible. TALK. Smile & laugh. And talk some more! Oh, I got to go to the Miller Park Zoo this month! I don’t remember much of it since I slept thru most of it but it was fun being with my mommy & my friends 🙂 See you next time!


Hey guys! As of this past Sunday, I am now half a year old- 6 Months! Sunday was very special in
that I was dedicated to the Lord, wore this pretty dress, it was Dada’s Day & I got to go in a pool for the very first time! Wasn’t too excited about that last thing but it was a fun day altogether 🙂 I’m getting more & more interested with toys & grabbing things like mommy’s face. My favorite part of the day is when dada comes home & I like being outside & watching leaves on trees move. But let me tell you, there’s this new thing that’s been happening lately that I really don’t like. Sometimes when I’m sitting in my highchair just minding my own business, mommy has this skinny long thing in her hand & she scoops goop onto the end of it. She then uses the skinny thing to put the goop into my mouth & I don’t like it ONE BIT! It’s nasty! So far whatever she’s putting in my mouth does not taste good! Hopefully that will stop soon & I can go back to just drinking my milk! I’ll let you know next month how it’s going!
Hi friends! I’m 7 months now & lovin’ life! Every day I like to sing, make lots of high pitched noises & talk. I give mommy & dada kisses & can find the tag on anything I’m given. That’s pretty much my favorite part of any toy is the tag! I love to play with the doggies at my Grandma & Grandpa’s & play with my best friend Cadence. That goopy stuff I keep being given is actually tasting pretty good! And I’ve been quite attached to mommy lately since I’ve got these two little white things inside my mouth trying to poke out. Well that’s about it-bye until next time!
I’m one day into being 8 Months! I’m getting bigger & bigger! This past month I went on a “vacation” with momma & dada. I made new friends & road in the car for a VERY long time & saw animals at a zoo! I’m working really hard on a few new things like clapping, pointing & waving. I like to eat any food that’s orange like carrots & sweet potatoes & jumping & singing are my favorite things to do. I’m sleeping very well at night & taking naps. I am also starting to play on my own & let mom do things which she says is very helpful! Yay (insert me clapping my hands 👏🏻) for 8 Months!!!


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