He was expected to arrive sometime around August 31 but the Lord had a different day in mind for his Birth Day. Precious Tobias Lee LaBerge was born Tuesday, August 23 at 7:07PM.
Amber, Toby’s momma, had called me Tuesday morning around 11:30AM. When I saw she was calling me, my heart raced & I answered by saying, “Is it Baby Time?” I received a laugh in response & was informed that Amber & Kyle’s third son would soon be born.
Being there for Toby’s birth was incredible. Full disclosure, I have never photographed a birth before (I WANT to do it again!) & was literally trembling from excitement from the moment I walked into the hospital room. I have a feeling though for any other births I photograph in the future, that I will be just as excited 😉
Amber is one of my dearest friends. Seeing her labor & give her all for her son was a beautiful sight. Her husband, Kyle, never left her side & together they worked, her with her body & he with his encouraging words, for the opportunity to meet their child for the first time.
It wasn’t long at all before Tobias Lee LaBerge came….into this world & into his mother’s arms.
There is NO OTHER FEELING then the emotional moment of physically holding the baby that you’ve been carrying in your womb for months upon months now in your arms. Feeling their skin against yours, seeing with your eyes their tiny body move as they breath next to you, now knowing the color of their hair, what their face looks like…there is nothing in this world like that moment.
All questions & wonderings float away as the miracle of miracles, a new life, is placed into your waiting arms.
There he was. The son they had waited for.
He weighed in at 7 lb., 7 oz. & 20 inches long.
Those first moments together…
Part of my excitement of being a witness to Toby’s Birth Day was the overwhelming realization that Toby’s birth means he HAS A PURPOSE. It was in my thoughts all day as we waited & as he was born. Tears came to my eyes as I saw him be born & given to his parents care. Each & every life means something. We are each given a place in this world for a reason & a purpose. And Toby’s entrance means that HE too has a calling on his life. To be there & document the beginning of his life outside his mother’s womb…the beginning of his calling…the beginning of his journey on earth, I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else.
Toby, I am so glad you are here 🙂 We are so glad. And I can’t wait to watch you grow & fulfill your purpose.
Me with Momma Amber & Mr. Toby!
Naomi you did a great job of capturing the moment. I love the pictures and the monologue.
Judy L.
Beautiful moments.
You did an amazing job, as always, Naomi! Thank you!!
Thank you so much Brenda!
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