My self-portraits with Elizabeth began pretty early. When I was pregnant with her I stood in front of this very window in our living room at every 5 week mark in my pregnancy & took a photograph with her. I moved furniture, waited for the right time of day & used our tripod & self-timer to get this special silhouette moment.
As I took these photo’s, they became so special to me. And then on her due date, Eric helped me & we took this picture below together.
December 31, 2015 – Elizabeth was 12 days old
I knew while taking the 5 week bump photo’s, that I wanted to incorporate photo’s of myself with our children. I knew it would take work & time but I’ve come to treasure these photographs of Elizabeth & I so very much.
I look forward to in the future adding other children into the photo’s & commemorating more & more memories.
This project has stretched me as a mother & as a photographer. I wanted to share these photos to encourage other momma’s & momma photographers to remember moments with their littles. For they won’t be little long.
This is a project of love and out of the desire to leave a legacy for our children.
May 2016 – Elizabeth was 5 Months June 2016 – Elizabeth was 6 Months | Full disclosure, I wasn’t able to get the angle of the room that I wanted while holding a sleeping baby girl 🙂 Eric stepped in & took the photo for me after I set up the settings of my camera.
August 2016 – Elizabeth was 8 MonthsÂ
September 2016 – Elizabeth was 9 Months | I wanted to capture our routine of me feeding her because I knew it was a brief season we shared together.
September 2016 – Elizabeth was 9 MonthsÂ
October 2016 – Elizabeth was 10 Months | Elizabeth sits at my feet when I get ready in the morning & I wanted to record that.
November 2016 – Elizabeth was 11 Months | We had a storm & I was trying to distract Elizabeth from the noise of it & these precious moments happened.
Thank you for walking through my self-portraits with Elizabeth from 2016. I wish there were more but I am so thankful for the ones we have together.
My very best tip for making a self-portrait with your kiddos happen, is to do it. When you see a moment that you want to remember, do it. Grab your camera & make it happen.