I love fall & the season of seeing kids Back-to-School pictures posted on facebook 🙂 I always find myself scrolling through all my friends kiddos school pics on their first date & smiling over the adorableness of their “first day of school” outfits & goodbye hugs. Several of my friends send their littles to Kindergarten this fall & I read their facebook posts & felt a small smidgen of their emotions in sending their young ones off.
When I started my photography business, I knew I wanted to reach out & make connections with homeschoolers. My husband & I were both homeschooled by our parents & we pray that is something we can do with our children. I wanted to give homeschoolers that opportunity to have “Back-to-School” pictures at an affordable price & thus Back2School Mini’s were born! This is my 3rd (or maybe my 4th!) year doing Back2School Mini’s & I’m just so thankful for the families I get to meet & work with & some of them I have worked with year after year!
I chose just a few highlights from all the Back2School Mini’s I had this year. Hard to pick just a few for a blogpost when I LOVE.THEM.ALL!!!!!! And if you’re wanting to be notified for when I do these next year, click this link to signup for my e-newsletter that I send out from time to time with news 🙂
Ok, enough chit-chat! Here’s a few favorites!!! To all my homeschooler families- you’re my hero’s & I’m SO thankful for you all!!! You’ve got this!
Pingback: Back-to-School Mini Sessions for 2018! | Nomi Photography
Pingback: Back-to-School Mini Sessions for 2019! | Naomi Elizabeth Photography
Pingback: Back2Homeschool Mini Sessions 2023! | Naomi Elizabeth Photography