This precious girl is turning one on Saturday, April 27, 2019.
She was born on a quiet spring day. I remember smelling fresh cut grass as I walked up to the Birth Center in Bloomington. Her mother, Amber, & I had been in contact for months now & it seemed too good to be true that TODAY a sister was going to be born to three adoring big brothers. It’s been a whole year since her birth but I remember many details about her birth.
I remember I was selfishly excited because I was pregnant myself & knew I was about to witness the birth of my next child’s either future bestie or wife 😉 (I gave birth to our Ruth exactly 10 days later so the bestie mode is in full swing with our girls!)
I remember how calm Amber was when I walked in.
I remember how the midwives at the Birth Center took SUCH great care of her, Kyle (Amber’s husband) & baby Blythe.
I remember the worship music playing in the room.
The sound of water filling the birth tub that Blythe was born in.
I remember the laughter.
I remember how safe, clean & prepared the room felt.
I remember the peace I felt.
The moments ticking by & the waiting that just drew us all closer to something wonderful.
I remember the excitement that came with pain.
I remember the unmistakable knowledge that life as it was for the LaBerge family was about to change & they were on the brink of that transformative moment.
I remember watching the soft, encouraging touches between a husband to his wife.
I remember the cries that “She’s coming!” filling the room.
I remember watching Amber catch her first daughter & how my own tears couldn’t help but fall at that powerful moment.
And now, friend I invite you to come remember…to have a visual view reminiscing on the birth story of Blythe Adele.
Happy One Year Birth Day sweet girl!

I am now offering Birth Photography as a service! Please read more HERE on this service & how I’m gifting for a limited time Fresh 48 Sessions to any Birth Session I book!