Hello friends! You may have seen already…We are EXPECTING! Little Wilcox #3 is due to arrive August 2020! We are very grateful for the Lord’s timing & His protection on the baby & I.
Overall I am well & baby is well, but we’ve needed to take things verryyy slowly this pregnancy these days. We’d appreciate your prayers as a our little one grows & our family draws closer to it’s due date! But that explains why things have been a little quiet around here after the fall photo season ended for me 🙂
I am booking sessions for 2020! Keep reading for some baby & business related FAQ’s!

Are we finding out the gender? Nope 🙂 We didn’t with our girls & as long as it’s not a medical need, we probably won’t ever find out with any pregnancy
How far along are you? I am 16 weeks (in the 2nd Trimester) as of Sunday
Is this your last? We will see what the Lord has, but we hope to have more 🙂
How are you feeling? Tired & very grateful.
Are your girls excited? Elizabeth is ELATED & Ruth doesn’t totally get what’s going on hahah 😉
When do you plan on releasing 2020 Mini Session themes & dates? As soon as I can! I was hoping to this week but I’m needing some time to rest & so it will in the next few weeks now. The best way to stay in the now about Mini Sessions is to watch your email!
Mom & Me Mini’s this year? Planning to! They will occur in April & be the first mini’s I offer this year. I will also have them open to expecting mommas! So perfect for a mini maternity session! I’m working to confirm our location for this year in the next week! They are going to be a bit different this year so get excited!
When will you be on maternity leave? Most of July & August & potentially the first half of September depending on when the baby arrives!
Are you still doing Back-to-School Mini Sessions for Homeschoolers? Yes! They probably will just be in late September this year instead of July/August.
Are you accepting any birth clients? My last birth to photograph is this June & then I will not be accepting births for the rest of the year & a majority of 2021 with having our own newborn.
for celebrating with us! We’d appreciate all your prayers!
Naomi, Eric, Elizabeth, Ruth & Little Wilcox
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