Here’s a little info for what’s to come for Naomi Elizabeth Photography!
MATERNITY LEAVE As of NOW (July 2021) I am on maternity leave-YAY!!! Baby will be arriving any day & it’s time to rest & be ready for his arrival!!! I’ll be stepping away from answering any emails or messages BUT I will save them for looking at after Little Brother Wilcox arrives.

GET ON THE LIST! I have a list of clients that have already reached out to me regarding fall sessions. Those on that list will be who I reach out to first when it’s time to schedule sessions starting in September!!! If you want me to add you to the list for doing a session anytime Sept-Nov, please email me at & I’ll add your name as well & get back to you late August 🙂
SESSIONS I plan to be back to doing sessions at the end of September. And Back-2-School Mini Sessions WILL be happening!!! Probably the last two weekends in September.
ADDING TO THE TEAM I’m very thankful a dear old friend is going to be helping me on the editing side of NEP for Sept & Oct. Oh & when I say “adding to the team” please know the team is me, Eric (does all the bookwork things) & my mom & sister (who help watch our kids). I don’t do this alone!
SEASONS Just like there are seasons in life, there are seasons in motherhood & in businesses. Thank you for being a part of NEP through so many seasons. Especially thru a pregnancy, covid & then another pregnancy 🙂 We can’t wait to meet our Little Lad who will be the perfect addition & complete our family. And I can’t wait to show off all the pictures of him to you all when I see your faces IN person this fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharing your story & your smile,