Price $210 || Package Includes:
– entire family (several poses)
– individual pictures of each child (2 poses)
– mom/dad/significant together (2-3 poses)
– each parent/guardian with all children (1 pose)
– all children together (1-2 poses)
– 20 minutes
These are great for couples, families, even maternity photos!
Click a date to choose & signup for a Fall Mini Session:
Quick Facts:
Amelia & I had never met but her mom & had a phone date before her session to talk over things & I knew we all were going to click & have a great time with Amelia’s pictures- & we did!!! Amelia comes from a large family & so we got to talk about that which is fun since I grew up with 3 other siblings & we connected on having worked for the same restaurant 😉 Amelia was super calm & I loved her giggle & easy going personality. I felt like we’d all known each other then so much longer then just the time we had together at the session!
Amelia, I’m sure this school year is not ending as you wanted it but, I know you’ll come out of this season stronger & ready for what your future holds. I hope the best for you & know you’ll shine during this time! Hugs girl!!!
This is a very dear friend of mine. She & her family live in Indonesia & they spent this past year spending time in the states again. We were practically neighbors as they lived less then 5 minutes from us for about a year! We did several photo session swaps as she’s one talented photographer herself! She did our newborn pictures when Ruth was born which are just treasures to me. Isn’t it cool how the Lord worked it out for her to be in the states the year our Ruth was born & we’d need newborn photos?
One evening she & I hungout & did pictures of each other together & I wanted to share a few of my favorites of her! Headshot Sessions are perfect for a creative who is launching or even rebranding their work. A church that needs to staff team pictures. A mom that is wanting to have images for her own side business of selling crafts or essential oils! You name it! If you have any questions about if this session is best for what you need, email me at naomi@naomielizabethphotography.com!
Now here are some of my favorites of Kathleen 🙂
This sweet girl turned one & I was so honored to take her one year pictures as I’ve done her parents proposal pictures & her mom is a very, very, very, very close friend of mine.
Amelia is a January baby & I know that sometimes parents think that good pictures can’t happen indoors (let’s be honest it is a bit tooooo cold to go outside for pictures in January!) BUT I assured them we would get some awesome pictures at their house & we did! For doing indoor pictures, windows & a good solid, clear wall is what you need. 90% of these pictures were taken in a small spot in the master bedroom. I love all these & how Amelia’s personality just shines through!
I think my session with Noah was one of the most fun & unique sessions I’ve had with a guy ever! His mom had informed me of the full suit, top hat & bow tie look he planned to wear & with Noah’s mom in tow, we had SUCH a blast creating a classy, almost Paris type feel for his pictures! With the spring flowers in bloom, I literally felt like we were able to transport to France for part of his session 🙂 I’m sharing just a few of my personal favorites from his session today!