Tag Archives: Illinois family photographer

Mini Sessions for 2023

Hi friends! If you’re a planner like I am, this post may be helpful for you as you decide on what photography session works best for you!

Here are the Mini Sessions I’ll be offering in 2023:

Spring Mini Sessions – April 29
Summer Mini Sessions – June 24
Homeschool Back-to-School Mini Sessions – I’ll be offering two dates Aug/Sept!
Fall Mini Sessions – October

*To the best of my ability I will strive to make these exact dates happen
& will update if life changes things!

The best way to know about when my mini session signups are open to choose a spot is to signup for my enewsletter list! I always send out information to my enewsletter family first! Click HERE to signup!

If you’re wondering what a Mini Session with Naomi Elizabeth Photography looks like HERE’S A BLOG POST that will give you all the details!

Mom & Me Mini’s 2018 Recap!

When you’re a mom, you get a front row seat to the best show in town:
watching your kids grow up. – Rebecca

I love that quote from This Is Us. To me it really captures in one sentence motherhood. Course I would also add how I personally can’t do motherhood without the Lord. Or my husband. Or naps. Or…..ok, I think you get the idea 😉

This year’s Mom & Me Mini Sessions was a dream come true. I have envisioned having photography sessions with momma’s & their little’s & big’s in the colorful surroundings of a greenhouse. A friend from church connected me with Anne from Wendell Niepagen Greenhouses & Garden Center. From the very beginning, Anne was so gracious & welcoming when it came to using their grounds for our mini sessions. I felt so at home & so did my momma clients as they were personally greeted by Anne herself. I FIRMLY believe in supporting local businesses & I HIGHLY recommend any gardening needs you have, head to Wendell Niepagen & they will give you all the help & items you need. I just might have to have next year’s Mom & Me Mini’s there 😉

This year’s sessions were very special. I photographed a mom I think of as a friend & it was my 4th or 5th time photographing them (I can’t remember Kymber!). Her precious girls in all their pink just make me smile! Then, a friend I’ve photographed SEVERAL times, brought her baby girl (who I photographed when she was still inside her momma!) & her mother!!! Talk about a treasure- 3 generations of beautiful ladies! And then to make the morning just all around perfect, my friend Amber came with her men & I was able to do a mini maternity session with her just just about 2 weeks before their baby girl was born. My heart was full after this morning happened. I believe your heart will be too as you see these precious images!


Rumley | Family Session

I know I’ve said it before, but I’m going to say it again 😉 I am SOOO thankful when I get to work with the same client time after time again. Building a relationship through the years is one of my greatest joys as a photographer! Plus, each session with that family just gets better & better because we’ve worked together before & we’re just so relaxed & ready to just hangout & have fun! And that’s what it’s like for me when I get to photograph the Rumley family! And if you know them, you know they’re already a hoot & like to get loud & have fun, so yeah, we just have a great time 😀

I’m sharing some of my favorites from my last session with them! It was a new location for me & they rocked it!!!!!!! Here’s the Rumley Family!!!!


Back-to-School Mini Sessions 2017 Recap!

I love fall & the season of seeing kids Back-to-School pictures posted on facebook 🙂 I always find myself scrolling through all my friends kiddos school pics on their first date & smiling over the adorableness of their “first day of school” outfits & goodbye hugs. Several of my friends send their littles to Kindergarten this fall & I read their facebook posts & felt a small smidgen of their emotions in sending their young ones off.

When I started my photography business, I knew I wanted to reach out & make connections with homeschoolers. My husband & I were both homeschooled by our parents & we pray that is something we can do with our children. I wanted to give homeschoolers that opportunity to have “Back-to-School” pictures at an affordable price & thus Back2School Mini’s were born! This is my 3rd (or maybe my 4th!) year doing Back2School Mini’s & I’m just so thankful for the families I get to meet & work with & some of them I have worked with year after year!

I chose just a few highlights from all the Back2School Mini’s I had this year. Hard to pick just a few for a blogpost when I LOVE.THEM.ALL!!!!!! And if you’re wanting to be notified for when I do these next year, click this link to signup for my e-newsletter that I send out from time to time with news 🙂

Ok, enough chit-chat! Here’s a few favorites!!! To all my homeschooler families- you’re my hero’s & I’m SO thankful for you all!!! You’ve got this!




Gonzalez | Family Session

I’ve gotten to photograph this special family for several years now. It’s been a privilege! Stephanie was one of my very.first.clients.ever & I’ve never forgotten how she trusted me with her sweet littles when she was pregnant with Karsyn! Stephanie spoke into my heart at just the right time I needed it & it encouraged me to keep going when I first started Nomi Photography. Usually I hangout with the Gonzalez clan in the fall so I was SUPER excited that Stephanie approached me about doing a full session the beginning of this summer- UMMM YES! There’s is NOTHING like the smell of summer, laughter, the golden hour & chasing each other around during a photo session 😉

Because Stephanie has been a such an encouragement to me & a wonderful client/friend, I asked her to share what photos mean to her as a mom. Grab some tissues & get ready to hear Stephanie’s heart!

“How often do you say to yourself “I will never forget this moment”? Only to realize years later, looking back, that moment is a fog? As a working mom of 4, those moments are so, very important to me. Capturing our family photos is a piece of those moments. From those where we all stand still to smile for the camera to the real pictures of us laughing in the moment… You, Naomi, have been able to capture those precious moments in time for me. I will be able to look back at these moments and remember. I will remember the love shared when Kyle was whispering in my ear. I will remember Kendall’s independence. I will remember Kipton’s mischievous ways. I will remember Kadence’s sass. I will remember Karsyn’s ability to wrap every family member around her finger. THESE are the moments I will treasure and THIS is why our family pictures are so, very important. Thank you for capturing THESE!!!”

Stephanie, you are too kind! Yes, it was so sweet to hear what she said regarding my photography BUT the reason I wanted to share this is to help people understand WHY photos are so important & why photo sessions matter!!!

Now take a look at these awesome images we got of the Gonzalez Fam!

My personal fav of the four kids right here!

That gaze…        

That giggle…        

That spunk…        

That class…     

THIS FAMILY <3 <3 <3

One of my favorite things about a full photo session with me (vs doing a mini session) is that I get to take photos of each parent with EACH KID since we have more time!

This was such a special moment…I just held my breath, stood back & snapped away…       

YES!!! ALL the yes’s! My personal favorite!!!

I’m a fan of the Gonzalez Fam 😉 Can’t wait until next time guys!!!



