Together with your littles, we’ll laugh, play & hug while I snap away on my camera to deliver you images you’ll reflect back on in years to come. When you’ve had a day that you’re just about to loose it, on the day they’re walking away from you into their Kindergarten class for the first time or to their first prom-these, THESE are the images that will remind you that motherhood is more then worth it.
Here’s the quick info list about Mom & Mini’s this year!
(If you’re not exactly sure what a Mini Session with Nomi Photography consists of or want to check out the most frequently asked questions regarding my mini’s, read HERE.)
Spots are limited! Save your session for a Mom & Me Mini HERE. Later you’ll receive an email from me with the location of our mini sessions & other details. Email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com with any questions you may have!
Mom, you’re valuable. Not just because you drive everyone here & there & know JUST what to do to get your precious girl to sleep. Not just because you make weekends magical & trips to the library so fun. And certainly not just because you give THE.BEST.HUGS & know exactly what to do when the tears are falling,
It’s because you give of yourself ALL.THE.TIME. Usually without thanks. You love until it hurts. And then keep on loving some more. And frankly, we couldn’t do life without you. Mom, YOU ARE LOVED. More then you know.
And frankly, I can’t wait to get you & your children behind my camera & remember every moment & memory. BEST.THING.EVER.