Elizabeth Leah’s Newborn Session

Choosing a name for our coming child was a huge decision & something we talked about often. The name “Elizabeth Leah” quickly became our first choice for several reasons. Elizabeth is my middle name & it’s always been Eric’s favorite girl name (I like how now his wife AND daughter now share the name :)). Leah is my sister’s name & I had decided several years ago in honor of my sister & I’s close relationship, should Eric & I someday have a girl, she would carry my sister’s name 🙂

If you know my husband & I’s story of when we began our dating relationship, you’ll know that the word “covenant” is very important to us. It’s been a special word not only from right before we started dating, but also on into our engagement & now marriage relationship. The name Elizabeth means “oath or covenant of God”. Since we had chosen to have the gender of our baby be a surprise, it was indeed a wonderful surprise when our Elizabeth was born, she has & will everyday be a reminder to us that the Lord keeps His promises, His covenant to His beloved children.

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In January we had our OWN newborn session with Elizabeth at our OWN home! For almost 3 years I’ve been photographing families in their own home & it was a JOY to have a session with my friend Megan Decker in our own little home. She made us feel so comfortable & it was such a special time. I chose some of my favorites (it was hard to narrow them down!) to share with you all!

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