It’s been a little while since I’ve shared a personal post of Elizabeth on my blog so I figured her little 18 Month Session we did the other night would be perfect to share & update everyone!
Plus, it’s a way to share that I DO offer 18 Month Sessions!!! I honestly HIGHLY encourage getting them done! There is SOOOO much difference in Elizabeth from her One Year Photo to now! And I know there’s going to be a HUGE difference again at her 2 year mark 🙂
Here’s our girl!
I had a couple locations in mind for her photo session-which literally took like 15 min total! Mostly because that’s about all she could handle 😉 When I do sessions with littles, I like to focus on their personalities & pick areas where the background will not take away from their cuteness. Places that are simple, colorful & quiet are my favorite options! This little field of flowers (& weeds 😉 ) I found was just PERFECT!!! It added pops of color in the background but yet didn’t detract away from her baby girlness. Plus she LOVED the flowers & smelling them 😉
Little kids, Elizabeth included, usually aren’t going to last a full hour long session. I always allow that much time for a session with anyone that has little kids but typically we don’t use it all up. Elizabeth was only willing to be away from momma (aka momma held camera instead of her 😉 ) for only about 15 min & then she was done (as the next picture will show!) & was totally ready to swing at the swings she had seen on our way to the flowers.
This photo is proof that even my daughter gets to a point where she’s DONE with pictures 😉
I love this backshot of Elizabeth! Even though she was totally running away from me & my camera here, it’s a beautiful shot of her full head of curls!!! Another reminder that even when we feel at a session that we’re not getting a good photo, magic & memories CAN happen!
LOVE this one of her & her eyes! Again, it’s not a picture of her SMILING BUT it IS a picture that totally shows her personality & cuteness!
I encourage my clients to bring props or items that their littles love to help them feel comfortable & have fun! Elizabeth LOVES this hat we have & I knew we HAD to bring it! Plus, it just barely fits on her head so not too sure how much longer she’ll be able to actually wear it 😉
The dress I had Elizabeth wear was one I bought from a friend off facebook. When choosing clothing for your little to wear for their session, keep in mind the weather. I knew it was going to be quite hot for her pictures, so a sleeveless dress was a must. And to be quite honest, going out & buying a new outfit was just not in the budget. So I dug thru the closet for a dress I loved on her & was classy & knew wouldn’t detract from the cutie she is. It’s simple & I knew the flower details on the dress would be fun for the session since it was by lots of flowers 🙂 Plus, I knew it was comfortable, soft & I wouldn’t mind if it got dirty somehow. Little things like that when thinking about what your child should wear can make all the difference in the world!
This is my last & favorite picture we got of Elizabeth! She has a favorite song she loves to sing where you wave your hands & at this point, I was desperate to get her to smile just ONE MORE TIME! So I started singing her song & got this gorgeous grin! What does your little like do to? Sing? Do animal noises? All those things help make a session FUN & interactive for your little.
I hope this post helped you when you take your own quick pics of your kids AND it’ll help you as we plan YOUR CHILD’S photo session with me!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!!
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