Head shots are pictures that are basically what that word reads as 😉 Pictures of people from the shoulders up. Businesses usually want these types of pictures for websites, flyers, etc & I was THRILLED to be asked to do the head shots of the pastors & administrative staff at my church.
Some of you may remember this, but I actually worked as an admin at our church for 3 1/2 years right when Eric & I were getting married. To come “back” as the photographer & photograph everyone was a joy & an honor.
Two Mondays in a row I went & took pictures of everyone back to back. It was fun, fast & I loved what we got! The key to awesome head shots is great lighting & we had that for sure in our new church lobby! I personally also feel it’s very important if at all possible to take head shots in the environment that the individual is representing!
If you’re an owner of a small business, non for profit or even your own one man show business, feel free to reach out to me to get updated head shots!

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