Category Archives: portrait

Johnny | Portrait Session

I was so honored when Johnny’s mom reached out to me to do a session for him as he is graduating from high school. I feel a close connection with Johnny’s family even though we don’t see each other that much because his family homeschools. If you didn’t know, I was homeschooled, as well as my husband & it’s a dream & prayer of ours to homeschool our own children. So to me it’s very inspiring to be a part of a special session commemorating this incredible season for Johnny & his parents!

Here are some of my favorites from his session! Johnny, I’m excited for your future & I know your parents are very proud of you! Keep your eyes & focus on the Lord!

Head shots – First Assembly of God

Head shots are pictures that are basically what that word reads as 😉 Pictures of people from the shoulders up. Businesses usually want these types of pictures for websites, flyers, etc & I was THRILLED to be asked to do the head shots of the pastors & administrative staff at my church.

Some of you may remember this, but I actually worked as an admin at our church for 3 1/2 years right when Eric & I were getting married. To come “back” as the photographer & photograph everyone was a joy & an honor.

Two Mondays in a row I went & took pictures of everyone back to back. It was fun, fast & I loved what we got! The key to awesome head shots is great lighting & we had that for sure in our new church lobby! I personally also feel it’s very important if at all possible to take head shots in the environment that the individual is representing!

If you’re an owner of a small business, non for profit or even your own one man show business, feel free to reach out to me to get updated head shots!

Elizabeth is Two!

Our Elizabeth turned 2 on December 19, 2017. While I’m still pinching myself that we even HAVE  a little girl, the fact that she is now 2 AND going to be a big sister is crazy wonderful! I’ve blogged over time different milestones of her as she’s grown (just search Elizabeth in my search area on the far right & you’ll see all the posts I’ve done of her) & this one is a fun one!

She gave me a run for my money with these pictures 😉 But in her defense it WAS a bit chilly outside & I know more then anything she was just excited to be with momma & dada 🙂 Even though it was super hard to get her to stand let alone sit still, I love so many of these photos! Thank you Lord for our little girl Elizabeth!

You can just see the mischievousness all over her face!!!!!

She was looking for rooster she kept hearing crow! Oh & her dress & leggings are all from Old Navy!

Running from momma again 😉

Even though this next picture is completely out of focus, I love how it captures her beautiful neck & those curls!!!! Oh & that she’s holding her dada’s hand here just makes my heart melt a second & third time.

Momma & Dada love you Elizabeth!!!

Lorelei Turn’s One!

This sweet girl. I remember finding out the Deal Family was expecting another little one. They already had an adorable little boy who I’d had the please of photographing in the beginning stages of my photography business. Braden is a sweetie & I was hoping a little sister would be given to him.

I know I’m not the only one who was hoping for a sister for him. When Ashley & I talked on the phone before Lorelei’s One Year Session, I smiled when she said, “I LOVE having a girl!” I know that feeling myself so well. It’s just so wonderful to have a little girl. Ashley went on to say “Even having matching mommy & daughter dresses is so fun.”

Lorelei is THE sweetest thing. She thoroughly enjoys the camera & I loved the time together I had with her & her mommy for her session.

Isn’t this dress just PERFECT?!

The details in her dress…..

Now I know what all you momma’s are wondering. Where did they get that ADORABLE sign? Well, Lorelei’s mom MADE that chalkboard sign. No joke! When I saw it, I joked with Ashley & said she’s going to be getting requests from people now that I’m putting this picture in my blog post!

Lorelei is a farm girl. Her family farms & she just looked TOO adorable in this romper & playing in the dirt. She’s a girly-girl but she knows how to play in the dirt!

Ashley brought along Lorelei’s cute little piggy that she used for taking Lorelei’s monthly photos with. I LOVE that idea! What a way to see everything come full circle 🙂

“I hope you love flowers & getting nails done.” Ashley said that about her sweet precious girl when we were talking about Lorelei & how crazy it is that she’s now 1! Sweet Lorelei, I hope that for you too! That you always love flowers, always love playing in the dirt & always stay as sweet as you are precious girl. Happy One Year Lorelei 🙂


Amelia Turns One!

Are you ready for some SUPER sweetness??

This little just turned one & I got to hangout with her & her parents for a bit a few weekends ago at a new FAV location of mine! I’d been just dying to use this special spot I’d spotted 😉 hehe & Amelia’s session was the perfect time to do so!

Amelia was so interested in exploring! It was so fun to see her take a few steps (!!!!) on her own & watch her little personality flourish in front of my camera!

Do they make shoes like these in MY SIZE??? 🙂

My personal fav right here!

Amelia’s mom & I have a fun backstory! We used to work at Cracker Barrel together! And for a season, we attended Heartland Community College & had a time during the day we could study together 😉 Or it was more like more talk & less study 😉 April actually (not even sure if you’ll remember this April!) helped me play an April Fool’s joke on my now husband but who was at the time just a crush of mine 😉

Now April & I are both married & have our own little girls! Cory, April’s husband & Amelia’s attentive daddy, came along for the session & I tell you, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a daddy love on his girl more! BOTH April & Cory were SO sweet & loving towards Amelia. The focus of the session was the birthday girl but I just had to grab a few of this loving trio!

Happy birthday Amelia!!!! Your parents & so many others love you soooo much sweetheart! I’m so glad I got to meet you sweet one & spend time with you!!!!

Leah | Portrait Session

I recently took a few pictures of my sister at a fun, new location & I love what we got! My sister is just a willing, beautiful model 😉

My sister is my best friend. I love her so much & am so thankful for her friendship & how we’re able to share so much in life together. We also named our daughter after her, so yeah, she’s kind of a big deal 🙂

Also sidenote, whoever wins my sister’s heart is gonna be one blessed guy.





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Josiah Turns Two!

As the previous two other blog posts have began so does this one…a few weeks ago my little family traveled to our through Columbia, Missouri on our way to our vacation location. On our way, we stopped in Columbia where I used to live. Eight years ago to be exact! One of the families my parents & siblings & I connected with was the Jouret Family. I actually got to see them about two years ago & HERE’s the blog post of that last time I got to photograph their family.

At that time little Josiah was just a few months old! And now he’s turning TWO!!! How crazy is that!? It was so fun to meet up with little Josiah & his parents. It was especially fun for me to see how his personality has developed & how his sweet little self is growing up!

Here’s a few of my favorite images that we got-which it practically was every picture!!! But I still restrained myself & didn’t post them all 😉 Although I wanted too!

Look at that sweet little guy 🙂




Just thinking & pondering life 😉


I love that his momma brought some of his favorite things so he could play with them & his personality really came out!!!


Then came the bubbles!  Josiah-13

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Chasing the bubbles!


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Mr. Josiah Jouret, you were such a sweet little guy. You have amazing parents & two siblings who love you so much. I pray for the Lord’s hand to be on your life & that you will always follow His voice. Happy Birthday Josiah!!!




Nolan Turns One!

September of 2014 I was able to travel to St. Charles & meet up with two different families that I knew from Columbia, MO. One of the two was my longtime friend Brooke & her husband. I blogged their anniversary session that we had & spoke about two special phone calls we had shared (view it HERE). Well, I can now add another “special phone call” to that list as well. Brooke called me last year & told me that her & Nic were expecting!!!!!! We were actually pregnant at the same time for several months & then little Nolan made his appearance in August of 2015.

And now he’s turning ONE!!!!

Just a few weeks ago on Eric, Elizabeth & I’s way to our family vacation location, we stopped in Columbia, Missouri & got to spend some with with precious Nolan & his parents. It was actually my first time meeting him! Since Elizabeth was with us, both Brooke & I’s baby’s got to meet each other (go to the end of this post to see that pic)!!! Such a sweet time that I wish could have lasted longer!!!

So come take a moment with me & celebrate Nolan’s First Birthday!!!





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So Nolan’s balloon popped at the very end of our time together! I actually was totally surprised by it & squealed at the noise! Nolan? He took it all in stride! This was his face after!!! It was like he was saying “What was that? Where’d my balloon go? And why are you screaming like a little girl?” hahaha


And these two photos were just extras! Had to get a quick snap of mommy & daddy & their birthday boy!!!!! Nolan-14

And here we are with our babies!!!! Elizabeth had been sleeping & so thus the jammies & sleepy face 😉

Brooke, I love you!!! We don’t get to talk as much as I would like to, but I am SOOO proud of the mommy you are!!! You & Nic are raising a fine, young man. Keep at it!!!!!! He’s going to be a such a sweetheart & I pray a man that loves the Lord!!!



Violet Turns One!

When my friend Lynne told me that she wanted to have her baby girl’s One Year Session in the comfort of their little home, I just smiled happily to myself & my heart just felt so full. The idea of taking pictures of her little Violet in the home she’s being raised in along with her brother & sister just seemed so perfect to me. The home where she’s taken her first steps, the bedroom where she lays her head to rest every night & the yard with all her favorite things that she’s now beginning to climb…so.sticken.special. I mean really, what could be better then that?

Can you tell I just loved the idea?

So one night I arrived at the Norris household & spent time with their family of 5. Our focus was of course the birthday girl Miss Violet, but I also loved capturing her involvement with her siblings & parents. It was a family affair trying to get Violet’s attention & photographing the things she likes to do, like jumping on big brother’s bed 😉

I always enjoy my time with the Norris family! The last time I was there, Violet was still in mommy’s tummy! (Click HERE for the last session I had with them.) They’re a fun 5 & probably are just as loud & fun as my family was when I was growing up 🙂 Made me feel right at home.

Ok, I’ll quit talking! Here’s a few of my favorite moments documenting this time in Miss Vi’s life!

The birthday girl taking some steps into mommy’s arms! (I mean really, how precious is that!?)   Violet nomiphotographycom-8

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See her reflection in the window??!!!!!

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Peaking out the window while brother & sister play.

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The whole fam!

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Love their faces here!!!

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Couldn’t help cute take a pic of big brother & big sis. Especially because they kept asking for pics 😉

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Nothing beats kisses & snuggles & nose touching from daddy 🙂

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And yes, she does love them 😉

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Happy Miss Violet!!! You are SOOOO LOVED!!!!

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