Bella has fun being in front of a camera & so this session with her was super easy breezy & creative! Bella totally brought her own style & self to this session on a chilly Saturday morning this past fall. Her first “look” very much mirrored Audrey Hepburn complete with a photo we took (it’s in this post so look for it!) that gave a heartfelt nod to Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Everything about the first half of Bella’s session screamed STYLE & the second half screamed FUN! Some of my personal favorites include this first one with the blue door (If you’ve followed me for long, you may have noticed that I have a thing for photographing in front of blue doors 😉 ) & all the black & white’s!!!
CONGRATULATIONS BELLA! I know this end of the year is probably not looking like anything your heart dreamed & imagined but if there’s one thing I learned about you from our time together is that you’ll make do with what you have with a smile! All the best to you Bella for your future!
I hope he won’t mind me saying this, but Will is a super sweet guy 😉 I first Will & his family several years ago when they had just purchased a new home & Leah Bond connected us! My guess is that was about 4-5 years ago so Will probably was in Jr High or just about to start high school. Anyway, my point is, I’ve gotten to watch him grow into a kind young man through the years. I’ve seen him & his family at several photo sessions since that first one & I was THRILLED when his mom, Karen, asked me to do his senior pictures. I also about cried when I suggested a historic neighborhood as our location & Karen told me that Will’s dad’s childhood home was in that same neighborhood! So OF COURSE we had to get a few pictures of Will in front of it!
I love all these pictures & I love how real & totally himself Will was in all of these. He’s a handsome young man & I’m hoping for the very best for him- pandemic or no pandemic! You’ve got this Will!!!!!!
Amelia & I had never met but her mom & had a phone date before her session to talk over things & I knew we all were going to click & have a great time with Amelia’s pictures- & we did!!! Amelia comes from a large family & so we got to talk about that which is fun since I grew up with 3 other siblings & we connected on having worked for the same restaurant 😉 Amelia was super calm & I loved her giggle & easy going personality. I felt like we’d all known each other then so much longer then just the time we had together at the session!
Amelia, I’m sure this school year is not ending as you wanted it but, I know you’ll come out of this season stronger & ready for what your future holds. I hope the best for you & know you’ll shine during this time! Hugs girl!!!
Aly is super fun! This past fall we had a fun facetime date where we went over her session details & talked thru a few things. She had so many fun & creative ideas to add to her session- including her love for Starbucks, oh yeah! I also loved that she wanted to incorporate some pictures with her hearing aid, that was super special to capture & I’m so glad we did! About a week later after the facetime date (& yes, things can be organized that quick for a senior session!) we met up on the campus of ISU & then later hit a favorite nature center. Her sister came with & it was fun to laugh, run around the ISU campus & take photos & talk about Gilmore Girls & Starbucks!
Aly is a special girl as she is a volunteer in the nursery at our church & loved on our Elizabeth when she was there. I love how she will always chat & talk to Elizabeth when she sees her at church & still gives her attention.
Aly is very talented in many ways but I know her heart is set on Jesus, even in hard times. She has a loving & very supportive family & I’m excited what the Lord has for her! Pandemic or no pandemic the Lord will be with you Aly & provide for you!!!
I’ve been photographing Amanda since she was 15! Maybe, 14 years old, but I know at least 15 😉 It was quite the honor & just plain crazy that it was time to do her senior pictures. She & her family have a special place in my heart. (HERE’S pictures of our last session together.) Amanda was so easy going for this session & her sister Hannah is actually in a picture but she’s hiding behind a canvas so you can’t see her 😉 But you can guess in which photo she is in!
Amanda is a creative in many ways. She sings, plays instruments & is a talented artist as you’ll see in this post! But she’s also a good friend to many, a great big sister & a helpful daughter. She works hard & always seems to be excited & focused at what she’s working on.
Amanda, I am & your family & friends are SUPER proud of you. God has done great things in your life & no pandemic is going to stop His plan for you. Keep your heart & ears focused on Him
Here are some of my favorites from Amanda’s session last fall!
I LOVED working with Jahda & doing her pictures! She had some fun outfits & specific requests when it came to locations & together it was so fun dreaming up her photo session! I introduced her to one of my very FAVORITE places to do sessions at, a local greenhouse. And I tried out a fun, new place on the edge of town that had windmills- which she loves!
Girl, I know that this year is not starting off nor is your high school year ending how you thought it would be, but I know one thing. Your family & friends are SOOOO proud of you & together we are celebrating your accomplishment! Go & shine & do big things girl!
Oh Grace! It doesn’t seem possible that it was time for Grace to have pictures commemorating the end of her season at ISU! I feel like we JUST did her high school senior photos (View those HERE). But she did graduate from ISU a year early so that made me feel a bit better about time passing so fast 😉
We always have so much fun together & I love how Grace always wants to be creative & do things a little bit different- like pictures in a greenhouse!!! But that’s just Grace 🙂 Creative & never letting herself be boxed in. Love you Grace!