This morning in my head I was thinking about how to explain my heart on WHY I did what I did. And I realized the short answer is- because I care about you all. You’re not just clients to me. You’re my friends. My people. Special individuals that I get to watch as your family grows. I get to watch while you & your significant other go through new seasons & I get to celebrate with your senior as they take a new step into the world. And I get to cry & cheer as your brand new child is born into a room full of love.
I believe so much in what we get to do together- save THIS season of life, hold THESE moments in time- for the legacy that you will carry & pass on.
I “filmed” 5 Facebook Live videos that I am gifting to you to use as we draw closer to our photo session together. I called it my Christmas in July series & they’re all on my facebook HERE (or just click each topic below & you’ll go directly to each video).
Here are the 5 Topics I Hit:
How to Make Photos Happen on a Budget
Getting Your Loved One on Board for Photos
Tips for How to SCHEDULE Family & Group Family Photos
5 Tips for Saving Money when Buying Clothes for Photo Sessions
What to Wear for Photo Sessions? 5 Tips!
I’ve had all of these topics clinking around in my brain for years now. I can only get so many words into a blog post & frankly the amount of information I shared would have been too much for a blog post. Plus it was easier to just share my heart verbally then take the time to think through the right words & write it all out!
All of these videos & the information I shared was from my heart & not from Pinterest posts somewhere. I thought through the things that have & have not worked in the last 5 years of business & am REALLY EXCITED to share these resources with you!!!
I care about you & I care about the money, the time & effort that YOU put into photo sessions. And I care about our time together & want it to be as special as possible! That’s why I took the time to film these & I’m REALLY excited about them. So please, check these out! Here’s THE LINK again so you can just click & play whatever one you’re most interested in. And feel free to just put it on & “listen” to me as you make dinner, fold laundry or whatever! And the cool thing is, you can comment on ANY of the videos at anytime ask any specific questions you may have & I’ll get notified & can answer back right there!