Tag Archives: central illinois photographer

Family & Sibling Mini Sessions!

spring mini fam-1

Here’s the details!

  • Saturday, June 11
  • If for some reason there is bad weather, we will have your session you signed up for on Sunday, June 12 at the same time you signed up for on June 11.
  • Families with up to 6 members ($10.00 per additional family member after 6 members) is $100.00
  • Siblings with up to 4 members are $75.00 ($10.00 per additional sibling after 4 siblings)
  • Location is Fairview Park in Normal
  • Family sessions will receive a total of 15-20 images. Sibling sessions will receive 10-15.
  • All images will be delivered within 3 weeks of the session via a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded & printed wherever you choose.
  • Print Release is included.
  • This session does not allow for outfit changes.

CLICK HERE to reserve your session spot. I look forward to spending time with YOUR family!

Brooklyn & Bentley | Sibling Mini Session-9Flowers at Hidden Nature Center-6 micah-1


Barker | Family Session

To end my 2015 photography season with SUCH a special family & at a fun, incredible location was just perfect! I’ve always wanted to have a session at Ewing Manor, it’s been on my photographer dream list & I was SUPER excited when Nikki suggested having their family session there. Barker Family + Ewing Manor = Amazingness

Pop on some Christmas music & grab a hot chocolate & visit the Ewing Manor with the Barker Family & I! Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-2

Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-1

My husband & I love the Barkers, who doesn’t? πŸ˜‰ We’ve loved watching them go from a couple to a family of four.

Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-3

Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-6

One of my favorites right here! Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-4

They kind of like each other πŸ˜‰ Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-10

Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-12

Favorite! Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-11

Hadley & Eliott are precious little ladies to us. I can’t believe Hadley is halfway to 3 years old & Eliott is on her way to 7 months! Each girl has such a fun personality & I’ve loved being able to watch each develop. And I LOVED their pretty dresses Nikki had them wear! The colors were just perfect!Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-7

Daddy & his Hadley girl πŸ™‚ Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-9

Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-8

It was my pleasure to spend time with you four, Barker Family πŸ™‚ It was fun seeing what we’ve talked about for awhile now all come to life. But my most favorite part of the session was seeing the love you all share. Hadley & Eliott are blessed girls. They have parents that love the Lord & each other.

These images make me SO ready for Christmas & I had this song going through my head while putting together this post. It’s one of my favorite Christmas songs & I think it’s a perfect ending:

Another year I’ve had with you
We’ve grown together beyond all that we’ve been through
This season holds a place in me
Where there is always room to make new memories

It’s Christmas time my darling
And all I can say is I’ll love you
For only always

Only Always, by Kathy Troccoli

Barker | www.nomi-photography.com-5

Fall Family Mini’s!

Hofer | Fall Mini Session-5

I’m EXCITED about my LAST mini sessions of the year!!! Fall Family Mini’s will be October 9 & 10!

Now before I go any further- please note these sessions go FAST. Like crazy fast. If you want one, please email me asap. I will be scheduling them on a first come, first serve basis. So whoever emails me first gets the first slot!

If you noticed, I AM having my Fall Mini’s spread out into two different days, Friday afternoon & early evening & then on Saturday as well. I will be even farther into my pregnancy then & I need to space myself a little πŸ˜‰ But I also want to allow for as many of my clients as possible to take advantage of these, thus the two day window πŸ™‚

Here’s the details!

  • Family’s with up to 6 members ($10.00 per additional family member after 6 members) is $75.00
  • ***NEW for 2015*** For EVERY family you refer to me (so someone I have not worked with before), & they book a Fall Family Mini, you will receive $5.00 off your session. I will honor that up to 5 families- so you could save $25.00 of your session!!! When scheduling their session they need to mention that you referred them to me πŸ™‚ *Their session cannot be canceled & must happen for you to receive the credit πŸ˜‰
  • Location is Ewing Park III (where I had them last year & also known as Jersey Hill).Β  I’ve reserved 20 minutes per family/session to have a fun interactive short session. I will be scheduling sessions back to back with short breaks in between.
  • You will receive a total of 15-20 images.
  • All images will be delivered within 3 weeks of the session (plenty of time to order Christmas Cards!) via a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded & printed where you choose.
  • Print Release is included.
  • This session does not allow for outfit changes.
  • If for some reason it rains either day, I will work out with each client a time to reschedule on Sunday, October 11.

So what are you waiting for?!!! Email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com to reserve your session slot! We’ll work together to choose the right time slot that fits your family. Reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis via email!

I LOVE fall & I LOVE families! Therefore, Fall Family Mini’s is a favorite time of mine!!! πŸ˜‰ I look forward to spending time with YOUR family!

Gonzalez | Fall Mini Session-2

Β  Gonzalez | Fall Mini Session-32Β  Hofer | Fall Mini Session-14

Back-to-School 2015 Mini Session Recap!

I love families that homeschool. Seriously. I haven’t photographed one family that I didn’t want to just go hangout with after their session happened.

And maybe it’s because when I meet them, we already know we have something in common- homeschooling. I was homeschooled, my husband was & we plan to with our family in the future. Homeschooling isn’t for everyone. But these families make it look good!

I’m sharing just a few images from my Back-to-School Mini’s I had this past July for homeschooling families in the area. One family drove over an hour to meet up! Totally blew me away! And I’m sharing just a few favorites since I know some of these families are saving theirs for Christmas Cards πŸ˜‰

Henard | www.nomi-photography.com-16

This guy send me & his family into quite a fit of giggles when we found out about a secret he’d been keeping πŸ˜‰

Noble | www.nomi-photography.com-1Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Noble | www.nomi-photography.com-2

Matteson | www.nomi-photography.com-12

Boston | www.nomi-photography.com-24

Roesner | www.nomi-photography.com-11

Mom & dad need their picture taken too!

Boston | www.nomi-photography.com-13

Roesner | www.nomi-photography.com-4

Matteson | www.nomi-photography.com-25

Those were just a few of my favorites!!! Can’t wait until next year!!!!!!

Lockwood | life&love Newborn Session

A couple months ago, I had a special maternity session with Teresa & Mark Lockwood (view it HERE). They were still several weeks away from meeting & holding their first child, beautiful Jordan.

Jordan Rose arrived June 30 at 5:34PM into the loving arms of her mommy & daddy. Today I’m sharing a peak into a little bit of time I spend with the threesome that now make up the Lockwood Family. What an honor to be welcomed into their home!

If you know Teresa, you know how much she LOVES Disney- the music, movies, the theme park, just all of it! I wanted to find a Disney song to weave through-out the blog post. I searched, thought & then came upon “You’ll Be In My Heart” by Phil Collins from Tarzan. I feel like it fits these sweet images just perfectly!!!

Jordan Rose, you’ve been wanted, prayed for & dreamed of, for a long time. We’re SO glad you’re here!

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-1

Β Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-2Β Β Β  Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-3

Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-4

I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don’t you cryLockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-5

Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-10Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-6

For one so small,
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-17

Β Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-20Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-15

This bond between us
Can’t be broken
I will be here
Don’t you cry

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-7

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-8

‘Cause you’ll be in my heart
Yes, you’ll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-13 Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-16

You’ll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You’ll be here in my heart, always

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-18

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-12

Β Always
I’ll be with you
I’ll be there for you always
Always and always
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I’ll be there always

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-11

Favorite Images from 2014 | Part I

Personal 2014 Fav's Board for Blog Post-smallres

First of all choosing my personal favorite images from each session I had in 2014 (all 42 of them!) was WAY more difficult then I imagined it to be. Several of these families are very close friends & others became close friends! I didn’t realize how much of my heart was connected to each session. But as “hard” as it was for me, it was also a wonderful experience- to look back & remember all of these special moments that I got to be a part of with so many incredible people. I’m not just saying that to make you all feel good πŸ˜‰ I am truly thankful & blessed to have worked with each person/family/couple I met in 2014. And let me just say, looking back has made me VERY EXCITED for 2015. EXTREMELY excited πŸ™‚

So just a reminder, this blog is a mini series, which basically means I will be posting several blogs posts to hold ALL of the images. I can’t put all of them in one! I’m spreading them out into about 3 posts (so there’s about 2 more coming!). I’m also adding the photo’s in complete random order. So if you don’t see my personal favorite image from your session, don’t freak out! πŸ™‚ It’s coming! Hopefully the suspense won’t kill you πŸ˜‰

You may be wondering how I chose my personal favorites, but before I answer that question, remember it was EXTREMELY hard to me to pick my favorites!!! Basically all the sessions I had about 2-3 fav images per session. It was very hard to narrow them down. But the ones I chose, are those that have personally stayed in my mind, touched my heart & made me fall even more in love with photography & capturing the smiles of so many people. If you look at each picture, you’ll notice I didn’t always choose the “perfect picture that had the perfect lighting & perfectly centered pose”. I usually chose ones where there’s a true genuine smile on their face or a belly laugh about to happen, the mom glowing while looking at her husband, a daddy holding his daughter close or you can totally see true love & tenderness in the eyes of those in the picture….AHHH!!!!! Who’s ready to see some pictures??? πŸ™‚

Fav's of 2014-17

Fav's of 2014-1

Fav's of 2014-35

Fav's of 2014-2

Fav's of 2014-26

Fav's of 2014-18

Fav's of 2014-43

See the Weber full blog post here- https://nomi-photography.com/2014/11/weber-family-session/

Fav's of 2014-22

Fav's of 2014-5

Fav's of 2014-34

Fav's of 2014-6

Fav's of 2014-27

Fav's of 2014-19

Fav's of 2014-13

Check back in the next few days for Part II!

View more at www.facebook.com/youweremadetosmile