Tag Archives: Illinois family photographer

Mom & Me Mini Sessions in 2017!

Together with your littles, we’ll laugh, play & hug while I snap away on my camera to deliver you images you’ll reflect back on in years to come. When you’ve had a day that you’re just about to loose it, on the day they’re walking away from you into their Kindergarten class for the first time or to their first prom-these, THESE are the images that will remind you that motherhood is more then worth it.

Here’s the quick info list about Mom & Mini’s this year!

  • Saturday, May 6 (rain day is Sunday, May 7)
  • 20 minute interactive mini photo session
  • Each session is $85.00 & covers 6 total people. (After 6q individuals, there is a $10.00 cost per additional person.)
  • You will receive a few images from your session via your email beforehand just in time for Mother’s Day to view. The remaining images & a print release will be delivered to you later via an online gallery where you can download them & print them wherever you choose.
  • Location is TBA but I’m on the lookout for something with lots of FLOWERS!!!!

(If you’re not exactly sure what a Mini Session with Nomi Photography consists of or want to check out the most frequently asked questions regarding my mini’s, read HERE.)

Spots are limited! Save your session for a Mom & Me Mini HERE. Later you’ll receive an email from me with the location of our mini sessions & other details. Email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com with any questions you may have!

Mom, you’re valuable. Not just because you drive everyone here & there & know JUST what to do to get your precious girl to sleep. Not just because you make weekends magical & trips to the library so fun. And certainly not just because you give THE.BEST.HUGS & know exactly what to do when the tears are falling,

It’s because you give of yourself ALL.THE.TIME. Usually without thanks. You love until it hurts. And then keep on loving some more. And frankly, we couldn’t do life without you. Mom, YOU ARE LOVED. More then you know.

And frankly, I can’t wait to get you & your children behind my camera & remember every moment & memory. BEST.THING.EVER.






Charlotte | Newborn Session

Today’s post is about a very, very special girl. She is so special. Her story is amazing & miraculous, one of hope & promise. In fact, I’ve asked her momma to share her story, their story of how they prayed, waited & longed for Charlotte. It’s a story that she needs to tell, not me. Their story is a wonderful reflection of the power of God & needs to be told as only the mother of Charlotte Elizabeth can tell it. I invite you to read these words that are directly from Charlotte’s momma’s heart.

“We had almost given up hope that we would have a child. Charlotte has three siblings in Heaven, who sent her to us. After the heartbreak of two miscarriages and one ruptured ectopic pregnancy, she is the blessing of God’s redemptive power. I thought my body was broken, and because we prayed through tears we learned God’s healing is perfect. She is perfect, because God takes the broken and makes them whole.

She is our miracle…



The odds have been stacked against her since the beginning, and yet here she is. The road on the journey to this point of her life was paved with many obstacles. I had gestational diabetes and a marginal cord insertion while pregnant with her. Every minute of her life, even before conception, has been covered in prayers of those who love her. She is the living proof that God listens to His children. I held my breath for nine months. I was guarding my heart from another lose, but she is here. God’s protection is perfect. She is perfect, because God shields those who find refuge in Him.

She is our fighter…

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Diamonds are formed by heat and pressure over time. Our story is one of walking by faith through the fire. She is the outcome of our refining and the embodiment of God’s faithfulness. We have been waiting years for her, and while still not understood with our finite minds, God’s timing is perfect. She is perfect, because from ashes God makes beauty.

She is our diamond…


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Our story will shape the kind of parents we will be. It will shape the person she will become. I prayed that she would be healthy and that she will grow to know Jesus. We still have scars on our hearts for the ones we lost, but she is the string God used to stitch the pieces back together. I pray she will be the light of God’s love. I believe that God has big things in store for her. While we do not know the future, we rest in knowing that God’s plan is perfect. She is perfect, because God creates life where there was nothing. She is our joy…

 She is our child.”


Thank you Elyse for sharing your heart. Your beautiful words needed to be put along these photos. Tears well up in my eyes every time I read your story & look at these photos. May the Lord grant you & Chuck wisdom, patience & peace as you raise Charlotte. May her story, your story be told to encourage others. You’re a strong momma because you lean on the Lord. I love you. I can’t wait to watch Charlotte Elizabeth grow up into who the Lord has designed her to be! – Naomi

Chuck & Elyse’s maternity pictures are HERE if you missed them.




Back-to-School 2016 Mini Session Recap!

“The home is the first and most effective place to learn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, self control, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life. Nothing can take the place of home in rearing and teaching children, and no other success can compensate for failure in the home.” – David O. McKay

Here’s a few of my favorite images from this years Back-to-School Mini Sessions I offered for homeschooling families this year 🙂 It was SO great to be able to see several families I’ve worked with now for 3 years! And several new families!!! Here’s a few of my favorites pictures- I wish I could post them all!!!!!!!!


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Christmas Family Mini Photo Session for 2016!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…..! There’s just something about snuggling up with little ones & remembering that best time of year…I’m SOOO excited to be offering for the first time Christmas Mini Sessions!




  • Christmas Mini’s will be on Saturday, November 19. There are only 6 SLOTS!
  • You’ll want to dress in Christmas colors/outfits!!!
  • IF you like the location & want to wear more fall, non-Christmasy outfits that’s totally fine! The location is flexible & I can move the wicker bench out & remove the wreath.
  • Location is in White Place, a historical neighborhood of Bloomington. (The pictures in this blog post are from the location we’ll be at.)
  • Families with up to 6 members ($10.00 per additional family member after 6 members) is $100.00
  • I’ve reserved 20 minutes per family/session to have a fun interactive short session. I will be scheduling sessions back to back with short breaks in between.
  • You will receive a total of 10-15 images.
  • All images will be delivered within one week to 10 days of the session (plenty of time to order Christmas Cards!) via a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded & printed where you choose.
  • Print Release is included.
  • This session does not allow for outfit changes.
  • If for some reason it rains either day, I will work out with each client a time to reschedule on Sunday, November 20. So please keep your schedule flexible on Nov. 20. The only reason I’ll reschedule is if it rains. If it’s cold, we’ll just bundle up!

Within a few days of signing up for a session, you will receive an email from me with a few more details including location, information of payment (due at session) & an online contract.

To reserve your session slot CLICK HERE & choose what works best for your family!

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Sessions | Mini Session

I met the Session Family just one year ago! They had recently bought a lovely new home with the help of Leah Bond (aka best realtor ever 😉 ) & I had gone over to take a few photos of them in their new house! Karen is just seriously, like seriously, one of the most nicest people I’ve ever “met” thru email & she’s even nicer in person! We really hit if off after I met her & her husband & 3 handsome young fellas last year. Then Karen emailed me right before my maternity leave & said they wanted new pictures once I was back! So just a few weeks ago we got to have a mini session! Here’s some of my favorite images from it!

These two! I wanted to take them home with me to hangout with Elizabeth!





Such handsome young men!

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Here’s Karen with her boys! And if you’re interested in where Karen got her skirt that matches her boys shirts, she’s a LuLaRoe consultant and HERE is the link to her group for more info!


Martindale | Mini Session

Love these photo’s of Misty & her littles! Well, her littles that aren’t so little 😉 It’s been a couple years since I’ve seen these 3 handsome boys & their sister & let me tell you, they are probably THE MOST POLITE children I have ever met!!!

I’m totally thinking of putting their pictures on my own walls since they’re all wearing my favorite color- navy 😉 Kidding! Well maybe I’m not 😉 It was a hot evening for pictures but they sure look AH-MAZING!!! These are such sweet photos of such a sweet family!

Love this one of Misty & her baby girl!

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Misty -1       Misty -3

Misty -2        Misty -4

Misty -5

Misty -7        misty-1

Misty -6

And my very favorite!!!

Misty -10

Back-to-School Mini Sessions for 2016!

Please note these mini sessions are for families that homeschool only.

Matteson | Back to School Mini Session-23

For the past two years, I have THOROUGHLY enjoyed getting to meet & connect with fellow homeschooling families in the Bloomington-Normal area. I was homeschooled along with my 3 siblings & my husband was as well! I am very passionate about education at home & Eric & I hope to do the same with our future children.

So once again, I wanted to give local homeschooling families the opportunity to be able to have their children have their own “Back-to-School” pictures 🙂 . Plus, I know how challenging it can be to make time in a family’s calendar for pictures, I wanted to leave opportunity in case the entire family wanted to have pictures & not just each individual child!

Therefore I am offering two types of packages for the Back-to-School Mini Sessions:

Individual Student Session:
First Child – 3-5 Images | $30.00
If you have more then one child-great! After your first child, it’s just $20.00 per additional child.
Session will take 10 minutes.

Family Session:
Family’s up to 6 members ($10.00 per additional family member after 6 members) 5-10 Images | $75.00
Session will take 15 minutes.

To reserve your session on either Saturday, July 16 OR Saturday, August 13, or if you have any questions just email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com & we will get you in!!! Every year of homeschooling is a milestone! And capturing your children & family at this time, is a joy of mine

All images will be delivered within 3 weeks of the session via email with a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded to your computer & then printed wherever you choose. Print Release is also included. Full payment is due at session. An online contract & more details about preparing for your session will be provided ahead of time. These sessions are not suitable for seniors in high school. No outfit changes are allowed.


Knapp | Group Family Session

I met Nathan & Elizabeth Stice a couple years ago at our church. We were both newly married brides & I always loved being able to talk to Elizabeth, even if it was just for a moment. She’s one of those people who you just WANT to talk too. Always asks “So how are YOU?” & really listens.

And Elizabeth, I’m sneaking in this photo with you & your mother because I can & it’s just SO precious.

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Elizabeth contact me earlier this year to talk about surprising her mom with a gift of a family photo session from her & her siblings. Because she was so on the ball, I had several months to look forward to this family group session! And it did not disappoint!!!!! I met the Knapp Family in Peoria at a fun park they chose & really just enjoyed getting to know this family that now consists of 4 wonderful couples!

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All the girls!

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And their handsome fellas!

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I love this photo below because they were all telling me about a favorite family memory. I think they laughed about it more then told me because all I understood was just a few words here & there between laughs! hahah! FUN MOMENT!!!!!!

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The kids & their spouses!

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There was an inside joke presentation that happened during our session 😉 You’ll have to ask them about it 😉 But it pretty much made me feel even more like family to be able to capture it.

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MaryAnn, I know this session was for you. Your kids love you & knew how much you wanted these pictures. You kept thanking them & me over & over for such a special evening. Oh I was SO happy for you!I just want to personally thank you for being so sweet towards me. As a pregnant momma-to-be your sweet words & kindness just filled my heart that evening. And I know that your husband & children have been blessed with the same love & affection shown to them. They’re a blessed family & you’re a beyond blessed mother. I hope you treasure these images for YEARS to come!!!


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Wilcox | Family Session

I will turn 30 later this year (& proud of it!) & one of the things I like to look back on in life is to see the answers to different prayers I’ve had. I started praying for my future husband at a young age. They weren’t necessarily long prayers with tons of details. Sometimes it was just “Where IS HE God?” 😉 That was when I was older 😉 But I prayed for him quite often. For his heart, that he would make wise choices & listen to the Lord.

And I’d also pray for his family. And when it came to praying for his family, I for some reason most specifically prayed for his brother.

I just knew my future husband would have a brother. At least one brother. I did imagine him to be the older brother, like older then who I would marry & therefore older then me & could be my “big brother”. But I at least knew in my heart I’d someday get another brother. I also found myself thinking about who my future brother-in-law would marry, who would end up being my sister-in-law & then realized I should probably pray for her too.

And see this is where it gets hard to write a blog post about your own family. Because you start crying. Your eyes well up with tears & you realize that God more then blew away your expectations for who your future in-law family would be. You realize that those prayers for your future big brother were answered in the form of tall, funny & caring Evan Wilcox. And the thoughts & prayers of who would marry that big brother were answered in the form of who was first a friend & then became family, the beautiful Jessica.

My God cares about the little things we desire & long for. He also writes the most incredible stories, if you allow Him too. I know that He just longs to write the most beautiful stories for you my friend & give you things you only thought were just little whispered prayers said at the young age of 14.

The Lord not only wrote the love story that Eric & I have, but He also wrote the love story that Evan & Jessica have. They’ve been married 3 years this past May & then July 27, 2015, that story grew another branch & their family tree became 3. Leora Pearl was born. Their first child. Eric & I’s first niece. She’s a precious gem.

Eric & I traveled to Georgia the beginning of this month & spent a few days with the ‘new’ Wilcox Family & got to meet Leora. One of the evenings we went to a park that they walk at often & had a little mini family photo session.

Wilcox | www.nomi-photography.com-2

Jessica, God chose you to be Leora’s mother. No one else could be who she needs or know her like you can. I can’t wait to watch you blossom even more into the wonderful mother that you are daily becoming.

Wilcox | www.nomi-photography.com-4

They look good as a threesome don’t they? 🙂

Wilcox | www.nomi-photography.com-3

Wilcox | www.nomi-photography.com-5

Wilcox | www.nomi-photography.com-7

I love to take the parents away from their kids during photo sessions. To snap even just a few photo’s of them together as a couple. Having children & being parents is a wonderful gift. But sometimes you need those visual reminders to remember that first, it was just the two of you. And that marriage relationship needs to be cultivated even with the pitter patter of little feet around the house. This time of our mini photo session was probably my favorite time of the entire evening. And yes, I was brushing away tears taking photo’s of my ‘big brother’ & sista.

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This is my favorite one of Evan & Jessica 🙂 Totally them!

Wilcox | www.nomi-photography.com-9

Evan, you are the big brother I never had. I’m thankful for you & I’m really excited to watch you be a father to Leora & all the other babies that may come in the future 🙂 I see your love for the Lord & your desire for Him to be the main part of your household. I’m proud of you.

Jessica, you too were an answer to prayer. I think often of how blessed I am to have YOU as my sister-in-law. I do see you as my friend & I love our term we use for each other- “sista”. It is proof that you are more then just a sister-in-law. Your work ethic & your desire to raise your children with what you feel is best, not what society thinks is best, inspires me. I’m still ‘mad’ at your husband for taking you to Georgia 😉 but I’m thankful we’ve been able to stay connected. I’m so thankful you’re in my life. I love you!

Wilcox | www.nomi-photography.com-10

And Leora Pearl, you are only a few months old…but your personality & little body grows each day. I pray that you will always shine for Jesus. Never forget you’ve got some amazing parents 😉 And you’ve got an Aunt & Uncle in Illinois that love you very much.

Wilcox | www.nomi-photography.com-6



Fall Family Mini’s!

Hofer | Fall Mini Session-5

I’m EXCITED about my LAST mini sessions of the year!!! Fall Family Mini’s will be October 9 & 10!

Now before I go any further- please note these sessions go FAST. Like crazy fast. If you want one, please email me asap. I will be scheduling them on a first come, first serve basis. So whoever emails me first gets the first slot!

If you noticed, I AM having my Fall Mini’s spread out into two different days, Friday afternoon & early evening & then on Saturday as well. I will be even farther into my pregnancy then & I need to space myself a little 😉 But I also want to allow for as many of my clients as possible to take advantage of these, thus the two day window 🙂

Here’s the details!

  • Family’s with up to 6 members ($10.00 per additional family member after 6 members) is $75.00
  • ***NEW for 2015*** For EVERY family you refer to me (so someone I have not worked with before), & they book a Fall Family Mini, you will receive $5.00 off your session. I will honor that up to 5 families- so you could save $25.00 of your session!!! When scheduling their session they need to mention that you referred them to me 🙂 *Their session cannot be canceled & must happen for you to receive the credit 😉
  • Location is Ewing Park III (where I had them last year & also known as Jersey Hill).  I’ve reserved 20 minutes per family/session to have a fun interactive short session. I will be scheduling sessions back to back with short breaks in between.
  • You will receive a total of 15-20 images.
  • All images will be delivered within 3 weeks of the session (plenty of time to order Christmas Cards!) via a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded & printed where you choose.
  • Print Release is included.
  • This session does not allow for outfit changes.
  • If for some reason it rains either day, I will work out with each client a time to reschedule on Sunday, October 11.

So what are you waiting for?!!! Email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com to reserve your session slot! We’ll work together to choose the right time slot that fits your family. Reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis via email!

I LOVE fall & I LOVE families! Therefore, Fall Family Mini’s is a favorite time of mine!!! 😉 I look forward to spending time with YOUR family!

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  Gonzalez | Fall Mini Session-32  Hofer | Fall Mini Session-14