Tag Archives: Illinois family photographer

Grandparents Day Mini Sessions!

My parents are super excited about becoming grandparents 😉 It’s really a fun thing to watch & Little Wilcox isn’t even here yet! Being a grandparent is a special thing. And I’m EXCITED about this! For the first time EVER I’m having a mini session for grandparents & their grandkids!!!!


Who’s always asking for pictures of your children? Who’s always calling & asking to see your kids? Grandma & Grandpa of course!!! And what better way to fill their hearts then gift them (maybe an early Christmas gift??) with a Grandparents Day Mini Session!

Or grandparents, maybe this is something that YOU’LL want to organize! Take the grandkids out for the evening, come have a short photo session with me & then go out for ice cream later! This is a perfect, fun evening to have! Plus, Grandparents Day is September 13 & you can have not only pictures OF your grandkids, but you WITH them!

Here’s the details!

The day for Grandparents Day Mini Sessions will be Saturday, September 12. They will start late afternoon & go into early evening. I’ve reserved 20 minutes per family/session to have a fun interactive short session. I will be scheduling sessions back to back with short breaks in between & they will be held at Ewing Park III (if you’ve had a session with me at this location, don’t worry, there’s plenty of areas I’ll be using ;-)).

Family’s up to 4 members ($10.00 per additional family member after 6 members) 5-10 Images | $60.00
Session will take around 15-20 minutes.

You will receive a 10-15 images & a wonderful memory to share! All images will be delivered within 3 weeks of the session via a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded & printed where you choose. Print Release is also included. This session does not allow for outfit changes. Email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com to reserve your session slot! Reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis via email!

I can’t wait to see you Grandma & Grandpa with your grandkids!!! We’ll laugh, get fun pictures & spend some quality time together. What Nana or Poppa doesn’t want that?

Grandparents Day Mini's 2015

Back-to-School 2015 Mini Session Recap!

I love families that homeschool. Seriously. I haven’t photographed one family that I didn’t want to just go hangout with after their session happened.

And maybe it’s because when I meet them, we already know we have something in common- homeschooling. I was homeschooled, my husband was & we plan to with our family in the future. Homeschooling isn’t for everyone. But these families make it look good!

I’m sharing just a few images from my Back-to-School Mini’s I had this past July for homeschooling families in the area. One family drove over an hour to meet up! Totally blew me away! And I’m sharing just a few favorites since I know some of these families are saving theirs for Christmas Cards 😉

Henard | www.nomi-photography.com-16

This guy send me & his family into quite a fit of giggles when we found out about a secret he’d been keeping 😉

Noble | www.nomi-photography.com-1         Noble | www.nomi-photography.com-2

Matteson | www.nomi-photography.com-12

Boston | www.nomi-photography.com-24

Roesner | www.nomi-photography.com-11

Mom & dad need their picture taken too!

Boston | www.nomi-photography.com-13

Roesner | www.nomi-photography.com-4

Matteson | www.nomi-photography.com-25

Those were just a few of my favorites!!! Can’t wait until next year!!!!!!

Lockwood | life&love Newborn Session

A couple months ago, I had a special maternity session with Teresa & Mark Lockwood (view it HERE). They were still several weeks away from meeting & holding their first child, beautiful Jordan.

Jordan Rose arrived June 30 at 5:34PM into the loving arms of her mommy & daddy. Today I’m sharing a peak into a little bit of time I spend with the threesome that now make up the Lockwood Family. What an honor to be welcomed into their home!

If you know Teresa, you know how much she LOVES Disney- the music, movies, the theme park, just all of it! I wanted to find a Disney song to weave through-out the blog post. I searched, thought & then came upon “You’ll Be In My Heart” by Phil Collins from Tarzan. I feel like it fits these sweet images just perfectly!!!

Jordan Rose, you’ve been wanted, prayed for & dreamed of, for a long time. We’re SO glad you’re here!

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-1

 Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-2    Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-3

Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-4

I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don’t you cryLockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-5

                    Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-10           Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-6

For one so small,
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-17

 Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-20           Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-15

This bond between us
Can’t be broken
I will be here
Don’t you cry

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-7

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-8

‘Cause you’ll be in my heart
Yes, you’ll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-13 Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-16

You’ll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You’ll be here in my heart, always

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-18

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-12

I’ll be with you
I’ll be there for you always
Always and always
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I’ll be there always

Lockwood | www.nomi-photography.com-11

Ulseth | life&love Family Session

I’ve known the Ulseth Family for about 7 years now & it was a very special time that I got to spend with them just a couple weeks ago. I arrived at their house & immediately felt AT HOME. We played outside, hungout, played games, talked & I got to hear many fun stories about their life. Debbie & I had talked about me capturing on camera different activities their family enjoys doing together & we did just that!

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-9

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-10          ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-8

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-1-2

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-2-2

I always enjoy getting to know my clients through the process of preparing & having their session. I LOVED getting to know Debbie even better as we had several phone dates & exchanged emails. I was looking forward to their session because I knew I’d have the chance to be around Debbie. She’s a beautiful, strong woman who loves the Lord so much. And all that pours into how she loves her husband & teachers her children. She’s just amazing.

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-7

One of their favorite family games is Moose Farkel!

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-13

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-11

If you know the Ulseth Family, you know how important music & singing & ministering to people is important to them. My VERY favorite part of our session together was getting to watch & listen as they sang together around the piano. The love & strength this family has just filled the house as did their tight harmonies & beautiful music.

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-3

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-2

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-1

Mark & Debbie & kids, I really enjoyed hanging out with you guys! I felt like was I was spending time with family! I enjoyed every story & every laugh we shared together. Your family’s heart to be a blessing & reach out to people touched my heart & made me look at my own heart & actions. It’s amazing & wonderful to see how the Lord uses your family. May He continue to bless & pour favor on you all! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

PS Be on the lookout for a special interview soon coming with Elizabeth Ulseth!!!

ulseth | www.nomi-photography.com-6

Scheduling a Newborn Session

Sharpe | www.nomi-photography.com-1I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again. I want to photograph ALL THE BABIES 🙂

Every momma has a list of things they need to get done. Especially when a new baby is coming to the family. While having a Newborn Photo Session with the newest little is always a want, it doesn’t always get to happen. Whether it’s because mommy & daddy didn’t know who to work with, or the timing of when to have the pictures or even if they have the time for pictures, all these things on top of other reasons can make scheduling a Newborn Session confusing.

That’s what this blog post is about. I’m going to clear the confusion for you by answering those questions including others such as “When should I schedule my baby’s first photo session? I’m not due for 6 months, should I still get that figured out?” “We have other kids we’d like to incorporate into the session, is that possible?”

So start off, first things first. You’re expecting- HOW EXCITING! Please know I am over the MOON excited for you & that I will strive to make this process of scheduling your new baby’s FIRST ever photo session.

1) Once you know you’re expecting & have a due date, that’s really all you need in order to schedule your session with Nomi Photography! As a photographer, I’m oftentimes am scheduling sessions MONTHS in advance & if you would like me to capture your newest addition in their first couple of days, all you need to do is email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com. Once you email me, we will more then likely setup a phone date to chat & get to know each other.

2) I HIGHLY recommend having your baby’s pictures done within the first 3-10 days of their life. Why? Labor side effects (like skin spots & their head shape) have diminished but they are still all ready to curl up & be all cuddly as if they were still in the womb :). (Day 9-12 of their life they’ve already begun developing muscles & are *tear* already growing up just way too fast!)

Sharpe | www.nomi-photography.com-2

3) So we will look at your due date & I will put that specific date on my calendar. Now I’ll be in touch with you during your pregnancy as you get closer to your due date just to see how you’re doing & if there are any changes. Once Baby comes, I will send you an email that says something along the lines of this: “Hey Mama-CONGRATULATIONS! You have just delivered a beautiful, precious baby & I am here ready to go! Here are the times within the next 3-10 days that I am available to come over & capture your little one. You do NOT need to answer me back right at this moment. I just want you to know I’m here, I’m aware Baby has arrived & just let me know at your earliest convenience that I am SOOOO EXCITED to come see you & meet your precious new bundle of love!”

4) We then work out a time that I can come over to meet your new little one & I count down the days until I’m able to meet your Baby 🙂

And ta-da! We’re ALL SET!

That’s IT? you may be asking. That’s it 🙂 Through the process of us getting to know each other, I’ve already talked to you about outfits, the best times of day to have the session & a few other little things.

I simple ADORE newborn sessions at my client’s homes. Your house DOES NOT have to look like a Martha Stewart magazine. All we need are windows & the right time of day for lighting to hit those windows. Some mommas get nervous about their home being perfect & please don’t be. I get more into that during the process I go through with my clients, but all I ask for is your bed to be made & windows. Seriously. If I see anything during the session that needs to be moved, I’ll move it. If you need to move to a different area of the house, I’ll move you. That’s my job 🙂 Besides, you just gave birth to a little one & if you’re making your house look all perfect instead of cuddling the newest addition to your family, I may just scold you a bit 😉

Sharpe | www.nomi-photography.com-4The benefits to having a session in your own home are endless. ESPECIALLY when you have a new little one. Why worry about lugging everyone to a location that’s not your home when I can come STRAIGHT to you? Besides, you cuddling your Baby where you do life & love is just priceless.

I allow 2 hours for each Newborn Session. Most take an hour & fifteen minutes. I simply LOVE incorporating other members of the family. Obviously, daddy is a must & the other siblings are always a joy to capture as they are getting to know their newest family member. (And please, someone invite the grandparents to the session as well! I would LOVE to capture them with Baby as well!)

Sharpe | www.nomi-photography.com-3So if you’re expecting, please go right up to Step 1 & email me. Let’s work together to capture the very first days of your Baby’s life <3 Because why? Because I want to photograph ALL the babies 😉 (Yep, there it is, I said it again! ;-))

PS If you’re interested, click HERE to view all the details regarding my Maternity+Newborn Session Package that is here for 2015!


Deal | Family Session

Home is the nicest word there is. – Laura Ingalls Wilder

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-8

Ashley emailed me a couple months back & we began discussing their family session. I knew in my heart when she described what she was envisioning that their session was going to be something special. And it was.

Yes, it was a little chilly, OK, very chilly 😉 BUT, it was a special time. Ashley & her husband Greg, welcomed me into their charming farmhouse & surrounding property & little Braden was totally excited to show me the cows 😉 (Did you know cows say “Moo”? 😉 If not, just ask Braden, he’ll tell you 😉 )

Ummm, he pretty much stole my heart.

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-1

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-2

LOVE that their little wagon for Braden has their family farm name on the side of it.

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-7

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-6

Because it was rather cold, we went inside Ashley & Greg’s wonderful farmhouse. Ashley has mean decorating skills & I loved all the windows & coziness the home offers. I was so thankful that Ashley & Greg were so easy going & had not problem with me spending time capturing their family indoors.

No Saturday morning would be complete without a reading of Braden’s favorite book- “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. All 3 of them know it by heart 🙂

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-1

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-5

At the end of their session, I took Greg & Ashley outside to capture a few moments of this couple.

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-9

Ashley you are GORGEOUS!

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-11

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-10

Ashley, you have so much talent & the little details you added to this session were PERFECT. So you guys. And Greg, thank you for answering all my farming questions 😉 THANK YOU for spending a sunny, chilly Saturday morning with you three 🙂 Braden is blessed to have you two as parents. It’s obvious that you both love each other & him very much.

View more at www.facebook.com/youweremadetosmile

David | High School Graduate Session

I love my brother David.

Some of you may not know, but I am the oldest in my family & I have 3 other siblings. A sister & two younger brothers.

I’ve shared this story with people before but never written about it. One time when my sister & I were very young (aka no little brothers were in sight) we were playing at a playground. There were two little boys that were brothers that showed up to play too. My sister & I had such a blast with them. I remember enjoying myself so much that during the midst of our adventures on the swings & laughs on the slide, I prayed & asked the Lord for two brothers just like them. I didn’t just want one, but two. TWO brothers.

Years later, the Lord answered my childlike prayer. I can still remember that day at the playground clear as day. And I’m very, VERY thankful that the Lord didn’t give me just one brother, but TWO.

My brother David is awesome. He’s my grocery shopping buddy- every two weeks he joins me in picking up everything on my grocery list & we have a brother/sister date. He’s very good with little kids. He’s musically talented in so many ways. Rap & singing solo’s. He makes the best hot chai tea ever. My parents dog & my sister’s dog love him. He’s got a mind for business & could probably run Apple himself. He writes awesome poems. He’s very discerning & can tell when someone’s feelings are hurt or is being left out. He’s very helpful. He’s funny. Actually, he can be pretty hilarious.

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-5

His “classic” funny face 🙂

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-3

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-4              David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-7

This is one of my favorites.

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-2

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-8

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-1

I love you David. I prayed for you years ago & I’m so thankful the Lord answered my prayer by giving our family you. You’re talented. You’re smart. And you care about people. I’m thankful you’re my brother.

PS This was one of the very last picture we took & it’s my very favorite.

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-9

View more at www.facebook.com/youweremadetosmile

Thank you!

First of all I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who entered the giveaways this past week! Every share & post you did helped spread the word of Nomi Photography & for that I am truly grateful. I personally LOVE giveaways myself & it was fun to be the one actually doing the giving. Each time a winner was drawn, I too was holding my breath to see who it was! I hope you all had fun & enjoyed it as much as I did!


I also want to thank EVERYONE once again for the past 6 months. I can’t emphasize HOW MUCH I have learned & grown in the past 6 months. Each session is a learning experience for me. I love each family & couple & senior that I’ve been able to connect with these past 6 months. I know I say it a lot, but I’ll say it again, it TRULY is an HONOR for me when you choose me, Nomi Photography, to come spend time with you. These past 6 months couldn’t have been amazing without each of you.

Thank you to the talented Miss Ana Pyper who captured what I had imagined but couldn’t explain with her handlettered artwork. She is an amazing young lady. Thank you friend!

I also couldn’t have done these past 6 months without my husband, Eric. I love you dear!!!

And Mary Wise, who is my cousin by marriage & the amazing mind behind this website. I don’t thank you enough friend for all you’ve done for me. Once again, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

And my last thank you, goes to my Lord & Savior. Father, thank You for all the wonderful experiences & moments You’ve set in my path the past 6 months. Thank You for connecting me with amazing people. And for using photography, a gift from You, to remind seniors, families & couples that they were made to smile.

And now, without further adieu, the winner of our last & final 6 Month Birthday Celebration Giveaway is!

ALISHA HARDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations Alisha! Please mail me within 24 hours with your address to claim your prize.

And congrats again to Joy Phillips & Becky Tharpe (who just happen to be mother & daughter!) who won earlier last week.

I look forward to the next 6 months! And believe you me, there is going to be an awesome celebration come May 2, 2015!!!





Weber | Family Session

Miracles still happen every day. And sometimes they happen in two’s as in double, as in twins 🙂 Twin girls that is 😉

My husband & I’s friends, Matt & Jordan have been waiting for the Lord to bless them with children. And when they announced that they were expecting two precious ones, it was a VERY happy day inded! – insert “Oh Happy Day” music here 😉 We’ve been able to watch Matt & Jordan go from an awesome couple to incredible parents with two beautiful girls.

Weber Family @ www.nomi-photography.com-1

Adorable little pumpkins! 😉

Weber Family @ www.nomi-photography.com-7

Weber Family @ www.nomi-photography.com-2                 Weber Family @ www.nomi-photography.com-6

Happy ladies!!!

Weber Family @ www.nomi-photography.com-4

Weber Family @ www.nomi-photography.com-5

Matt & Jordan, it’s been a pleasure to watch the two of you become “four of you”. I enjoyed thoroughly spending time with you both & your girls! Watching you both take care of your girls complete with all your routines & all the love you give them is so fun. You guys are awesome.

Weber Family @ www.nomi-photography.com-8

Weber Family @ www.nomi-photography.com-3

LaBerge | Newborn Session

Meet Harrison LaBerge. Born October 10, 2014 at 7 lbs, 1 oz. Harrison was just 9 days old when we had his newborn session in the comfort of his own home. He’s a sweetie 🙂 And I’m not just saying this, but it was super hard to pick just a few images to highlight, I have SO many favorites. Plus, it’s extra hard when his family is very special to my husband & I.

Here he is!

www.nomi-photography.com 18

www.nomi-photography.com 39

Big brother has been waiting for this guy for awhile now 😉

www.nomi-photography.com-1                       www.nomi-photography.com-3

Safe in daddy’s arms.


Those toes!


Amber & Kyle, you are incredible parents.


I love the look on everyone’s face. One happy family!!!


View more at www.facebook.com/youweremadetosmile