Sometimes there are families I get to work with where by the end of the session, I feel like I’ve become a part of their family & I felt like that with this foursome. We knew it was going to be a very cold December day when we scheduled their session & so they gladly invited me into their home. I’m SOOO glad they did! I loved their house! Such bright colors & patterns that reflected the brightness of their family’s love & connection. We took many pictures of them smiling at my camera that were portrait style, but I have to say my favorite ones we took were where I got to just sit back, be one of the family & watch them interact & be themselves. You’ll see lots of love & hugs in these photos. And please, if you’re in love with these photos as much as I am, please call me so I can come hangout with your family in your home!
I LOVE this family. Sincerely love them. I love their kids names, each kids personalities, how the Weeks Family does life together & how they love each other. I love how Peter & Lynne have chosen to raise & love their family. My Elizabeth has even been blessed with hand-me-down clothes from their girls! This was my first time doing a session at this fun park & I LOVE how it glowed with color & totally fit their family’s personality. See for yourself as you look through some of my personal favorites!
Erin goes to my church & I’ve watched her for the past few years as she’s grown from young girl at church & into a beautiful young woman. When Erin’s mom contacted me about doing Erin’s senior pictures last year I was SUPER excited! Ask anyone who knows Erin & they’ll tell you that she’s got a servant’s heart, enjoys doing all kinds of things & likes to laugh 😉 We laughed a lot during her senior session! Partly because it was FREEZING! But man, the gold in the trees was SO worth it & Erin looked BEAUTIFUL! I wanted to wear her dress myself & LOVED her fun scarf in her second outfit. Here are some of my favorite’s from our time together!
My personal favorite picture!
She loves to laugh but I love this quiet one of her SO much!
Oh Erin, I can’t believe you’re graduating THIS May! I’m so excited for you & this new season of life you’re walking into. Never forget what the Lord has done for you & continue to trust in Him. He has your best in mind. Love ya girl!
This sweet girl. I remember finding out the Deal Family was expecting another little one. They already had an adorable little boy who I’d had the please of photographing in the beginning stages of my photography business. Braden is a sweetie & I was hoping a little sister would be given to him.
I know I’m not the only one who was hoping for a sister for him. When Ashley & I talked on the phone before Lorelei’s One Year Session, I smiled when she said, “I LOVE having a girl!” I know that feeling myself so well. It’s just so wonderful to have a little girl. Ashley went on to say “Even having matching mommy & daughter dresses is so fun.”
Lorelei is THE sweetest thing. She thoroughly enjoys the camera & I loved the time together I had with her & her mommy for her session.
Isn’t this dress just PERFECT?!
The details in her dress…..
Now I know what all you momma’s are wondering. Where did they get that ADORABLE sign? Well, Lorelei’s mom MADE that chalkboard sign. No joke! When I saw it, I joked with Ashley & said she’s going to be getting requests from people now that I’m putting this picture in my blog post!
Lorelei is a farm girl. Her family farms & she just looked TOO adorable in this romper & playing in the dirt. She’s a girly-girl but she knows how to play in the dirt!
Ashley brought along Lorelei’s cute little piggy that she used for taking Lorelei’s monthly photos with. I LOVE that idea! What a way to see everything come full circle 🙂
“I hope you love flowers & getting nails done.” Ashley said that about her sweet precious girl when we were talking about Lorelei & how crazy it is that she’s now 1! Sweet Lorelei, I hope that for you too! That you always love flowers, always love playing in the dirt & always stay as sweet as you are precious girl. Happy One Year Lorelei 🙂
I have two favorite things when it comes to Senior Sessions. One is that I get to really see their personalities & thoroughly enjoy hearing their current activities. Sometimes it’s hearing about their favorite movie or a recent family trip they took. Sometimes it’s their part time job or their favorite pet. The other thing is that I get to hear about their future goals. Whether it’s going to Heartland, going straight into a job or internship or competing at the next band competition, I LOVE hearing all about it.
And the same was with Sam’s session! He’s so talented, so kind & so thoughtful with the words that he says. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with him. Each senior session, I always walk away wishing that it could have gone longer AND being so excited for that particular senior. And again, that happened with Sam.
I’m excited for what the Lord has for you Sam! I had fun hanging out with you & wish you the very best for your last few months of high school!
I love fall & the season of seeing kids Back-to-School pictures posted on facebook 🙂 I always find myself scrolling through all my friends kiddos school pics on their first date & smiling over the adorableness of their “first day of school” outfits & goodbye hugs. Several of my friends send their littles to Kindergarten this fall & I read their facebook posts & felt a small smidgen of their emotions in sending their young ones off.
When I started my photography business, I knew I wanted to reach out & make connections with homeschoolers. My husband & I were both homeschooled by our parents & we pray that is something we can do with our children. I wanted to give homeschoolers that opportunity to have “Back-to-School” pictures at an affordable price & thus Back2School Mini’s were born! This is my 3rd (or maybe my 4th!) year doing Back2School Mini’s & I’m just so thankful for the families I get to meet & work with & some of them I have worked with year after year!
I chose just a few highlights from all the Back2School Mini’s I had this year. Hard to pick just a few for a blogpost when I LOVE.THEM.ALL!!!!!! And if you’re wanting to be notified for when I do these next year, click this link to signup for my e-newsletter that I send out from time to time with news 🙂
Ok, enough chit-chat! Here’s a few favorites!!! To all my homeschooler families- you’re my hero’s & I’m SO thankful for you all!!! You’ve got this!