Tag Archives: Normal il photographer

Ulrich | Newborn Session

Kayla & I connected just under 2 years ago when I photographed her brother with his family, Kayla & her family & their parents. Little Gracie was so little! And when Kayla got in touch with me in 2017, it was time to capture the newborn session of Gracie’s coming brother! And here today I’m sharing some of my parents from my time with the Ulrich Family <3 Gunner is just weeks old here & I already good feel the dynamics of the family changing from 3 to fabulous 4. There is such sweetness in these photos! Enjoy friends!

       Welcome to the world little guy!!!

Shelton | Couples Session

This couple friends, THIS couple! Ah! We have the greatest time together! Or at least I do & they say they do so hopefully they mean it 😉 😉 😉 I had the honor of photographing Robin & Nicole’s engagement pictures (see them here!) & so when Nicole wanted to do another session together I was completely excited to catch-up with them & work with them! Robin is just a goof & super sweet to his wife during pictures so basically I just watch them interact & take pictures! Easiest session ever! We also have an inside joke that if I ever want to be pregnant, I just need to book a session with them because I’m apparently ALWAYS pregnant when I take their pictures hahah!

Robin & Nicole have recently bought & basically completely renovated their entire house. I love that they work together on projects to make their dreams come true. And their dog is just BEAUTIFUL! Here’s some of my favorites from their session!


Rumley | Family Session

I know I’ve said it before, but I’m going to say it again 😉 I am SOOO thankful when I get to work with the same client time after time again. Building a relationship through the years is one of my greatest joys as a photographer! Plus, each session with that family just gets better & better because we’ve worked together before & we’re just so relaxed & ready to just hangout & have fun! And that’s what it’s like for me when I get to photograph the Rumley family! And if you know them, you know they’re already a hoot & like to get loud & have fun, so yeah, we just have a great time 😀

I’m sharing some of my favorites from my last session with them! It was a new location for me & they rocked it!!!!!!! Here’s the Rumley Family!!!!


Bliese | Family Group Session

I really LOVE doing Group Family Sessions! I know some photographers don’t prefer them, but to me the more people the better! I love meeting grandparents, aunts, uncles, seeing siblings interact & often seeing parents be all silly with their adult kids & grandkids. Basically, IT’S THE BEST.

The morning we had the Bliese Group Family Session was CHILLY & WINDY & RAINY but we stuck it out! Even running under a pergola from time to time! But we really did have fun! I think you can tell by the expressions in everyone’s faces! And it was super special for me to work with this family since my husband was in the same homeschool activities as the siblings AND I’ve photographed Heidi & Jordan 4 times now!!!! ALWAYS GOOD to see them! Here are a few of my favorites from our time together!


Erin | Senior Session

Erin goes to my church & I’ve watched her for the past few years as she’s grown from young girl at church & into a beautiful young woman. When Erin’s mom contacted me about doing Erin’s senior pictures last year I was SUPER excited! Ask anyone who knows Erin & they’ll tell you that she’s got a servant’s heart, enjoys doing all kinds of things & likes to laugh 😉 We laughed a lot during her senior session! Partly because it was FREEZING! But man, the gold in the trees was SO worth it & Erin looked BEAUTIFUL! I wanted to wear her dress myself & LOVED her fun scarf in her second outfit. Here are some of my favorite’s from our time together!

My personal favorite picture!

She loves to laugh but I love this quiet one of her SO much!

Oh Erin, I can’t believe you’re graduating THIS May! I’m so excited for you & this new season of life you’re walking into. Never forget what the Lord has done for you & continue to trust in Him. He has your best in mind. Love ya girl!

Lorelei Turn’s One!

This sweet girl. I remember finding out the Deal Family was expecting another little one. They already had an adorable little boy who I’d had the please of photographing in the beginning stages of my photography business. Braden is a sweetie & I was hoping a little sister would be given to him.

I know I’m not the only one who was hoping for a sister for him. When Ashley & I talked on the phone before Lorelei’s One Year Session, I smiled when she said, “I LOVE having a girl!” I know that feeling myself so well. It’s just so wonderful to have a little girl. Ashley went on to say “Even having matching mommy & daughter dresses is so fun.”

Lorelei is THE sweetest thing. She thoroughly enjoys the camera & I loved the time together I had with her & her mommy for her session.

Isn’t this dress just PERFECT?!

The details in her dress…..

Now I know what all you momma’s are wondering. Where did they get that ADORABLE sign? Well, Lorelei’s mom MADE that chalkboard sign. No joke! When I saw it, I joked with Ashley & said she’s going to be getting requests from people now that I’m putting this picture in my blog post!

Lorelei is a farm girl. Her family farms & she just looked TOO adorable in this romper & playing in the dirt. She’s a girly-girl but she knows how to play in the dirt!

Ashley brought along Lorelei’s cute little piggy that she used for taking Lorelei’s monthly photos with. I LOVE that idea! What a way to see everything come full circle 🙂

“I hope you love flowers & getting nails done.” Ashley said that about her sweet precious girl when we were talking about Lorelei & how crazy it is that she’s now 1! Sweet Lorelei, I hope that for you too! That you always love flowers, always love playing in the dirt & always stay as sweet as you are precious girl. Happy One Year Lorelei 🙂


Sam | Senior Session

I have two favorite things when it comes to Senior Sessions. One is that I get to really see their personalities & thoroughly enjoy hearing their current activities. Sometimes it’s hearing about their favorite movie or a recent family trip they took. Sometimes it’s their part time job or their favorite pet. The other thing is that I get to hear about their future goals. Whether it’s going to Heartland, going straight into a job or internship or competing at the next band competition, I LOVE hearing all about it.

And the same was with Sam’s session! He’s so talented, so kind & so thoughtful with the words that he says. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with him. Each senior session, I always walk away wishing that it could have gone longer AND being so excited for that particular senior. And again, that happened with Sam.

I’m excited for what the Lord has for you Sam! I had fun hanging out with you & wish you the very best for your last few months of high school!


Back-to-School Mini Sessions 2017 Recap!

I love fall & the season of seeing kids Back-to-School pictures posted on facebook 🙂 I always find myself scrolling through all my friends kiddos school pics on their first date & smiling over the adorableness of their “first day of school” outfits & goodbye hugs. Several of my friends send their littles to Kindergarten this fall & I read their facebook posts & felt a small smidgen of their emotions in sending their young ones off.

When I started my photography business, I knew I wanted to reach out & make connections with homeschoolers. My husband & I were both homeschooled by our parents & we pray that is something we can do with our children. I wanted to give homeschoolers that opportunity to have “Back-to-School” pictures at an affordable price & thus Back2School Mini’s were born! This is my 3rd (or maybe my 4th!) year doing Back2School Mini’s & I’m just so thankful for the families I get to meet & work with & some of them I have worked with year after year!

I chose just a few highlights from all the Back2School Mini’s I had this year. Hard to pick just a few for a blogpost when I LOVE.THEM.ALL!!!!!! And if you’re wanting to be notified for when I do these next year, click this link to signup for my e-newsletter that I send out from time to time with news 🙂

Ok, enough chit-chat! Here’s a few favorites!!! To all my homeschooler families- you’re my hero’s & I’m SO thankful for you all!!! You’ve got this!




Pray for the Cure 2017

For the past 3 years now, I have had the honor of photographing the community event, Pray for the Cure that proceeds Race for the Cure. Each year has been unique & special in it’s own way. (You can view the past years here- 2015 & 2016.) 

Pray for the Cure is a special prayer and music service dedicated to breast cancer survivors, their families, friends, and healthcare providers. As their facebook page states: “Pray for the Cure is sanctioned by Susan G. Komen for the Cure. While it is not a Race for the Cure event, it is meant to precede the Race as a spiritual and emotional care program. Pray for the Cure was first held in Peoria in 2004. The event began in Bloomington-Normal in 2011.”

From my past three years of experience with attending & being a part of P4TC, it is an evening of remembrance. An evening of hugs. An evening of reflecting on what is truly important in life. And an evening of looking to the One who leads us all day by day.

I’ve compiled a few of my favorites photographs from this years event at St. John’s Lutheran Church & am excited to share them.


My favorite part of the evening every year is when they ask those who are cancer survivors to stand.

I loved seeing collages of photos displayed from the past two years I’ve photographed P4TC.


The wonderful team of ladies who make this amazing event happen!

Fall 2017 Family Mini Photography Sessions

It’s TIME!!!! It’s time for my FAVORITE season of the year & time for FALL FAMILY MINI PHOTO SESSIONS!!!!!!!!

Fall. Colorful leaves. Your daughter’s giggles. The feel of your man’s hand in yours. The hug from your son. Your family. My camera. Friends, let’s make memories to remember together.

Here’s the quick info list for my Fall Family Mini’s this year!

  • I am offering Fall Mini Photography Sessions 3 DIFFERENT DAYS THIS YEAR:
    Friday, October 20; Saturday, October 21; Saturday, November 4
  • Rain Days (if needed) will be Oct 22 & Nov 5
  • 15 minute interactive & fun (!!!!!) mini photography session
  • Each session is $120.00 & covers 6 people. (After 6 individuals, there is a $10.00 cost per additional person.)
  • After your session, you will receive a few images from your session via your email as a preview. The remaining images & a print release will be emailed to you later via an online gallery where you can download them & print them wherever you choose.
  • Location will be outdoors at a beautiful fall location in Bloomington-Normal
  • Instead of Christmas Mini’s, I am offering 3 days for Fall Family Mini’s. Feel free to dress Christmasy for these sessions!

(If you’re not exactly sure what a Mini Session with Nomi Photography consists of or want to check out the most frequently asked questions regarding my mini’s, read HERE.)

Spots are limited! Save your session HERE. 

As we get closer to the Fall Mini Sessions, you’ll receive an email from me with the location of our mini sessions & other details. Email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com with any questions you may have! I’m looking forward to hanging out with your family!!!

I still have openings for in September, October & November for photo sessions! Mini Sessions are not for everyone, so email me if you have questions about scheduling a regular photo session. I will only be accepting Newborn Sessions in December of this year.