“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all –“
– Emily Dickinson

A post regarding the Naomi Elizabeth Photography 2020 season was supposed to happen in February. It didn’t because we ended having a huge scare with our Little Wilcox #3 I’m carrying.
Then I was supposed to send out the info two weeks & we all know what’s been happening in our town, state, nation & world.
Both times I paused, for various reasons, in sending it.
But now I feel I should share it.
Before I go any further, I want to say I am not posting this without first praying & thinking through my words. I am NOT trying to sell anything. Not my service as a photographer, nothing. I don’t feel that in this current season we are ALL in, that pushing my services as a photographer is something I should do.
I do believe in with all my heart is that MEMORIES MATTER. That has been my heart since Day 1 of my photography business. They matter & the best way to remember them is to record them.
I also believe in HOPE. I believe in the HOPE of my Savior & Lord Jesus Christ. And I believe in the HOPE of the future.
I am sharing on my blog HERE the dates of my mini session themes & dates for 2020. I am also sharing my 2020 Photography Calendar complete with my maternity leave. Obviously this is ALL subject to change because of where our nation is & my pregnancy. But with ALL my heart, I have HOPE that Mom & Me Minis will happen this year (even if we reschedule them until later this spring). With ALL my heart I have HOPE that your little’s one year session can happen this spring. That your maternity session can happen early spring. I have HOPE.
At this point, I don’t feel it’s the time to officially open up signup for Mom & Me Mini’s. You can see the dates on the blog & plan & prepare to get one. You can always send me an email to say you’re REALLY wanting one. I hope that the first week of April I will have more direction on if I can still use the location I have reserved & see what our state’s rules on gathering at that time are. (Some parts of our nation have closed city parks even, so we will see how things go here in IL.)
But I have HOPE my friends. And I pray you have too.
Let me HOPE with you. If you’re hoping for a session in 2020, feel free to email me (naomi@naomielizabethphotography.com). I mean, just being honest, it’d be nice to “talk” to someone 😉 And I want to HOPE WITH you. Nobody is making any set plans around here 😉 But we can HOPE together.
There are all the resources out there to help you spend time with your kids during this time. All the lists of movies to watch on Disney+. All the easy recipes to cook now. I’m SO thankful for all of that. So this post isn’t going to be full of those things because I know you can find it elsewhere.
BUT if you are looking for HOPE & aren’t sure where to find it, email me! I can tell you about the HOPE I have.
I am so thankful for all of you. You’re my people, not just clients.
I want to help spread that HOPE & so you’ll probably see some new posts from past sessions on my facebook page & the blog. I’m way behind on blogging & had meant to do that in February & March anyway. So know I’m posting & sharing to spread HOPE & not to just act like nothing has happened or is happening.
I HOPE to see you soon! Keep in touch & be HOPEFUL for updates!
(OK, just one more HOPE word use 😉 )
HOPING with you!
Naomi Wilcox
PS I’ve done a few facebook videos sharing my journey of organizing our family legacy through photos. You can find them HERE & HERE. I’ve also gotten lots of comments thru facebook & Instagram asking about the photo books I’ve made (here’s a glimpse of my girls looking at them). I plan to share about that process soon to because what better time to organize your personal photos then now 😉
PSS The pictures I used in this post specifically remind me of HOPE! 😀