Category Archives: family

Weber | Family Session

Miracles still happen every day. And sometimes they happen in two’s as in double, as in twins 🙂 Twin girls that is 😉

My husband & I’s friends, Matt & Jordan have been waiting for the Lord to bless them with children. And when they announced that they were expecting two precious ones, it was a VERY happy day inded! – insert “Oh Happy Day” music here 😉 We’ve been able to watch Matt & Jordan go from an awesome couple to incredible parents with two beautiful girls.

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Adorable little pumpkins! 😉

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Happy ladies!!!

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Matt & Jordan, it’s been a pleasure to watch the two of you become “four of you”. I enjoyed thoroughly spending time with you both & your girls! Watching you both take care of your girls complete with all your routines & all the love you give them is so fun. You guys are awesome.

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Weber Family @

LaBerge | Newborn Session

Meet Harrison LaBerge. Born October 10, 2014 at 7 lbs, 1 oz. Harrison was just 9 days old when we had his newborn session in the comfort of his own home. He’s a sweetie 🙂 And I’m not just saying this, but it was super hard to pick just a few images to highlight, I have SO many favorites. Plus, it’s extra hard when his family is very special to my husband & I.

Here he is! 18 39

Big brother has been waiting for this guy for awhile now 😉             

Safe in daddy’s arms.

Those toes!

Amber & Kyle, you are incredible parents.

I love the look on everyone’s face. One happy family!!!

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Kadivar | Family Session

I’ve known Bethany & Allen, goodness, how long has it been guys? 6ish years? We met at our church’s college group way back before so many life changes we’ve each gone through, babies, college graduations, job changes…the list goes on!

I was really excited that Bethany said her parents & sister were coming down from the suburbs of Chicago to join us for the session. Her parents crack me up 😉 We really had a fun time! I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to see from the images!

Little Brady LOVES his grandparents. And it’s obvious they love him too!

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That face <3

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These two are just awesome!

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And Brady especially loves his mommy & daddy!

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Girl, call me when it’s time for senior pictures. Please & thank you! 😉

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These two can have hot romance going on one second & hysterical laughs the next!

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Thanks for an awesome session guys! I hope we can do it again!!!

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Jouret | Family Session

As I said before, my family has known the Jouret for 5+ years now. My sister Leah & brother Isaiah, were able to be under Mike & Bekah’s leadership while they were youth pastoring in Missouri. My sister has said several times, that Pastor Mike & Bekah was her favorite youth pastors. Because they took time for her & loved her & invested in her. People like that aren’t found everyday. And the Jouret family is definitely special & REAL.

Their family session was actually a organized & put together by a family friend, Garth. Garth is special guy to my family AND the Jouret Family. He’s a fun “big brother” figure to the Jouret kids. He emailed me several months ago & asked about meeting up somehow in St. Charles for a session & I’m so glad he did!


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It was great being able to catch up with the Jouret Family & Garth. And I loved that they had the idea of wearing their MIZZOU gear! I have to say that after spending a year in Columbia, Missouri, I still smile when I see those black & gold colors 😉



Time for some football!!!!!!!!!

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I love these three pictures & Garth’s face at the end!

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Thanks for putting this together Garth!


LaBerge | Double Maternity Session Part I

Rachel & Amber, two very special friends of mine who happen to be sisters, talked to me a while back about having a double maternity session together. It was a session I looked forward to for moonntthhhss! Amber, her husband & son came as well as Rachel, her husband & her son & daughter who are twins. Since this session was so special, it’s going to have three parts! And the first part is dedicated to the LaBerge Family!

I know I’ve said this before, but capturing special friends is a high honor. My husband grew up with Amber’s husband & Amber has become a close friend to me. it’s very special to me to watch their family grow. I look forward to the future when someday our own children will grow up with theirs!

This is one of my favorites their session!

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Emery is going to be an awesome big brother!

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My friend Amber is a BEAUTIFUL momma! Harrison is going to be one blessed little boy!

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Shickel Family | Family Session

When I received Tobi’s first email about capturing her family, I was super excited! We emailed back & forth & chose a date & location. Through our emailing, we found out that my sister had been the nanny for Tobi’s family’s neighbor’s kids! Small world!

The day came for their session & unfortunately it was an evening that the weather decided to not cooperate. But we chose another day & the weather was simply PERFECT!!!

01 I have to say that one of my favorite parts of the Shickel family was seeing Tobi & her daughter “tell each other secrets” 🙂

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Pretty much my favorite picture from the whole session 😉

06 The Shickel family was a ton of fun to capture! Each of the three children have their own distinct personality & I loved being able to capture each one. Plus, it was super fun to take some pictures of the kids in their Cubs apparel 😉 Here I asked them to show me what they look like when the Cubs are loosing. This was very hard for them because “the Cubs never loose!” they said 😉


And this is how the Shickel family celebrates when the Cubs win!!!

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Lyttle Family | Family Session

I was SUPER excited when Andrea contacted me about doing a session for her family & also making sure we got some pictures focusing on her youngest who’s turning one in just a few days!!!

My sister & I worked with Andrea & Brandon for a short while back in the day at Cracker Barrel. We actually knew them when they were dating, got engaged & were planning their wedding. Brandon would walk around Cracker Barrel with this big smile on his face & randomly say at different times, “I’m getting married!” It was one of the sweetest things ever! It was VERY evident that Brandon was excited to get married to his girl, Andrea, & start a family. And almost 5 years later, it’s very evident that Brandon is as happy as ever to be married to beautiful Andrea & is a proud father of two handsome, precious boys.

I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with this family. Andrea, you’re an amazing mom. And it shows.

Here is the Lyttle Family!

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Someone’s turning 1 soon!!!! Isn’t his little crown & t-shirt that momma brought, adorable?

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And can’t forget big brother!

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Brother hug! Reminds me of when my brothers were young!

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I told you he’s in LOVE with her!

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