Category Archives: newborn

Deterding | life&love Newborn Session

It was just a couple months ago that I was spending time with Emily & Dustin for their maternity session (if you missed that lovely photo session you can review it HERE). Then really just a few weeks later on Friday, October 16, Emily & Dustin’s world grew from not just two, but to a family of 4! Hannah Dorothy & Eliza Jane were born much to the joy & anticipation of not only their parents but to their family & many friends.

As the days were going by & Emily’s due date few closer & closer, I felt the excitement in my own heart. Twins are a special gift (as all baby’s are!) & I was SO looking forward to seeing the faces of the two beauties the Lord was blessing Emily & Dustin with. Emily & I had before exchanged pregnancy stories & now all I wanted was to see these girls & with their parents. Dustin & Emily welcomed me into their cozy ranch along with Grandma! The girls were all clean from baths & were just TOO adorable for words.

Emily & Dustin, I think you two are the bee’s knees. I still am SO thankful you connected with me a few months back & that I’ve been able to capture two chapters of your life story. I do so hope we have many more sessions in the future. I know that you already are wonderful parents. Lean on each other & your strong supportive family that you have. Miss Hannah & Miss Eliza are blessed girls.


Emily has an eye for decorating & I LOVED all the little details she put into her daughters room.

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I LOVE Emily’s expression here!


Loving on her baby girls.

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I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again- Dustin should get the Father of the Year Award.


I always LOVE watching new fathers during newborn sessions. Joy & pride is written all over his face.


Ummmm fav right here. DeterdingNewbornSession-10


Puppy wanted to see the girls too 😉 (Don’t worry, we got one of puppy looking at the camera 😉 I just love this particular one! Oh & can we just talk about the detail in that beautiful wall behind Dustin?) DeterdingNewbornSession-15

And one of my FAV’S is right here-Baby Girl’s fist in action & all. DeterdingNewbornSession-17

Oh Emily & Dustin how BLESSED you are. Two precious girls to love & raise. May your hearts & home always be full of laughter, love & the important things that matter.



Lockwood | life&love Newborn Session

A couple months ago, I had a special maternity session with Teresa & Mark Lockwood (view it HERE). They were still several weeks away from meeting & holding their first child, beautiful Jordan.

Jordan Rose arrived June 30 at 5:34PM into the loving arms of her mommy & daddy. Today I’m sharing a peak into a little bit of time I spend with the threesome that now make up the Lockwood Family. What an honor to be welcomed into their home!

If you know Teresa, you know how much she LOVES Disney- the music, movies, the theme park, just all of it! I wanted to find a Disney song to weave through-out the blog post. I searched, thought & then came upon “You’ll Be In My Heart” by Phil Collins from Tarzan. I feel like it fits these sweet images just perfectly!!!

Jordan Rose, you’ve been wanted, prayed for & dreamed of, for a long time. We’re SO glad you’re here!

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 Lockwood |    Lockwood |

Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight

Lockwood |

I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don’t you cryLockwood |

                    Lockwood |           Lockwood |

For one so small,
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
Keep you safe and warm

Lockwood |

 Lockwood |           Lockwood |

This bond between us
Can’t be broken
I will be here
Don’t you cry

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Lockwood |

‘Cause you’ll be in my heart
Yes, you’ll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

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You’ll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You’ll be here in my heart, always

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Lockwood |

I’ll be with you
I’ll be there for you always
Always and always
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I’ll be there always

Lockwood |

Barker | life&love Newborn Session

I think the closer I am to someone, the harder it is to write a blog post 😉 Hah It still floors me when friends ask me do a photo session with them. I don’t take it lightly & I feel that I’ve been entrusted with a very special opportunity.

The Barker Family holds a special place in me & my husband’s heart (& many others I might add). My parents & my siblings & I moved here almost 7 years ago. It wasn’t long after that, that I became involved with being a youth leader at First Assembly of God. Kermit & Nikki were the youth pastors & they both welcomed me & I soon realized how much I liked them, like really liked them. I respected them & wanted to help out in any way I could. They gave their time & love to people & that is a rare find. Months & years passed & as Eric & I walked walked into the season of dating & marriage, Kermit & Nikki were right there for us. More years have passed & we’ve been able to watch as Kermit & Nikki have welcomed not just one, but now TWO beautiful girls into their home. (I am seriously breathing deep to stop the tears right now 😉 ). Hadley is a special little girl to Eric & I & now Eliott Nicole has stolen a piece of our hearts. She is already a big part in so many’s lives & I CANNOT. WAIT. to watch her grow into the girl the Lord wants her to be.

I hope you see the joy & the faithfulness of the Lord in these photo’s. I hope Eliott’s little self just makes you want to squeeze all the babies 😉 And that as you look over these images, you will also rejoice with the Barker Family & ALL that the Lord has done for them.

Meet Eliott Nicole!!!

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Pure sweetness!

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See her adorable curl? 😀

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Mommy & daddy in love with Eliott.

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And so is Big Sister Hadley 😉

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One of my personal favorites!

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This is one of my husband’s favorites 🙂

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Big Sis has always got to keep an eye on her Little Sister!

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He’s such a good daddy!

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I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE baby yawns! I always am SO happy if I get to catch one during a session!

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Yay for the Barker Family!!!!!!! Now a family of 4!

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Why I Had a Newborn Session with Nomi Photography

I recently had a Newborn Session with the Gulso family as they had just welcomed little Avery into their family.

Brittany, 9Avery’s momma 🙂 ), was kind enough to have a short & sweet interview with me regarding her Newborn Session with me! I’ve also used Brittany’s personal favorite images from their session through-out this interview 🙂


Gulso |

Me (Nomi Photography): Why did you choose to have Nomi Photography come capture your baby & family in your home?

Brittany: I chose Nomi Photography because Naomi had done a family photo session for us in the spring and she did such an amazing job.

Me: What was your favorite part of having a newborn session in your own home?

Brittany: That I did not have to worry about getting everyone out of the door on time to be at the photo shoot. It was so convenient just to have Naomi come to our house. That worked out so well.

Gulso |

Me: If you could use three words to describe the session you had, what would they be?

Brittany: Fun, relaxed, and precious moments captured

Me: Is there anything else you’d like to comment about regarding your session?

Brittany: I was a little nervous about having the photo shoot done in my home because I really like outside photos, but they turned out better than what I could have imagined. So glad I decided to go with Naomi for this session!! She captured such special moments that I could have never captured myself. I will treasure these pictures forever.

Thank you for your kind words & the time you took to answer these questions Brittany! (Click HERE to view the entire session!)

Gulso |

Scheduling a Newborn Session

Sharpe |’ve said it before & I’ll say it again. I want to photograph ALL THE BABIES 🙂

Every momma has a list of things they need to get done. Especially when a new baby is coming to the family. While having a Newborn Photo Session with the newest little is always a want, it doesn’t always get to happen. Whether it’s because mommy & daddy didn’t know who to work with, or the timing of when to have the pictures or even if they have the time for pictures, all these things on top of other reasons can make scheduling a Newborn Session confusing.

That’s what this blog post is about. I’m going to clear the confusion for you by answering those questions including others such as “When should I schedule my baby’s first photo session? I’m not due for 6 months, should I still get that figured out?” “We have other kids we’d like to incorporate into the session, is that possible?”

So start off, first things first. You’re expecting- HOW EXCITING! Please know I am over the MOON excited for you & that I will strive to make this process of scheduling your new baby’s FIRST ever photo session.

1) Once you know you’re expecting & have a due date, that’s really all you need in order to schedule your session with Nomi Photography! As a photographer, I’m oftentimes am scheduling sessions MONTHS in advance & if you would like me to capture your newest addition in their first couple of days, all you need to do is email me at Once you email me, we will more then likely setup a phone date to chat & get to know each other.

2) I HIGHLY recommend having your baby’s pictures done within the first 3-10 days of their life. Why? Labor side effects (like skin spots & their head shape) have diminished but they are still all ready to curl up & be all cuddly as if they were still in the womb :). (Day 9-12 of their life they’ve already begun developing muscles & are *tear* already growing up just way too fast!)

Sharpe |

3) So we will look at your due date & I will put that specific date on my calendar. Now I’ll be in touch with you during your pregnancy as you get closer to your due date just to see how you’re doing & if there are any changes. Once Baby comes, I will send you an email that says something along the lines of this: “Hey Mama-CONGRATULATIONS! You have just delivered a beautiful, precious baby & I am here ready to go! Here are the times within the next 3-10 days that I am available to come over & capture your little one. You do NOT need to answer me back right at this moment. I just want you to know I’m here, I’m aware Baby has arrived & just let me know at your earliest convenience that I am SOOOO EXCITED to come see you & meet your precious new bundle of love!”

4) We then work out a time that I can come over to meet your new little one & I count down the days until I’m able to meet your Baby 🙂

And ta-da! We’re ALL SET!

That’s IT? you may be asking. That’s it 🙂 Through the process of us getting to know each other, I’ve already talked to you about outfits, the best times of day to have the session & a few other little things.

I simple ADORE newborn sessions at my client’s homes. Your house DOES NOT have to look like a Martha Stewart magazine. All we need are windows & the right time of day for lighting to hit those windows. Some mommas get nervous about their home being perfect & please don’t be. I get more into that during the process I go through with my clients, but all I ask for is your bed to be made & windows. Seriously. If I see anything during the session that needs to be moved, I’ll move it. If you need to move to a different area of the house, I’ll move you. That’s my job 🙂 Besides, you just gave birth to a little one & if you’re making your house look all perfect instead of cuddling the newest addition to your family, I may just scold you a bit 😉

Sharpe | benefits to having a session in your own home are endless. ESPECIALLY when you have a new little one. Why worry about lugging everyone to a location that’s not your home when I can come STRAIGHT to you? Besides, you cuddling your Baby where you do life & love is just priceless.

I allow 2 hours for each Newborn Session. Most take an hour & fifteen minutes. I simply LOVE incorporating other members of the family. Obviously, daddy is a must & the other siblings are always a joy to capture as they are getting to know their newest family member. (And please, someone invite the grandparents to the session as well! I would LOVE to capture them with Baby as well!)

Sharpe | if you’re expecting, please go right up to Step 1 & email me. Let’s work together to capture the very first days of your Baby’s life <3 Because why? Because I want to photograph ALL the babies 😉 (Yep, there it is, I said it again! ;-))

PS If you’re interested, click HERE to view all the details regarding my Maternity+Newborn Session Package that is here for 2015!


Gulso | life&love Newborn Session

Brittany & I have been friends, oh wow, 6 years now I believe? When I went over to her & Brian’s house for little Avery’s newborn session, we reflected on how we’ve been friends as she’s had all 3 of her beautiful girls. So thankful for treasured & long-term friendships like that. In those 6 years, Brittany & Brian have welcome 3 lovely ladies into their home. And the newest addition is precious Avery Grace.

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The big sisters keeping an eye on baby sister 🙂

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All the yawns.

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When I hold you in my arms, love
Something changes
It’s the strangest feeling
The things that used to matter
They don’t matter to me
– JJ Heller

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Momma & her girls.

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THIS, is one of my favorite images EVER! Look at Carly’s face! It was the very FIRST time she’d ever held her new baby sister. And I had the privilege of capturing that moment. LOOK at her face! Look at how EXCITED SHE IS! Can barely handle the preciousness!!!

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Gulso life&love Newborn Session |

You’re an inspiring mother Brittany. You have three girls that have every personality under the sun. And there all yours. And you & Brian are raising them in such a God-fearing & loving way. I love you my friend. If I could, I would give you a “Best Momma Award” every day. When we start having children, I will be calling you 😉 LOTS.

You’re so beautiful Brittany.

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And the whole family is together. And complete.

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Welcome Avery Grace. You are very loved by many. Can’t wait to watch you grow up.

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If you’d like more info about having an in-home life&love Newborn Session click HERE to find out more details.

Maternity+Newborn Special Package!

Last year, I realized how I LOVE photographing newborn baby sessions in my clients homes. Bringing a baby home is no small item (pun not intended 😉 ). It’s a significant moment in a couples life. It’s the birth of a new season in a family. A brand-new life has joined your family & that moment, that time, that season that changes oh so quickly, needs to be remembered.

A photo session with your new arrival should not be stressful. It should not be rushed. It should be as wonderful of an experience as possible! That moment of holding your baby with all the newborn smell & softness of their skin filling your heart is something you’ll never forget. And I’m here to help make that memory stay. We’ll discuss your session in a phone conversation & choose just the perfect time of day that fits your little one’s schedule. Because this is such a memorable time, I have put together a wonderful package for momma’s for 2015! Any momma that schedules a Maternity Session AND a Newborn Session together will receive an $50.00 savings! (Complete price details are on my Investment pa). First, we will workout details to take in the time of your pregnancy, a time that comes only a few times in a woman’s life. And then we’ll work together as the weeks grow closer to the day of your baby’s arrival, for a newborn session.

Baby Announcement - Horizontal

Along with this new package, I’ve added a personal touch. Recently I was going through some boxes & found the baby announcement my parents used to share my arrival 🙂 I may be old fashioned but it got me thinking how I could incorporate something like that into my newborn sessions. After dreaming about it, I’m very happy to share that ANY newborn session will receive a complimentary birth announcement! I personally have designed this announcement & am in love with how simple & classic it is.

Baby Announcement VerticalAfter having your Newborn Session, I will have the images edited with two weeks of your session. We’ll look over the images & you’ll choose which picture you want to use in the announcement, if you want it to be horizontal or vertical & then you’ll decide what color from the color palate you’d like it to be. I’ll use your choices & your baby’s arrival info to finalize the announcement design. The announcement will be a file you will receive that is the size set for a  4×6. It will be included in your images you’ll receive in the mail with your Nomi Photography client package. You’ll be able to print this 4×6 announcement anywhere you choose & give it to family & friends!

Birth Announement Color PaletteHaving a baby’s first photo session in their own home, with the sounds & smells they are used to, is so wonderful. And if you’re worried about if your home will work to have a session in it, please, don’t worry! If your house has windows (which if it doesn’t, you should probably get a new house 😉 ) that’s all we need! If your home has windows, you are good to go for a special time of you & your family cuddling the newest member of your family while I happily snap away on my camera.

I’m REALLY excited about this package & the added birth announcement. Maternity Sessions & Newborn Sessions can still be scheduled separately, but I know there are so many momma’s who would like to do both & the $50.00 savings is something I’d like to offer. If you are interested in beginning the process to schedule a Maternity Session, a Newborn Session OR BOTH, contact me ( soon!!! I want to photograph ALL THE BABIES 😉

LaBerge | Newborn Session

Meet Harrison LaBerge. Born October 10, 2014 at 7 lbs, 1 oz. Harrison was just 9 days old when we had his newborn session in the comfort of his own home. He’s a sweetie 🙂 And I’m not just saying this, but it was super hard to pick just a few images to highlight, I have SO many favorites. Plus, it’s extra hard when his family is very special to my husband & I.

Here he is! 18 39

Big brother has been waiting for this guy for awhile now 😉             

Safe in daddy’s arms.

Those toes!

Amber & Kyle, you are incredible parents.

I love the look on everyone’s face. One happy family!!!

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