Category Archives: senior

Cameron | Senior Session

When Cameron emailed me to take his senior photo’s, he said “I would be ecstatic” if I would be able to do them. And I wrote back & said, “I would be ecstatic to take them!” 😉 Just our first communication via email made me excited to meet Cameron! Plus, I had taken his older sister Lauren’s senior pictures & they had been a blast 🙂

Cameron is super talented & involved in many different things. One of my goals in senior sessions to incorporate those things is special to each senior & for Cameron it was his guitar, baseball, 4-H a few other things!


One of Cameron’s dreams is to go to UCLA at some point in his college career. As we talked about locations for his session, I was totally on board with using a local park for part of his session but I didn’t feel like it was entirely capturing Cameron & his dreams. It finally hit me that we should do the second half of his session on the top of a parking garage! I wanted to have the city sky-line in the background & really showcase this season in Cameron’s life as he graduates from high school & continues to pursue his goals. He was TOTALLY on board for the parking garage portion & I was even more excited for his session! I had the song “The City is Yours” from the Annie soundtrack stuck in my head while we were up there 😉 –

This is just the start of your story
If you got guts you get glory
Anyone can make it even you
And now’s the time you gotta stand tough
Cause if you work hard you can rise up
Anyone can make it even you
So take it all, the city’s yours, it’s worth fighting for, it’s all yours
So take it all, the city’s yours, it’s worth fighting for, it’s all mine, it’s all yours

Cameron, I’m super excited for you in pursuing your dreams! You can make it! Thank you for such a memorable session! You’re an awesome guy & well loved by many. I pray the Lord guides your dreams & your future 🙂




I LOVE this bag the Cameron designed & made himself! And it’s made out of soda tops!





A personal favorite of mine 🙂




Zach | Senior Session

Yesterday, Noah’s senior session was featured on my blog & today, you can meet his older brother Zach! Zach’s session was just two days after his brother’s & I totally enjoyed hanging out with him! Both boys were so fun to spend time with!

Zach has a fun & creative side to him & I loved focusing on that during his session. Zach has been a lifeguard for several years & has played guitar for quite a long time too. I loved that Zach had a couple poses he wanted to incorporate in the session! He’d say, “What about taking a picture over here…” I loved that! I think one of my favorite things that happened in his session was when he walked down the middle of the street in Uptown Normal! Cool stuff 😀 Zach definitely has a fun style & I think this session really captures his personality & who he is!

Zach |

Zach |

Zach |   Zach |

Zach |

Zach |

Zach |

Zach |

Zach |

Zach |

Zach, you’ve got a lot going for you. But remember, you’ll never go wrong as long as you listen for the Lord’s voice & follow Him. I think you’re an awesome guy & I know the Lord has a great plan for you!

Noah | Senior Session

Noah is just a super nice, thoughtful guy. Easy going & really easy to talk too. And really smart too! Noah is graduating this spring a couple years before he even needs too 🙂 We had his entire senior session at McGraw Park & I enjoyed getting to talk to him & hear about his interests & stuff he likes to do. Which include taking a Japanese class at Heartland! (Isn’t that awesome?!)

Meet Noah!

Noah |

Noah |

That picture on the right is a favorite of mine 🙂

Noah |    Noah |

Noah |

Noah’s family has two beautiful retrievers, Pazel & Zahavi. They’re gorgeous, friendly dogs & we had a lot of fun trying to get them to look at the camera 😉 As you can see, it was a lot of work haha 🙂

Noah |   Noah |

But it happened!

Noah |

Noah |

Noah, congrats on this new journey you’re embarking on! I know if you give your plans to the Lord & listen for His leading, your plans will succeed. All the best Noah!

Noah |

Ryan | Senior Session

It is the season of senior sessions & especially boys! Just in the past 4 weeks, I’ve had FIVE senior sessions for guys. Ryan,’s session was just a few weeks ago & we had perfect spring weather for it. I had enjoyed meeting with he & his mom to go over details about the session & was looking forward to capturing Ryan in this season of his life.

Ryan is just a super nice guy. He’s graduating from Normal West & has a love for soccer. He & his family have lived alllllll over- including Hawaii). I enjoyed comparing notes on various places since I’ve moved a lot as well. During Ryan’s session we talked about soccer, movies, his upcoming prom & his job at a local nursing home. Friends, meet Ryan!

Ryan |

Ryan |

Ryan |

Ryan |    Ryan |

Such a handsome guy!

Ryan |

We HAD to incorporate a little soccer in his session 😉

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Ryan |

Ryan |

Ryan, I enjoyed hanging out with you! I’m SUPER excited for you as you take this new path in life & being a new season in Iowa City. All the best to you!!!


Lucas | Senior Session

Lucas, Lucas 😉

About 6 years ago, I was a youth leader at my church (First Assembly of God) & Lucas was just coming into the youth group. I actually thought about going back through the photo’s I took of when I was a youth leader at the youth group & try to find some embarrassing picture of Lucas buuuttttt I decided against it 😉 Not even sure if I have any actually! 🙂 Just teasing you Lucas!

But we sure did get some good pictures the other night!

Lucas |

Lucas |

Lucas doing what his sister calls his funny face on the left 😉 & then laughing about her reaction on the right 😉

Lucas |                  Lucas |

Lucas |

Lucas |

If you know Lucas, you know that he likes to goof off & have a good time 😉

Lucas |

This one should be an ad for Hollister or someplace!

Lucas |

And my fav!

Lucas |

Lucas, you’re a good guy. You’ve got a whole new season of life coming up here pretty soon. I pray that you will keep the Lord as your focus & He will make your paths straight. You’re amazing Lucas!!!

David | High School Graduate Session

I love my brother David.

Some of you may not know, but I am the oldest in my family & I have 3 other siblings. A sister & two younger brothers.

I’ve shared this story with people before but never written about it. One time when my sister & I were very young (aka no little brothers were in sight) we were playing at a playground. There were two little boys that were brothers that showed up to play too. My sister & I had such a blast with them. I remember enjoying myself so much that during the midst of our adventures on the swings & laughs on the slide, I prayed & asked the Lord for two brothers just like them. I didn’t just want one, but two. TWO brothers.

Years later, the Lord answered my childlike prayer. I can still remember that day at the playground clear as day. And I’m very, VERY thankful that the Lord didn’t give me just one brother, but TWO.

My brother David is awesome. He’s my grocery shopping buddy- every two weeks he joins me in picking up everything on my grocery list & we have a brother/sister date. He’s very good with little kids. He’s musically talented in so many ways. Rap & singing solo’s. He makes the best hot chai tea ever. My parents dog & my sister’s dog love him. He’s got a mind for business & could probably run Apple himself. He writes awesome poems. He’s very discerning & can tell when someone’s feelings are hurt or is being left out. He’s very helpful. He’s funny. Actually, he can be pretty hilarious.

David High School Graduate Session |

His “classic” funny face 🙂

David High School Graduate Session |

David High School Graduate Session |              David High School Graduate Session |

This is one of my favorites.

David High School Graduate Session |

David High School Graduate Session |

David High School Graduate Session |

I love you David. I prayed for you years ago & I’m so thankful the Lord answered my prayer by giving our family you. You’re talented. You’re smart. And you care about people. I’m thankful you’re my brother.

PS This was one of the very last picture we took & it’s my very favorite.

David High School Graduate Session |

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Leah | College Graduate Session

My sister is so beautiful. It was a joy to be able to spend time with her on her 25th birthday last month & capture some fun portraits of her. Other then my husband, my sister is truly my best friend. We have tons of inside jokes & quote old black & white movies that no one else has even heard of. (Although she often trumps me by quoting a movie line & saying, “What’s that from?” & I can’t remember.) Leah’s hilarious & is often cracking me up through-out the day with texts full of her wit.

Leah is also a very wise woman. And smart. This next month, Leah will be graduating from Illinois State University, magna cum laude with her Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education.

We spend some time in my parents neighborhood for awhile at the beginning of her session. Leah thought of having her morkie dog, Lucy, for part of the session & I thought it was a great idea!

Lucy looking up at her momma 🙂

Leah | College Grad Session

Leah | College Grad Session

If you’ve been to my parents house & met Lucy, I’m sure you’ll agree with everyone else that she’s a sweetie. Because everyone loves Lucy 🙂

Leah | College Grad Session

I could have posted TONS images from just this portion of the session. My sister is SO beautiful.

Leah | College Grad Session

The soon to be graduate & teacher!!!

Leah | College Grad Session

Leah | College Grad Session

I love you Leah! You’re not just my sister, but my best friend 🙂 I know you are my little sister, but in so many ways I look up to you. This has been a hard year for you & I’ve seen you to continue to grow & blossom instead of shrink & wither. You pressed on. Through these past years at Heartland & at ISU, you pressed on. I’m so PROUD of you. I could never have done what you’ve accomplished. You’ve let the Lord guide your dreams & take you down the journey He has for you. The best is yet to come. And I promise, I will be the LOUDEST person at the Redbird Arena on the ISU campus come December 13 next month when you walk. I will be smiling, crying (as I am now 😉 ) & yelling, “THAT’S MY SISTER!”

I love you Eah.

Leah | College Grad Session

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Gabriel | High School Senior Graduate

About a year after my family moved to Bloomington, IL, I started volunteering as a youth leader in the youth group at First Assembly in Normal. For almost 4 years I spent one evening of my week with the awesome teenagers that went to that youth group. Gabriel was in Junior High when I started & I watched her grow up through Junior & now into Senior High School as a senior graduate! When Gabriel’s mom emailed me a couple months ago regarding a possible session for Gabriel, I was SO excited & hoped our schedules would work out & they did! Gabriel is very involved with her parents 15 year old Tae Kwon Do business– “where families kick together” & has not only won many awards in Tae Kwon Do but she teaches it as well.

Gabriel has many other qualities other then Tae Kwon Do. She’s SUPER sweet. She thinks before she speaks. I’ve watched her observe situations & take her time in responding, a very awesome & rare quality. Gabriel has a love for doing hair & makeup & is currently already taken classes in those areas. She plans to pursue cosmetology as a career after high school.

Each one of my senior sessions this year have been amazing. And Gabriel’s is no exception! See for yourself!


Personal favorite of mine!



Of course, we had to incorporate her passion for Tae Kon Do 😉

02          03

And though she be but little, she is fierce. – William Shakespeare


Gabriel, I’m so proud of you. It’s been an honor to watch you become the wonderful young lady you are. Keep Christ first & all your goals & dreams will come in place, with the Lord’s leading.


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Megan | High School Senior Graduate

I was super excited about Megan’s Senior Session! We’d met up with her mom a week before to discuss all the details of her session including where her session would take place. Megan wanted pictures in a downtown setting & then somewhere with a lot tree’s & natural surroundings. During her consultation, Megan’s mom got the idea to have the second half of Megan’s session at her grandparents property on the edge of Towanda. The evening of her session the weather was a little chilly & I was super curious & excited as we drew nearer to Megan’s grandparent’s home. It was even MORE beautiful there then I ever could have imagined!

What I desire for each & everyone one of my senior high graduate sessions is to make the session THEM. Megan’s was definitely that! Her grandparents property was simple a perfect setting & Megan’s personality & beauty is enough to make any session go perfectly! I literally squealed with excitement during the session because of all the fun we had!

Megan, you are truly beautiful. Even though we were only together a few hours, I can tell that you have a caring heart. And you don’t want to be like everyone else. You want to stand out. Please Megan, DO! The world needs you! Use your voice to say things that need to be said & use your heart to know when to say them. Keep loving those around you & don’t be afraid to be who the Lord has called you to be.

Megan was killin it just within a couple minutes of her session. PS I told Megan this, but I was VERY excited to photograph her for many reasons, but one was because she’s a redhead. My mom is a redhead! I loved how her red hair stands out with the red background & brick!

Megan | High School Senior Graduate Session-2      Megan | High School Senior Graduate Session-1

She requested a picture in front of the watermelon 😉 My kind of girl! And we made it happen.

Megan | High School Senior Graduate Session-8

Her big smile is coming out! Love it!!! And don’t you just LOVE Megan’s boots? The girl has style!

Megan | High School Senior Graduate Session-80      Megan | High School Senior Graduate Session-1

Another fun one with sissy!

Megan | High School Senior Graduate Session-2

Stunningly serious.

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Megan | High School Senior Graduate Session-77

Megan | High School Senior Graduate Session-89



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Chloe | High School Senior Graduate

I met Chloe through her older sister Heidi (who I’ve had the pleasure of photographing her family several times!). We scheduled a Skype date a few weeks before her session & discussed her Senior Session. I immediately liked Chloe. She has gorgeous curly hair that reminded me of mine. She loves Jesus & is practical & knows what she wants.

The evening of her session we had to work around rain, homecoming pictures being taken by other people 😉 & even a wedding! But through it all Chloe was a trooper. She was so easy to talk too. We talked about the app TimeHop, her job, music & tons of other stuff. I really didn’t want the evening to end!

Chloe also has a huge heart for missions. She’s been to Haiti twice & really loves the people their & that country. We used a globe to highlight that passion of hers in her session.

01 Chloe

Chloe was so easy going & totally let me do some more “creative” stuff with her including hiding her face behind the globe!

02 Chloe

Love these.

04 Chloe     05 Chloe

03 Chloe

Chloe & her grandma share the same initials. The monogram on her pinky with their initials was something Chloe wanted highlighted at her session. The pearl ring was her grandma’s. I love it when clients bring things that are THEM & shows how unique they are!

06 Chloe

Chloe, I was honored to spend time with you for your senior pictures. I know you’re going to continue to make a difference in the world. You’re an amazing girl. Beautiful inside & out.

Chloe | High School Senior Session-1

Chloe | High School Senior Session-2

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