God has planned all the days of my baby’s life already, including this one.
God hears my silent prayers and cares for my heart.
I choose to rest in the peace that surpasses understanding.
God has given me all the strength I need for this moment.
I trust the Lord, who made my body to do this.
Jesus is always with me.
I give birth in safety, held by the Lord.
God has perfectly prepared this day for my baby’s birth.
The Lord strengthens me through every breath.
Jesus understands all my thoughts and feelings.
Every year the fall season brings some of my favorite families & people in front of my camera! Fall of 2018 didn’t disappoint! I LOVE these people!!!
It’s that time of year AGAIN! Time to plan for the fall & choose a fall mini photography session date! I am offering two different dates for my Fall Mini’s- October 19 & November 2. (If neither of these dates work for your needs, I am offering Christmas Mini Sessions & you can read all about those HERE.) And please make sure you read THIS POST for a few changes I’ve made to my mini sessions in 2019.
If you’re not quite sure if a Mini Session fits your needs, THIS POST will help you decide that!
OK! On to the juicy details!
“I just want a picture of all my kids smiling & looking at the camera!” says just about every momma to me 🙂 And now that I’m a mom of two, YES that can be a difficult thing to make happen! So let ME do that for you!
This year I am offering Sibling Mini Sessions!!! Here below are the details including pricing info & the link to sign up. I only have 4 spots! These are PERFECT for the family that just wants pictures of the kids this year & will be skipping family pictures & wants to get ahead of the busy fall schedule.
Friday, September 6 SAVE YOUR SPOT HERE. Rain Day if needed will be Sunday, September 8.
If you’re not quite sure if a Mini Session fits your needs, THIS POST will help you decide that!
Summer Mini’s were SO fun this year! I’m a bit in love with our location & it’s the second time I’ve used it! The special couples & families I got to photograph are just favorites of mine. AND the weather had been SO crazy! We’d had SO MUCH rain the weeks leading up to the evening of the sessions & even! It literally started sprinkling rain a half hour before the first mini session & STOPPED raining like 8 minutes before the first. After that the weather was perfect & the show went on! Sometimes you never know what’s going to happen with the weather in IL!
It was very hard to choose but here are some favorites from Summer Mini’s this year! If you’re interested in getting a summer mini spot next year you’ll want to sign up to be on my enewsletter HERE so that you’re notified as soon as they open up!
This morning in my head I was thinking about how to explain my heart on WHY I did what I did. And I realized the short answer is- because I care about you all. You’re not just clients to me. You’re my friends. My people. Special individuals that I get to watch as your family grows. I get to watch while you & your significant other go through new seasons & I get to celebrate with your senior as they take a new step into the world. And I get to cry & cheer as your brand new child is born into a room full of love.
I believe so much in what we get to do together- save THIS season of life, hold THESE moments in time- for the legacy that you will carry & pass on.
I “filmed” 5 Facebook Live videos that I am gifting to you to use as we draw closer to our photo session together. I called it my Christmas in July series & they’re all on my facebook HERE (or just click each topic below & you’ll go directly to each video).
Here are the 5 Topics I Hit:
How to Make Photos Happen on a Budget
Getting Your Loved One on Board for Photos
Tips for How to SCHEDULE Family & Group Family Photos
5 Tips for Saving Money when Buying Clothes for Photo Sessions
What to Wear for Photo Sessions? 5 Tips!
I’ve had all of these topics clinking around in my brain for years now. I can only get so many words into a blog post & frankly the amount of information I shared would have been too much for a blog post. Plus it was easier to just share my heart verbally then take the time to think through the right words & write it all out!
All of these videos & the information I shared was from my heart & not from Pinterest posts somewhere. I thought through the things that have & have not worked in the last 5 years of business & am REALLY EXCITED to share these resources with you!!!
I care about you & I care about the money, the time & effort that YOU put into photo sessions. And I care about our time together & want it to be as special as possible! That’s why I took the time to film these & I’m REALLY excited about them. So please, check these out! Here’s THE LINK again so you can just click & play whatever one you’re most interested in. And feel free to just put it on & “listen” to me as you make dinner, fold laundry or whatever! And the cool thing is, you can comment on ANY of the videos at anytime ask any specific questions you may have & I’ll get notified & can answer back right there!
I just LOVE IT when I get to photograph families with “older” kids 😉 Especially ones that are so fun to be with & ready for my corny jokes! Plus, you might recognize one of these beautiful young ladies since I photographed her senior pictures a few falls ago. This entire family is beautiful & I loved our time together!
This is a very dear friend of mine. She & her family live in Indonesia & they spent this past year spending time in the states again. We were practically neighbors as they lived less then 5 minutes from us for about a year! We did several photo session swaps as she’s one talented photographer herself! She did our newborn pictures when Ruth was born which are just treasures to me. Isn’t it cool how the Lord worked it out for her to be in the states the year our Ruth was born & we’d need newborn photos?
One evening she & I hungout & did pictures of each other together & I wanted to share a few of my favorites of her! Headshot Sessions are perfect for a creative who is launching or even rebranding their work. A church that needs to staff team pictures. A mom that is wanting to have images for her own side business of selling crafts or essential oils! You name it! If you have any questions about if this session is best for what you need, email me at naomi@naomielizabethphotography.com!
Now here are some of my favorites of Kathleen 🙂
This sweet girl turned one & I was so honored to take her one year pictures as I’ve done her parents proposal pictures & her mom is a very, very, very, very close friend of mine.
Amelia is a January baby & I know that sometimes parents think that good pictures can’t happen indoors (let’s be honest it is a bit tooooo cold to go outside for pictures in January!) BUT I assured them we would get some awesome pictures at their house & we did! For doing indoor pictures, windows & a good solid, clear wall is what you need. 90% of these pictures were taken in a small spot in the master bedroom. I love all these & how Amelia’s personality just shines through!