Tag Archives: central illinois photographer

Mini Session Schedule for 2017!

Oh friends, it’s time! IT’S TIME! It’s time to share my dates for the mini photography sessions that I will be offering in 2017!

2017 Mini Session Dates

Mom & Me – May 6

Family Mini’s – June 3 (spots will be limited)

Back-to-School Mini’s for Homeschoolers – August TBA

Fall Family Mini’s – October 20, 21 & November 4

*All of these dates are subject to change

Click HERE to see some of my favorite images from my Fall 2016 I had!

Mini Sessions are offered on a first come, first serve basis & the best way to make sure you’re able to reserve one when they’re released is by joining my e-newsletter! Just click HERE to signup if you haven’t joined the e-newsletter list yet! (And once you join, you’ll receive a copy of my 5 Tips for Taking Better Smartphone Photos” as a thank you gift from me!) I’ll be using an online sign-up system again this year that will make life a lot easier for many of us!

I only offer these at specific times of the year & they are usually only 20 minutes total at max! If you’re wanting individual portraits of your children or multiple wardrobe changes, a full session would be a better option for you!

If you’re not quite sure what a mini session is or if it fits your specific needs, I’ve written a blog post that’s HERE that you can read ALL the details about them 🙂

So get these dates on your calendars, planners, iCal’s & watch your emails for when signups are available for each individual mini sessions as we get closer to their dates! Please, please, feel free to email me with any questions! I CAN’T WAIT!!!










What is a Mini Session with Naomi Elizabeth Photography?

If you’ve seen the words “mini sessions” & aren’t quite certain what exactly a “mini session” is, this is the perfect blog post for you to read! (Or if reading isn’t your thing & you’d rather “listen/watch” HERE’S a video I did explaining the differences!)

I do mini sessions because I believe in relationships. I believe in capturing the special relationships that are in our lives & mini sessions are the perfect way to do that in a short amount of time! Several times a year I offer “mini photography sessions” which I often just shorten to “mini sessions” 🙂 Hey, it’s easier to say right? But what exactly IS a MINI SESSION you might ask? Well, let me answer that question for you!

Mini Sessions are:

  • On set dates through-out the year that I prearrange at the beginning of each photography season. (Feel free to email me at naomi@naomielizabethphotograph.com for this year’s current Mini Session Dates!) 
  • Set at a discounted price from a regular session for the following reasons:
    • Package includes:
      • Usually 30-40 images (a smaller amount then a regular session)
      • Print Release for permission to print wherever you’d like
      • Online Gallery to download images to your own personal computer
      • High Resolution Images for printing use & Low Resolution Images for social media use are included
      • They are typically 20 minutes at most since I am scheduling mini sessions back to back with other families
  • At a set location that I’ve chosen

Mini Sessions are super fun! They’re interactive & fast paced! And if you’re wondering if it’s really possible to get good photo’s in such a small amount of time, IT REALLY IS! Feel free to search on my blog “Mini Sessions” & you’ll find tons of examples from past ones 🙂

And now here’s a few answers to the most frequently asked questions that I’m asked:


Are wardrobe changes allowed? Because of time, wardrobe changes aren’t feasible for mini sessions. If you’d like to change outfits, a regular session is just PERFECT for that!

Will we be able to get photo’s of our individual children at the mini session? With my regular sessions I always get individual photo’s of the children & those are some of my favorites! For mini sessions, because of the limited amount of time we have, I don’t do portraits of each child. I get multiples of each child by themselves in a regular session & you’ll have several poses in your finished gallery!

Are animals allowed? Again, because of time, bringing animals along would be better for a regular session so we’d have time to work with them & get all the photo’s we wanted!

We have more then 6 in our immediate family, can we do a mini session? YES! I do charge a small amount for every person after 6 people but more then 6 are fine! If you are wanting to do pictures with grandparents or other relatives, I’d love to discuss a Group Family Session! That would fit your needs much better.

Do you offer mini sessions on any other days but the ones you’ve set aside for the year? I do not. Mini Sessions are very special & I only offer them a few times a year! The best way to keep in the know for them is to signup for my enewsletter! E-Newsletter subscribers are always the first to find out when they are & how to signup!

How do I find out about when a mini session is being released for signup? Through my e-newsletter! I give my subscribers the first opportunity to signup & then after that I share on social media any spots that might be open. All of these are offered on a first come, first serve basis! Click HERE to signup & you’ll get a thank you gift in return in your inbox!

What type of mini sessions do you usually do? I choose my mini sessions around relationship connections. Typically I offer every year Mom & Me Mini’s, Family Mini’s in the spring or summer, Back-to-School Mini’s for Homeschoolers & Fall Fall Mini’s.

I hope that answers some of your questions & helps you decide if a Mini Session or Regular Session fits your needs! Please feel free to email me at naomi@naomielizabethphotography.com at anytime with ANY questions!!!







Labertew | Family Session

I think everyone would agree that Ewing Manor is just one of the prettiest place in Bloomington-Normal. Every time I have the opportunity to have a session there I’m just so excited about it!!! The home is gorgeous & has so many fun areas to take pictures. So obviously I was BEYOND thrilled when the Labertew Family decided to have their family session there.

It was my second time taking pictures of this family & I know these are my favorite pictures of the two sessions we’ve had! Jacob, the eldest of the Labertew kids, is at away college in Missouri & so having the whole family together meant a lot to them all. We laughed a lot during our time together & I know you can see it in their expressions through these amazing family images!

Joel & Angela are our pastors at our church & I’m just SO THANKFUL for this amazing family! 


Rumley | Family Session

The Rumley Family has a very full schedule! Put together the calendar of their 5 lives plus mine as a mom & wife, we had quite the time finding a time to get a session in before the fall beautifulness had gone away! THEN when we got to where I wanted us to do our session, the location was being used- I was so bummed! But then I went a little deeper into the wooded area where we were meeting & found an EVEN BETTER spot! I’m honestly so thankful we weren’t able to photograph in the first spot because I like the second spot SO.MUCH.BETTER. Even with all the difficulties we had with getting together & find a great location, the Rumley Family’s session is one of my all time absolute FAVORITES.EVER.

I say all that to say- even when there’s adversity, you can still find beauty.

The Rumley Family has faced a lot of difficulty, pain & unknown in the past couple of years & when I look at these photos I can’t help but see the beauty & the goodness of the Lord. I love their family & I love these photos. I seriously cannot choose a favorite so just get ready for LOTS of pictures of the Rumley Family 😉

Also let me just say when I look at these pictures I think #familygoals 🙂




Poppins | Newborn Session

Amelia is now a BIG sister! Aubrey Maureen was born just a few days after Christmas on December 28. I’m a little partial to December baby’s myself 😉 so I was pretty excited when little Aubrey came before the new year 🙂

Here’s a few of my very favorite photos from my time with the Poppins Family. I just LOVE what we captured!

Sweet, sweet Aubrey Maureen!     

Kymber, you are SOOO gorgeous!!!! Just stop!!! This is seriously a new favorite mother & precious baby photo of mine!

This is what big sis does while she’s waiting for her turn for pics 😉



Charlotte | Newborn Session

Today’s post is about a very, very special girl. She is so special. Her story is amazing & miraculous, one of hope & promise. In fact, I’ve asked her momma to share her story, their story of how they prayed, waited & longed for Charlotte. It’s a story that she needs to tell, not me. Their story is a wonderful reflection of the power of God & needs to be told as only the mother of Charlotte Elizabeth can tell it. I invite you to read these words that are directly from Charlotte’s momma’s heart.

“We had almost given up hope that we would have a child. Charlotte has three siblings in Heaven, who sent her to us. After the heartbreak of two miscarriages and one ruptured ectopic pregnancy, she is the blessing of God’s redemptive power. I thought my body was broken, and because we prayed through tears we learned God’s healing is perfect. She is perfect, because God takes the broken and makes them whole.

She is our miracle…



The odds have been stacked against her since the beginning, and yet here she is. The road on the journey to this point of her life was paved with many obstacles. I had gestational diabetes and a marginal cord insertion while pregnant with her. Every minute of her life, even before conception, has been covered in prayers of those who love her. She is the living proof that God listens to His children. I held my breath for nine months. I was guarding my heart from another lose, but she is here. God’s protection is perfect. She is perfect, because God shields those who find refuge in Him.

She is our fighter…

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Diamonds are formed by heat and pressure over time. Our story is one of walking by faith through the fire. She is the outcome of our refining and the embodiment of God’s faithfulness. We have been waiting years for her, and while still not understood with our finite minds, God’s timing is perfect. She is perfect, because from ashes God makes beauty.

She is our diamond…


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Our story will shape the kind of parents we will be. It will shape the person she will become. I prayed that she would be healthy and that she will grow to know Jesus. We still have scars on our hearts for the ones we lost, but she is the string God used to stitch the pieces back together. I pray she will be the light of God’s love. I believe that God has big things in store for her. While we do not know the future, we rest in knowing that God’s plan is perfect. She is perfect, because God creates life where there was nothing. She is our joy…

 She is our child.”


Thank you Elyse for sharing your heart. Your beautiful words needed to be put along these photos. Tears well up in my eyes every time I read your story & look at these photos. May the Lord grant you & Chuck wisdom, patience & peace as you raise Charlotte. May her story, your story be told to encourage others. You’re a strong momma because you lean on the Lord. I love you. I can’t wait to watch Charlotte Elizabeth grow up into who the Lord has designed her to be! – Naomi

Chuck & Elyse’s maternity pictures are HERE if you missed them.




Olson | Family Session

It’s the week of Thanksgiving & I’m finding myself listing things I’m grateful for. It’s not a surprise to me that most of  “things” are indeed people & the list of people I’m thankful for seems to be unending.

I’m thankful for my friend Kaela. We met about 7 years at a weekend retreat for pastors kids in Illinois. Kaela was coming with a team from a church in Rockford to volunteer their help & my sister & I were coming from Normal. I don’t remember how or even what we said when we first met, but I know Kaela & I clicked & I wanted to be around her laugh & wise words as much as I could that weekend 🙂 If you know Kaela she’s all about scarves, messy buns & loving people. During our time at the retreat, God used her to confirm some stuff that was going on in my life & I’ve never forgotten that.

Kaela & I did get to meet up a few years ago in Fargo, ND where she was working & my mom’s side of the family live. We exchanged updated life stories & I told her about the guy in my life (Eric) & she told me about the guy (Peter) in hers. Fast forward to 2016 🙂 Kaela & her little family have been traveling in the U.S. this year & getting ready to travel back to Africa to love on the people there & tell them the Truth & Good News of life. It worked out perfectly for them to come by Normal & we had a mini photo session, spaghetti AND the BEST PART of all was that our girls got to meet! (Photo of that at the end of this post!) Oh & of course our husbands had fun meeting too 🙂

Now I’ll quit writing & let you look at these pictures- pictures of such a PRECIOUS & SPECIAL family.


Arielle sure loves her mommy & daddy!!!!

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This one just melts my heart to pieces.


And of course this!


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She’s the joy of their worlds.


Those eyes & that smile!!!!


I love this next picture. I wasn’t planning on this happening, but if you look close to the right of this picture, you can see mommy & daddy in the picture 😉


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JOY overload!!!



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And these two!


Peter, Kaela, & Arielle, we love you guys!!! We hope to have many get togethers, even if they’re several years a part 😉 in the future. We are praying for you three & that God will protect & use you. Love, Eric, Naomi, & Elizabeth




Hackbarth | Family Session

Kenny, Katie & Gavin moved to Bloomington-Normal almost two years ago. If you know Eric & I, you know that we love our church & are thankful for the community that we have there. The Hackbarth family moved here so that Kenny could be our Worship & Fine Arts pastor. We’ve enjoyed getting to know their little family & having them in the same small group as ours. Katie is just plain gorgeous, Gavin is hilarious & Kenny is so kind.

Katie had a particular vision on mind for their family session & it meant to much to me that she chose me to carry that out. We met up in a fun part of Bloomington downtown & I just love what happened! Their personalities & my camera was a match made in heaven. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all these pictures we got. I know after looking at these you’ll want to be friends with Hackbarth family too & I don’t blame you 😉


Gavin Paul is seriously like a little model. He’s such a sweet kid!!!!!

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One of my fav’s! hackbarth-7hackbarth-4

Gavin, you completely stole my heart during our time together. hackbarth-5hackbarth-9hackbarth-3hackbarth-6

These two! I love their connection & playfulness with each other!

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Katie, you are SO beautiful. hackbarth-17

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Hackbarths, my family is so thankful your family is here. Thank you for your serving & loving hearts. Kenny & Katie, your love for Gavin is so special. You are AMAZING parents & I can see in your eyes how much you care for him. He is growing into a strong & sweet little guy. We can’t wait to see all that the Lord does through your family here. And thanks again for letting me come hangout with you guys 😉 Just say the word & I’ll do it again in a heartbeat 🙂




Pray for the Cure 2016

Cancer is so limited…
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot quench the Spirit.

– Dr. Robert L. Lynn

I had the privilege of documenting this year’s community Pray for the Cure service this past September 8. I had photographed the event last year & was very much honored to do so again for the second year in a row. (To view last year’s service, click HERE.)

Pray for the Cure is a service open to the community. A time of prayer, music, reflection & encouragement occur for breast cancer survivors & fighters, their families & friends, & anyone else who would want to attend. The very first P4TC was first held in 2004 in Peoria, IL & the very first P4TC in Bloomington-Normal happened seven years later in 2011. “Pray for the Cure is sanctioned by Susan G. Komen for the Cure. It is meant to precede the Race as a spiritual and emotional care program,” P4TC’s facebook page states.

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Since it was my second time capturing the event, when I walked into this year’s service, I recognized many faces from the previous year. As I prepared my camera settings for the evening & began to observe my surroundings I watched as people greeted each other & seats were found to sit in for the evening. From the solemness in the room, I knew in my heart that there were several faces who would not be joining us this year that had been there last year because their fight with cancer had ended.

The Pray for the Cure team always does a fantastic job in remembering those who have & are battling cancer. As people walked in before the night even, beautiful flute & harp music played by Sue Miller & Rex Moore filled the small auditorium. Barb Haab & Cheryl Peterson-Karlan, this years Co-Chairs of P4TC opened the evening.

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Other special music was performed by LoriLee Dunahee & Amazon Women.


This year’s speaker was the inspiring & spirited Melissa J. Shrader, a two year breast cancer survivor. Melissa’s encouragement & testimony of victory was incredible! Her voice carried strength & her heart shared her story. All eyes were on her as she told her own journey & filled the audience with energy to fight & pray. Laughs were heard & tears were shed as Melissa spoke.


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After Melissa spoke, it was soon time for the lighting of the candles.

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A table with small, white unlit candles is set at the front of the auditorium. At this particular time of the evening, members of the audience are invited to come light a candle in remembrance of someone who has passed away from cancer. The front fills with individuals waiting to light a candle for their loved one. Individuals who have fought alongside their friend or family member, never expecting to ever have to light a candle of remembrance yet there they wait in line.

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The room fills with a hushed respect. Tears are shed & whispers are heard through-out the room. Whispers of prayers & exchanged words with one another as candle after candle is lit.

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After the Survivor Recognition & Litany of Prayer for Survivors, a closing blessing is given by Rev. Cheree Johnson. As heads bow across the auditorium to close the evening in prayer, the peace that is felt in the room is unmistakable as hearts have been united & encouraged.

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One of my favorite parts of the evening are the many, many hugs exchanged throughout the evening. Arms holding each other. Long embraces. Hugs that are full of joy & others with heaviness. The days ahead are unknown but the Power we told hold of is not forgotten.


The wonderful team who put together this year’s service! pftc-36 pftc-34

“I’ll pray for you, you pray for me. And together a miracle we’ll see.”

