Tag Archives: central illinois photographer

Welcome Tobias | Newborn Session

Sweet Baby Toby 🙂 If you go a few posts back, you can read Tobias’ Birth Day Story or just click HERE. About a week after he’d been born, I got to go see him again! Only this time he was at home & hanging out with his mommy & daddy & two older brothers.

The LaBerge Family is very special to my husband, Elizabeth & I. Seeing dear friends grow their family has got to be one of God’s special gifts He gives. I actually was able to photograph Harrison, Toby’s older brother’s newborn pictures (you can see them HERE).

Here’s a few of my personal favorites from my time with Toby & his family!


Baby boy was pretty awake for most of his session! He wanted to keep an eye on me 😉




I love these two photos of Amber & Toby!



These next two photos will just melt your heart…




Love their faces 🙂



I love how Kyle looks at his son.


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I love ALL the pictures from this session. I really, really had a hard time choosing just a few for this post. But I feel this last photo really captures the love, the joy & the silliness 😉 in this precious family. Love you guys!  tobys-ns-blogpost-20


Back-to-School 2016 Mini Session Recap!

“The home is the first and most effective place to learn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, self control, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life. Nothing can take the place of home in rearing and teaching children, and no other success can compensate for failure in the home.” – David O. McKay

Here’s a few of my favorite images from this years Back-to-School Mini Sessions I offered for homeschooling families this year 🙂 It was SO great to be able to see several families I’ve worked with now for 3 years! And several new families!!! Here’s a few of my favorites pictures- I wish I could post them all!!!!!!!!


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Christmas Family Mini Photo Session for 2016!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…..! There’s just something about snuggling up with little ones & remembering that best time of year…I’m SOOO excited to be offering for the first time Christmas Mini Sessions!




  • Christmas Mini’s will be on Saturday, November 19. There are only 6 SLOTS!
  • You’ll want to dress in Christmas colors/outfits!!!
  • IF you like the location & want to wear more fall, non-Christmasy outfits that’s totally fine! The location is flexible & I can move the wicker bench out & remove the wreath.
  • Location is in White Place, a historical neighborhood of Bloomington. (The pictures in this blog post are from the location we’ll be at.)
  • Families with up to 6 members ($10.00 per additional family member after 6 members) is $100.00
  • I’ve reserved 20 minutes per family/session to have a fun interactive short session. I will be scheduling sessions back to back with short breaks in between.
  • You will receive a total of 10-15 images.
  • All images will be delivered within one week to 10 days of the session (plenty of time to order Christmas Cards!) via a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded & printed where you choose.
  • Print Release is included.
  • This session does not allow for outfit changes.
  • If for some reason it rains either day, I will work out with each client a time to reschedule on Sunday, November 20. So please keep your schedule flexible on Nov. 20. The only reason I’ll reschedule is if it rains. If it’s cold, we’ll just bundle up!

Within a few days of signing up for a session, you will receive an email from me with a few more details including location, information of payment (due at session) & an online contract.

To reserve your session slot CLICK HERE & choose what works best for your family!

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Fall Mini Photo Sessions for 2016!

It’s time for Fall Mini Photo Sessions! These are the perfect photo’s to use for your Christmas cards or get that yearly photo update of your family!



  • Fall Mini’s will be on Friday, October 21 & Saturday, October 22. There are only 10 SLOTS!
    I am also I’m offering Christmas Mini’s in November CLICK HERE for that information.
  • Families with up to 6 members ($10.00 per additional family member after 6 members) is $100.00
  • I’ve reserved 20 minutes per family/session to have a fun interactive short session. I will be scheduling sessions back to back with short breaks in between.
  • You will receive a total of 15-20 images.
  • All images will be delivered within 3 weeks of the session (plenty of time to order Christmas Cards!) via a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded & printed where you choose.
  • Print Release is included.
  • This session does not allow for outfit changes.
  • If for some reason it rains either day, I will work out with each client a time to reschedule on Sunday, October 23. So please keep your schedule flexible on Oct. 23.

Within a few days of signing up for a session, you will receive an email from me with a few more details including location, information of payment (due at session) & an online contract.

To reserve your session slot CLICK HERE & choose what works best for your family!

Oh & PS the images in this post were all taken at our location for the Fall Mini’s! Talk about GORGEOUS!!!


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Josiah Turns Two!

As the previous two other blog posts have began so does this one…a few weeks ago my little family traveled to our through Columbia, Missouri on our way to our vacation location. On our way, we stopped in Columbia where I used to live. Eight years ago to be exact! One of the families my parents & siblings & I connected with was the Jouret Family. I actually got to see them about two years ago & HERE’s the blog post of that last time I got to photograph their family.

At that time little Josiah was just a few months old! And now he’s turning TWO!!! How crazy is that!? It was so fun to meet up with little Josiah & his parents. It was especially fun for me to see how his personality has developed & how his sweet little self is growing up!

Here’s a few of my favorite images that we got-which it practically was every picture!!! But I still restrained myself & didn’t post them all 😉 Although I wanted too!

Look at that sweet little guy 🙂




Just thinking & pondering life 😉


I love that his momma brought some of his favorite things so he could play with them & his personality really came out!!!


Then came the bubbles!  Josiah-13

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Chasing the bubbles!


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Mr. Josiah Jouret, you were such a sweet little guy. You have amazing parents & two siblings who love you so much. I pray for the Lord’s hand to be on your life & that you will always follow His voice. Happy Birthday Josiah!!!




Rachel & Jason | Couples Session

Just a few weeks ago my little family traveled to our vacation location in the land of Missouri. On our way, we stopped in Columbia where I used to live. Eight years ago to be exact! Within just a few weeks of when my parents, siblings & I move to CoMo, I started working at Cracker Barrel. Yes the restaurant that you can play checkers while you wait for your food, get toasty by the fire & fill up on comfort in food. In the total of 3 years that I worked for Cracker Barrel, I made some super good friends that I STILL keep in contact with. And one of those friends is Rachel! We really didn’t hangout outside of work when we were both at the Barrel, she was busy going to law school & I was busy picking up the shifts that she didn’t want 😉 BUT over time, we’ve stayed in contact through facebook.

We’ve both launched small business’s, like house decorating/designing & if you know Rachel, she’s quite funny 😉

So when I knew we were going through Columbia, I contacted her about doing a little mini session & I’m SO GLAD WE DID! It was my first time meeting Jason & I got to be around sweet, fun Rachel & MAN can these two work the camera!!!!! Take a look for yourself!

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She kind of likes him 😉

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I loved seeing these two make each other laugh 😉

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Love!!!!!!! And sidenote, I LOVED Rachel’s dress & complete outfit.

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I have sooooo many favorites! But I love these last two!!!!!!!

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Rachel & Jason, I’m excited for your new home & just all the days ahead that you have together! Remember, each day with each other is a gift! And you two are MORE THEN WELCOME to get in front of my camera anytime 😉

Nolan Turns One!

September of 2014 I was able to travel to St. Charles & meet up with two different families that I knew from Columbia, MO. One of the two was my longtime friend Brooke & her husband. I blogged their anniversary session that we had & spoke about two special phone calls we had shared (view it HERE). Well, I can now add another “special phone call” to that list as well. Brooke called me last year & told me that her & Nic were expecting!!!!!! We were actually pregnant at the same time for several months & then little Nolan made his appearance in August of 2015.

And now he’s turning ONE!!!!

Just a few weeks ago on Eric, Elizabeth & I’s way to our family vacation location, we stopped in Columbia, Missouri & got to spend some with with precious Nolan & his parents. It was actually my first time meeting him! Since Elizabeth was with us, both Brooke & I’s baby’s got to meet each other (go to the end of this post to see that pic)!!! Such a sweet time that I wish could have lasted longer!!!

So come take a moment with me & celebrate Nolan’s First Birthday!!!





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So Nolan’s balloon popped at the very end of our time together! I actually was totally surprised by it & squealed at the noise! Nolan? He took it all in stride! This was his face after!!! It was like he was saying “What was that? Where’d my balloon go? And why are you screaming like a little girl?” hahaha


And these two photos were just extras! Had to get a quick snap of mommy & daddy & their birthday boy!!!!! Nolan-14

And here we are with our babies!!!! Elizabeth had been sleeping & so thus the jammies & sleepy face 😉

Brooke, I love you!!! We don’t get to talk as much as I would like to, but I am SOOO proud of the mommy you are!!! You & Nic are raising a fine, young man. Keep at it!!!!!! He’s going to be a such a sweetheart & I pray a man that loves the Lord!!!



Violet Turns One!

When my friend Lynne told me that she wanted to have her baby girl’s One Year Session in the comfort of their little home, I just smiled happily to myself & my heart just felt so full. The idea of taking pictures of her little Violet in the home she’s being raised in along with her brother & sister just seemed so perfect to me. The home where she’s taken her first steps, the bedroom where she lays her head to rest every night & the yard with all her favorite things that she’s now beginning to climb…so.sticken.special. I mean really, what could be better then that?

Can you tell I just loved the idea?

So one night I arrived at the Norris household & spent time with their family of 5. Our focus was of course the birthday girl Miss Violet, but I also loved capturing her involvement with her siblings & parents. It was a family affair trying to get Violet’s attention & photographing the things she likes to do, like jumping on big brother’s bed 😉

I always enjoy my time with the Norris family! The last time I was there, Violet was still in mommy’s tummy! (Click HERE for the last session I had with them.) They’re a fun 5 & probably are just as loud & fun as my family was when I was growing up 🙂 Made me feel right at home.

Ok, I’ll quit talking! Here’s a few of my favorite moments documenting this time in Miss Vi’s life!

The birthday girl taking some steps into mommy’s arms! (I mean really, how precious is that!?)   Violet nomiphotographycom-8

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See her reflection in the window??!!!!!

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Peaking out the window while brother & sister play.

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The whole fam!

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Love their faces here!!!

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Couldn’t help cute take a pic of big brother & big sis. Especially because they kept asking for pics 😉

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Nothing beats kisses & snuggles & nose touching from daddy 🙂

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And yes, she does love them 😉

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Happy Miss Violet!!! You are SOOOO LOVED!!!!

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Martindale | Mini Session

Love these photo’s of Misty & her littles! Well, her littles that aren’t so little 😉 It’s been a couple years since I’ve seen these 3 handsome boys & their sister & let me tell you, they are probably THE MOST POLITE children I have ever met!!!

I’m totally thinking of putting their pictures on my own walls since they’re all wearing my favorite color- navy 😉 Kidding! Well maybe I’m not 😉 It was a hot evening for pictures but they sure look AH-MAZING!!! These are such sweet photos of such a sweet family!

Love this one of Misty & her baby girl!

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And my very favorite!!!

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Eliott Turns One!

Baby Girl Eliott, where has the time gone? It was just yesterday that we took your Newborn Pictures & then it was just a few days after that I feel that we did your 6 Month pictures & took some pictures with your mommy & daddy & big sister. Now you’re turning one next weekend & I feel like I just blinked & you grew up.

At your newborn session, I had horrible morning sickness (no one knew we were pregnant with Elizabeth yet!) & just today I was holding our Elizabeth Leah & you were being all sweet & gentle & playing nicely with her. I pray you Eliott & my Elizabeth are friends in the making. The Wilcox Family loves you sweet girl. I love your smile, your BIG beautiful eyes & your sweetness.

Happy First Birthday Sweet Baby Girl!

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The location we went to for Eliott’s One Year Session is a new favorite of mine. I totally did not plan that there would be so many beautiful purple spring trees & that Eliott would be wearing a purple dress! I love how the purple flowers through her session just made her little outfits pop! The flowers make special appearances in so many of her photo’s!

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Her mommy brought this special rocking chair from home that Eliott loves sitting in!

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Happy girl!

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It’s so tiring being a Princess 😉 Eliott Turns One wwwnomiphotographycom-16

Those eyebrows!!!!!

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I love that her mommy brought a hat with! It was so cute watching Eliott play with it & I feel like it helped her personality come out even more!

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My personal favorite!

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Love you bunches Eliott Nicole!!!