Hi friends! It’s so wild to me that in about a month (May 2022) Naomi Elizabeth Photography will be 9 years old! WOW! During those 9 years a lot has happened- for you & for me!
My family, my time & I as a person has changed in those 9 years & to accommodate those things, I’ve needed to make a few changes for NEP that I wanted to share. Even just to have it clear some of my brain space! And really I’d probably call this more of a “state of the union” post haha then a policy change post.
TEAM EFFORT Naomi Elizabeth Photography is not just me- NEP is a team of people! You may see my name a lot & see me at sessions but NEP is not a one man show! My husband Eric is a HUGE HUGE part of NEP. He takes care of so many things including the financial side of NEP. He also takes care of our kiddos a large portion of the time I’m gone at sessions or working from home on photography things. Fall is a VERY busy season not just for me as a photographer but for my husband’s job. My mother, sister & in-laws also help on a regular basis watching our kids when Eric can’t. We also have a high school girl who helps out with the kids twice a month. It’s a team effort!
JOY As we’ve grown as a family & made the choice to homeschool our children, we knew that to proceed with photography, that some other things needed to happen to help make our family life plus a small business run a bit smoother. I have a dear, dear friend, Joy Phillips, who has her own photography editing business. In short she helps photographers get their lives back! I send her galleries from my sessions & she helps narrow down the best photos & then mirrors my style & edits them like I would have. This past fall Joy was who edited my photos for me & it was SUCH a blessing that Eric & I knew to continue forward with NEP, hiring Joy fulltime was a must. So as of 2022, Joy is now a vital part of NEP & I’m so thankful for her!
PRICING Those two things I just shared to show why I’ve needed to make some necessary modifications within NEP to make NEP something I can STILL do with young children. Another thing I’ve done is I’ve updated my photography prices. I know I don’t have to even say anything about doing so. Many people are having to up their prices in things because of life but I really felt led to share the WHY of why I did it. You all are like family to me, you’ve helped me grow in so many ways & thank you for that!
I felt it was important to share all this as I don’t want to seem as someone who “does it all”. Because I DON’T! I truly don’t. I also wanted to share this as I know there are many women from all ages & backgrounds who have dreams & want to use their gifts & I feel it’s good to share that it takes work & a team but it’s worth it!
EMAIL COMMUNICATION I will say, I’m a bit slower with my email communication then I used to be. This isn’t really a policy change haha but I wanted to share this here. I will always respond when I need to it just may be a little slower then it has been in the past! Thank you for understanding that!
SCHEDULING As much as I’d love to photograph everyone who ever reaches out to me, I know with my family’s own full schedule aside from my photography schedule & your own schedule this just won’t be able to happen. SO I would highly advise that as soon as you know you’d like to do a photo session of some kind with me, please reach out to me so that we can make it happen!!!
BIRTH PHOTOGRAPHY As of now, I am no longer able to offer birth photography. It was a short but sweet season for me with NEP & maybe someday I can revisit that special world again. I’ve taken it off of my services list but wanted to share that here as well.
HEADSHOTS I’ve been asked many times to do headshot sessions & it’s usually worked out to do them indoors at the place of work for the individual or outside. Recently a need of a friend came up & we used my living room to do her headshots & they turned out beautifully! I now am offering headshots on a regular basis! It was something before that I could do only if it worked out but I am confident with the options I can now offer this on a fulltime basis! So if this is a need of yours feel free to email me!
MINI SESSIONS FOR 2022 For almost all of NEP I have offered Mom & Me Mini’s. The past couple years I haven’t because of covid restrictions & my own pregnancy needs. This year I wanted to make them happen but timewise I wasn’t able to. And to be fully transparent I haven’t booked many of them when I have offered them in the past. So if you could like to see me offer them in the future, please reach out to me! As a mom myself I have realized I desire a family picture MORE then I do photos with me & my kids. It’s work to get ready for pictures am I right? 😉 & if it takes all that work I’d rather have it be with my entire family. Just a personal thought. So anyway, moving forward unless I hear different from you all, I will probably just focus on spring & summer & fall mini sessions. If you think I should change my mind let me know!
SOCIAL MEDIA If you want to stay in touch with me, the very best way is to email me or to be on my enewsletter list (you can sign up HERE!). As my own home & life has gotten fuller, social media has become just another loud voice I don’t need haha! Especially facebook. It’s just a little too loud for me there! I’ve got enough noise around here in my own home 😉 But I do love Instagram you can follow me there . I will try to do better at updating my business facebook page but I can’t make any promises! My enewsletter is going to become the best way to stay updated with me.
EDUCATING MYSELF And maybe I’m the only one who needs to see this written out but I have been taking some online courses to help better myself as a photographer. I took one this past late fall & just purchased one this week. It’s important to me that I’m continuing to become the best photographer I can be for my clients & also for my own memory keeping needs of our family. I’m excited to grow!!!
I truly love photography! I’ve gone through a soul searching journey these past two years, especially in the past 6 months wondering if the Lord wanted me to keep NEP going. He has shown me in special little ways that for now, NEP is here to stay! That’s a whole other blog post for another time BUT I am excited for what 2022 holds!!!
This was SUCH a special session for me! Brittany & I used to work at the same restaurant together back during our college days & have stayed in touch via social media. We’ve watched each other start & grow families & to asked to photograph her family was SUCH an honor to me!!! We had great weather & all her kiddos have the cutest personalities & most beautiful smiles! Here’s a few of my personal favorites- enjoy!
Kayla & I connected just under 2 years ago when I photographed her brother with his family, Kayla & her family & their parents. Little Gracie was so little! And when Kayla got in touch with me in 2017, it was time to capture the newborn session of Gracie’s coming brother! And here today I’m sharing some of my parents from my time with the Ulrich Family <3 Gunner is just weeks old here & I already good feel the dynamics of the family changing from 3 to fabulous 4. There is such sweetness in these photos! Enjoy friends!
Welcome to the world little guy!!!
The Rumley Family has a very full schedule! Put together the calendar of their 5 lives plus mine as a mom & wife, we had quite the time finding a time to get a session in before the fall beautifulness had gone away! THEN when we got to where I wanted us to do our session, the location was being used- I was so bummed! But then I went a little deeper into the wooded area where we were meeting & found an EVEN BETTER spot! I’m honestly so thankful we weren’t able to photograph in the first spot because I like the second spot SO.MUCH.BETTER. Even with all the difficulties we had with getting together & find a great location, the Rumley Family’s session is one of my all time absolute FAVORITES.EVER.
I say all that to say- even when there’s adversity, you can still find beauty.
The Rumley Family has faced a lot of difficulty, pain & unknown in the past couple of years & when I look at these photos I can’t help but see the beauty & the goodness of the Lord. I love their family & I love these photos. I seriously cannot choose a favorite so just get ready for LOTS of pictures of the Rumley Family 😉
Also let me just say when I look at these pictures I think #familygoals 🙂
Sweet Baby Toby 🙂 If you go a few posts back, you can read Tobias’ Birth Day Story or just click HERE. About a week after he’d been born, I got to go see him again! Only this time he was at home & hanging out with his mommy & daddy & two older brothers.
The LaBerge Family is very special to my husband, Elizabeth & I. Seeing dear friends grow their family has got to be one of God’s special gifts He gives. I actually was able to photograph Harrison, Toby’s older brother’s newborn pictures (you can see them HERE).
Here’s a few of my personal favorites from my time with Toby & his family!
Baby boy was pretty awake for most of his session! He wanted to keep an eye on me 😉
I love these two photos of Amber & Toby!
These next two photos will just melt your heart…
Love their faces 🙂
I love how Kyle looks at his son.
I love ALL the pictures from this session. I really, really had a hard time choosing just a few for this post. But I feel this last photo really captures the love, the joy & the silliness 😉 in this precious family. Love you guys!Â
As the previous two other blog posts have began so does this one…a few weeks ago my little family traveled to our through Columbia, Missouri on our way to our vacation location. On our way, we stopped in Columbia where I used to live. Eight years ago to be exact! One of the families my parents & siblings & I connected with was the Jouret Family. I actually got to see them about two years ago & HERE’s the blog post of that last time I got to photograph their family.
At that time little Josiah was just a few months old! And now he’s turning TWO!!! How crazy is that!? It was so fun to meet up with little Josiah & his parents. It was especially fun for me to see how his personality has developed & how his sweet little self is growing up!
Here’s a few of my favorite images that we got-which it practically was every picture!!! But I still restrained myself & didn’t post them all 😉 Although I wanted too!
Look at that sweet little guy 🙂
Just thinking & pondering life 😉
I love that his momma brought some of his favorite things so he could play with them & his personality really came out!!!
Then came the bubbles!Â
Chasing the bubbles!
Mr. Josiah Jouret, you were such a sweet little guy. You have amazing parents & two siblings who love you so much. I pray for the Lord’s hand to be on your life & that you will always follow His voice. Happy Birthday Josiah!!!
When my friend Lynne told me that she wanted to have her baby girl’s One Year Session in the comfort of their little home, I just smiled happily to myself & my heart just felt so full. The idea of taking pictures of her little Violet in the home she’s being raised in along with her brother & sister just seemed so perfect to me. The home where she’s taken her first steps, the bedroom where she lays her head to rest every night & the yard with all her favorite things that she’s now beginning to climb…so.sticken.special. I mean really, what could be better then that?
Can you tell I just loved the idea?
So one night I arrived at the Norris household & spent time with their family of 5. Our focus was of course the birthday girl Miss Violet, but I also loved capturing her involvement with her siblings & parents. It was a family affair trying to get Violet’s attention & photographing the things she likes to do, like jumping on big brother’s bed 😉
I always enjoy my time with the Norris family! The last time I was there, Violet was still in mommy’s tummy! (Click HERE for the last session I had with them.) They’re a fun 5 & probably are just as loud & fun as my family was when I was growing up 🙂 Made me feel right at home.
Ok, I’ll quit talking! Here’s a few of my favorite moments documenting this time in Miss Vi’s life!
The birthday girl taking some steps into mommy’s arms! (I mean really, how precious is that!?)Â Â
See her reflection in the window??!!!!!
Peaking out the window while brother & sister play.
The whole fam!
Love their faces here!!!
Couldn’t help cute take a pic of big brother & big sis. Especially because they kept asking for pics 😉
Nothing beats kisses & snuggles & nose touching from daddy 🙂
And yes, she does love them 😉
Happy Miss Violet!!! You are SOOOO LOVED!!!!
I will turn 30 later this year (& proud of it!) & one of the things I like to look back on in life is to see the answers to different prayers I’ve had. I started praying for my future husband at a young age. They weren’t necessarily long prayers with tons of details. Sometimes it was just “Where IS HE God?” 😉 That was when I was older 😉 But I prayed for him quite often. For his heart, that he would make wise choices & listen to the Lord.
And I’d also pray for his family. And when it came to praying for his family, I for some reason most specifically prayed for his brother.
I just knew my future husband would have a brother. At least one brother. I did imagine him to be the older brother, like older then who I would marry & therefore older then me & could be my “big brother”. But I at least knew in my heart I’d someday get another brother. I also found myself thinking about who my future brother-in-law would marry, who would end up being my sister-in-law & then realized I should probably pray for her too.
And see this is where it gets hard to write a blog post about your own family. Because you start crying. Your eyes well up with tears & you realize that God more then blew away your expectations for who your future in-law family would be. You realize that those prayers for your future big brother were answered in the form of tall, funny & caring Evan Wilcox. And the thoughts & prayers of who would marry that big brother were answered in the form of who was first a friend & then became family, the beautiful Jessica.
My God cares about the little things we desire & long for. He also writes the most incredible stories, if you allow Him too. I know that He just longs to write the most beautiful stories for you my friend & give you things you only thought were just little whispered prayers said at the young age of 14.
The Lord not only wrote the love story that Eric & I have, but He also wrote the love story that Evan & Jessica have. They’ve been married 3 years this past May & then July 27, 2015, that story grew another branch & their family tree became 3. Leora Pearl was born. Their first child. Eric & I’s first niece. She’s a precious gem.
Eric & I traveled to Georgia the beginning of this month & spent a few days with the ‘new’ Wilcox Family & got to meet Leora. One of the evenings we went to a park that they walk at often & had a little mini family photo session.
Jessica, God chose you to be Leora’s mother. No one else could be who she needs or know her like you can. I can’t wait to watch you blossom even more into the wonderful mother that you are daily becoming.
They look good as a threesome don’t they? 🙂
I love to take the parents away from their kids during photo sessions. To snap even just a few photo’s of them together as a couple. Having children & being parents is a wonderful gift. But sometimes you need those visual reminders to remember that first, it was just the two of you. And that marriage relationship needs to be cultivated even with the pitter patter of little feet around the house. This time of our mini photo session was probably my favorite time of the entire evening. And yes, I was brushing away tears taking photo’s of my ‘big brother’ & sista.
This is my favorite one of Evan & Jessica 🙂 Totally them!
Evan, you are the big brother I never had. I’m thankful for you & I’m really excited to watch you be a father to Leora & all the other babies that may come in the future 🙂 I see your love for the Lord & your desire for Him to be the main part of your household. I’m proud of you.
Jessica, you too were an answer to prayer. I think often of how blessed I am to have YOU as my sister-in-law. I do see you as my friend & I love our term we use for each other- “sista”. It is proof that you are more then just a sister-in-law. Your work ethic & your desire to raise your children with what you feel is best, not what society thinks is best, inspires me. I’m still ‘mad’ at your husband for taking you to Georgia 😉 but I’m thankful we’ve been able to stay connected. I’m so thankful you’re in my life. I love you!
And Leora Pearl, you are only a few months old…but your personality & little body grows each day. I pray that you will always shine for Jesus. Never forget you’ve got some amazing parents 😉 And you’ve got an Aunt & Uncle in Illinois that love you very much.