Tag Archives: Illinois family lifestyle photographer

Deal | Family Session

Home is the nicest word there is. – Laura Ingalls Wilder

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-8

Ashley emailed me a couple months back & we began discussing their family session. I knew in my heart when she described what she was envisioning that their session was going to be something special. And it was.

Yes, it was a little chilly, OK, very chilly πŸ˜‰ BUT, it was a special time. Ashley & her husband Greg, welcomed me into their charming farmhouse & surrounding property & little Braden was totally excited to show me the cows πŸ˜‰ (Did you know cows say “Moo”? πŸ˜‰ If not, just ask Braden, he’ll tell you πŸ˜‰ )

Ummm, he pretty much stole my heart.

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-1

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-2

LOVE that their little wagon for Braden has their family farm name on the side of it.

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-7

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-6

Because it was rather cold, we went inside Ashley & Greg’s wonderful farmhouse. Ashley has mean decorating skills & I loved all the windows & coziness the home offers. I was so thankful that Ashley & Greg were so easy going & had not problem with me spending time capturing their family indoors.

No Saturday morning would be complete without a reading of Braden’s favorite book- “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. All 3 of them know it by heart πŸ™‚

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-1

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-5

At the end of their session, I took Greg & Ashley outside to capture a few moments of this couple.

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-9

Ashley you are GORGEOUS!

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-11

Deal Family Session  | www.nomi-photography.com-10

Ashley, you have so much talent & the little details you added to this session were PERFECT. So you guys. And Greg, thank you for answering all my farming questions πŸ˜‰ THANK YOU for spending a sunny, chilly Saturday morning with you three πŸ™‚ Braden is blessed to have you two as parents. It’s obvious that you both love each other & him very much.

View more at www.facebook.com/youweremadetosmile

David | High School Graduate Session

I love my brother David.

Some of you may not know, but I am the oldest in my family & I have 3 other siblings. A sister & two younger brothers.

I’ve shared this story with people before but never written about it. One time when my sister & I were very young (aka no little brothers were in sight) we were playing at a playground. There were two little boys that were brothers that showed up to play too. My sister & I had such a blast with them. I remember enjoying myself so much that during the midst of our adventures on the swings & laughs on the slide, I prayed & asked the Lord for two brothers just like them. I didn’t just want one, but two. TWO brothers.

Years later, the Lord answered my childlike prayer. I can still remember that day at the playground clear as day. And I’m very, VERY thankful that the Lord didn’t give me just one brother, but TWO.

My brother David is awesome. He’s my grocery shopping buddy- every two weeks he joins me in picking up everything on my grocery list & we have a brother/sister date. He’s very good with little kids. He’s musically talented in so many ways. Rap & singing solo’s. He makes the best hot chai tea ever. My parents dog & my sister’s dog love him. He’s got a mind for business & could probably run Apple himself. He writes awesome poems. He’s very discerning & can tell when someone’s feelings are hurt or is being left out. He’s very helpful. He’s funny. Actually, he can be pretty hilarious.

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-5

His “classic” funny face πŸ™‚

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-3

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-4 Β  Β Β  Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-7

This is one of my favorites.

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-2

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-8

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-1

I love you David. I prayed for you years ago & I’m so thankful the Lord answered my prayer by giving our family you. You’re talented. You’re smart. And you care about people. I’m thankful you’re my brother.

PS This was one of the very last picture we took & it’s my very favorite.

David High School Graduate Session | www.nomi-photography.com-9

View more at www.facebook.com/youweremadetosmile

LaBerge | Newborn Session

Meet Harrison LaBerge. Born October 10, 2014 at 7 lbs, 1 oz. Harrison was just 9 days old when we had his newborn session in the comfort of his own home. He’s a sweetie πŸ™‚ And I’m not just saying this, but it was super hard to pick just a few images to highlight, I have SO many favorites. Plus, it’s extra hard when his family is very special to my husband & I.

Here he is!

www.nomi-photography.com 18

www.nomi-photography.com 39

Big brother has been waiting for this guy for awhile now πŸ˜‰

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Safe in daddy’s arms.


Those toes!


Amber & Kyle, you are incredible parents.


I love the look on everyone’s face. One happy family!!!


View more at www.facebook.com/youweremadetosmile

Jouret | Family Session

As I said before, my family has known the Jouret for 5+ years now. My sister Leah & brother Isaiah, were able to be under Mike & Bekah’s leadership while they were youth pastoring in Missouri. My sister has said several times, that Pastor Mike & Bekah was her favorite youth pastors. Because they took time for her & loved her & invested in her. People like that aren’t found everyday. And the Jouret family is definitely special & REAL.

Their family session was actually a organized & put together by a family friend, Garth. Garth is special guy to my family AND the Jouret Family. He’s a fun “big brother” figure to the Jouret kids. He emailed me several months ago & asked about meeting up somehow in St. Charles for a session & I’m so glad he did!

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Jouret Family | Family Session-25

It was great being able to catch up with the Jouret Family & Garth. And I loved that they had the idea of wearing their MIZZOU gear! I have to say that after spending a year in Columbia, Missouri, I still smile when I see those black & gold colors πŸ˜‰

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Time for some football!!!!!!!!!

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I love these three pictures & Garth’s face at the end!

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Thanks for putting this together Garth!

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Trask | Maternity Session

I’ve never done a #ThrowbackThursday blog entry before but today seemed perfectly fitting to do so πŸ™‚

You see it’s been one year since I had my first “real” photography session. One year! It was one year ago that I was sitting in a parking lot in a beautiful park in Columbia, Missouri, nervously waiting for a very special couple (Tom & Miss Trask) to come meet me so I could photograph them. I was SOOO sticken nervous. No, seriously, you have NO idea how really nervous I was. I woke up really early & couldn’t go back to sleep & it rained that morning & I was literally yelling at the sky as I drove to the park & asking the Lord (OK maybe telling Him) that the rain would stop. I got to our meeting spot early & ended up having one of the most powerful heart to heart conversations with the Lord I’ve ever had.

See this wasn’t just any maternity session I was doing. Tom & Missi are VERY special people to me. For those of you who don’t know, I lived in Columbia, MO, for one year. It was actually where I moved from before coming to Bloomington-Normal. When I was in Columbia, I became involved with a campus ministry at MIZZOU called Chi Alpha (MXA). Tom & Missi were the pastors of this incredible ministry & for a year I was able to sit under their leadership & grow & learn from them. That one year was a significant year for me spiritually. After that year in Columbia, my family moved but I still stayed connected to my friends in Columbia. I was ECSTATIC when I found out that Tom & Missi were expecting their first child! They had been praying for a long time & I was SOOO excited to see them!

Sooooo back to me sitting in the parking lot (still very nervous).

I was nervous about the pictures being good enough. I was nervous about being able to give good direction, master my camera, work with the lighting, make them feel comfortable…the list went on & on. I had gotten to the park early & I finally just stopped my thoughts & prayed. And spoke to the Lord about all my concerns & fears. I’ll never forget how I INSTANTLY felt peace. And confirmation that I was doing what He had called me to do. And just as I felt that peace, the last drops feel from the sky & the most beautiful morning glow from the sun came out. And I am NOT making this up. You can see for yourself in just a sec when you look at the pictures.

So today’s post is a #ThrowbackThursday for three reasons. One, to remind myself that I am doing what the Lord has called me to do in this season of life & to celebrate that 1 year. And two, to remember my special time with Tom & Missi. Their maternity session was my first session EVER & I still have a special, favorite spot in my heart for maternity sessions. There is just something so incredible about them.

Several of my most FAVORITE EVER images are here in this post. And since I didn’t have a blog back then, I can use a #ThrowbackThursday excuse to blog them now right? πŸ˜‰ And any excuse to blog a maternity session works for me πŸ™‚ (I had my older Canon Rebel camera & 50mm lens for this session. It just shows you that it’s not the equipment that makes amazing pictures. It’s the connection between the client & the photographer.)

And thirdly, this post is a #ThrowbackThursday in celebrating Taylor Emma. She was born just over two months after this session. And I was able to hold & meet her at a wedding this past summer. You’ll see a picture of us at the end of this post. Taylor is a beautiful little girl that is loved by so many. And I still say & know in my heart that she is going to be a world changer just like her parents.

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I’ve always thought Missi was one of the most beautiful women I know.

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One of my favorite images OF ALL TIME. The JOY & EXCITEMENT & THANKFULNESS in their hearts & faces is SO evident here. Tom & Missi, I love you too! I’m thankful for your leadership in the past & your friendship now. You’re AMAZING parents.

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And here is little Taylor Emma from this past June when I got to meet her! And Taylor JUST happens to be wearing the little shoes we used in the maternity session in this picture of her & I. When I looked down & realized what shoes she had on, I about cried πŸ™‚ Isn’t she a doll?

14 www.nomi-photography.com

View more at www.facebook.com/youweremadetosmile

Shickel Family | Family Session

When I received Tobi’s first email about capturing her family, I was super excited! We emailed back & forth & chose a date & location. Through our emailing, we found out that my sister had been the nanny for Tobi’s family’s neighbor’s kids! Small world!

The day came for their session & unfortunately it was an evening that the weather decided to not cooperate. But we chose another day & the weather was simply PERFECT!!!

01 www.nomi-photography.com I have to say that one of my favorite parts of the Shickel family was seeing Tobi & her daughter “tell each other secrets” πŸ™‚

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Pretty much my favorite picture from the whole session πŸ˜‰

06 www.nomi-photography.comΒ The Shickel family was a ton of fun to capture! Each of the three children have their own distinct personality & I loved being able to capture each one. Plus, it was super fun to take some pictures of the kids in their CubsΒ apparel πŸ˜‰ Here I asked them to show me what they look like when the Cubs are loosing. This was very hard for them because “the Cubs never loose!” they said πŸ˜‰

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And this is how the Shickel family celebrates when the Cubs win!!!

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