Tag Archives: Normal il photographer

Amelia Turns One!

This sweet girl turned one & I was so honored to take her one year pictures as I’ve done her parents proposal pictures & her mom is a very, very, very, very close friend of mine.

Amelia is a January baby & I know that sometimes parents think that good pictures can’t happen indoors (let’s be honest it is a bit tooooo cold to go outside for pictures in January!) BUT I assured them we would get some awesome pictures at their house & we did! For doing indoor pictures, windows & a good solid, clear wall is what you need. 90% of these pictures were taken in a small spot in the master bedroom. I love all these & how Amelia’s personality just shines through!

Adelle | Newborn Session

I’ve known this family for years now & have gotten to photograph them several times! When they asked me to come take pictures of their FIRST daughter I was thrilled! I love the pictures of this sweet girl & have to say a personal favorite is the one with the guys 😉 Yes, you read that right. You’ll know it when you see it 😉

Weeks | Family Session

This family. So much love for them. For so many reasons. This particular session we had weather AND sickness AND technical difficulties but we still got one of my favorite family photos ever to date! See if you can spot it- hint, there’s a black wall in the background of it 😉

Waterstradt | Newborn Session

This little guy was so precious & even smiling in his session! His mommy has wonderful taste when it comes to decor & I loved being in their sweet home! Also, this blog post contains one of my favorite daddy & newborn son pictures so make sure you scroll down for that one! 🙂

Ulrich | Group Family Session

I know you can see it on their faces- we had SOOO much fun doing these pictures! It was a chilly one AND my last session before I started my maternity leave before having Ruth. But we had so much fun guys. I had hungout with Kayla & her immediate 4 right when their little guy Gunner was just a few weeks old. You can view that session HERE. So I was SUPER thrilled when she invited me along to take pictures of her husband’s side! We met at a beautiful local park & I just love some of the more in-between moments that were captured. And of course, the highlight was at the end when the fam broke out into their Bears gear! 😉 Enjoy viewing friends!


Harrison | Newborn Session

This is a special session to share, even though it’s over a year after it happened that I’m posting it! Little Harrison was born just 4 days after our daughter Ruth. Elyse & I shared the same pregnancy journey & were able to pray for each other & give encouragement on those days we really needed it. Plus, the Fishel Family is special to our family as we have a little supper club with them & third family.

Even though a lot has already changed since this session (ie they recently moved into a house & Harrison is one now!) the love the Fishel’s share is REAL & has not changed. I love the pride that Chuck has in his face looking at his son in these pictures. The giggles that precious big sister has & Elyse’s happy momma glow.

I remember the session I had with the Fishel’s & Elyse & Chuck shared with me that they were pregnant (you can view that HERE) & even back to when we did big sister’s newborn session (view HERE).

I can’t believe our babies are now over one & that so much has happened since the day we both told each other we were expecting. The Lord is faithful & His faithfulness is all over these photos!

Noah | Portrait Session

I think my session with Noah was one of the most fun & unique sessions I’ve had with a guy ever! His mom had informed me of the full suit, top hat & bow tie look he planned to wear & with Noah’s mom in tow, we had SUCH a blast creating a classy, almost Paris type feel for his pictures! With the spring flowers in bloom, I literally felt like we were able to transport to France for part of his session 🙂 I’m sharing just a few of my personal favorites from his session today!

Johnny | Portrait Session

I was so honored when Johnny’s mom reached out to me to do a session for him as he is graduating from high school. I feel a close connection with Johnny’s family even though we don’t see each other that much because his family homeschools. If you didn’t know, I was homeschooled, as well as my husband & it’s a dream & prayer of ours to homeschool our own children. So to me it’s very inspiring to be a part of a special session commemorating this incredible season for Johnny & his parents!

Here are some of my favorites from his session! Johnny, I’m excited for your future & I know your parents are very proud of you! Keep your eyes & focus on the Lord!

Mayes | Family Session

A special client referred the Mayes Family to me & I was SO excited about meeting them! We went to one of my favorite locations in town & it was a treat to be get some amazing pictures of this family 🙂 My particular favorites are the individual portraits of each of the children. The kids & I were having a blast & their personalities & joy just opened up in front of me & I loved documenting them! Here’s a few of my personal favorites from their session!