Oh Little Miss Amelia 🙂 If I could, I would totally call this post “The Many Faces of Miss Amelia”! Maybe I just should 😉 Amelia is too sweet!!! And she’s ONE!!!!!!
I met Kymber & Ben (Amelia’s awesome parents) 6 months ago in January. We had a fun & quiet 6-month session at their home & I was really excited about connecting with them then. Then a few months later, Kymber emailed me (yay!!!) to start discussing details about Amelia’s One Year Session! Wow! Time flies! And I’m not even her parents!
Meeting with the Poppin’s Family for Amelia’s One Year Celebration Session (complete with a Smash Cake!) was seriously like meeting up with old friends. I know I get to photograph a lot of people that I’ve known for several years, but I LOVE being able to connect with new people & have them be repeat clients. I seriously want to connect with multiple new families & become their family photographer & do life with them & share in the joys & different seasons. The Poppin’s have allowed me to do that & I’m SO grateful!
Kymber & Ben LOVE Amelia SOOO much. I’m being totally honest when I say that I teared up editing these images seeing the look of love in Ben’s eye & Amelia’s leaning towards her momma. Oh friends, see for yourself!!! Here’s the Poppin’s Family!!!!
Leaning in for momma’s kisses!!! (Probably my favorite images from this session!!!!)
Cake Smash time!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh silly Amelia & her funny faces 🙂 🙂 🙂
Playing a game with daddy 🙂
I loved the bright colors Kymber dressed her little family in 🙂 Perfect to go with the bubbles & playground!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMELIA!!!!!!!!!!!! You are sooooo LOVED!!!!