Author Archives: Naomi Wilcox

Back2School Mini Sessions for 2020

I’m really happy & honestly proud that this will be the SIXTH YEAR I’ve had Back-to-School pictures for local homeschooling families! As we all know education for children in our area is completely different then last year & it’s exciting for me to see many families drawn to the homeschool community. We are starting our own homeschool journey- Elizabeth is in Preschool!

Please keep reading for my COVID19 procedure & changes for this year’s Back2School Minis- there are quite a few!

Because of the growth of homeschooling in BN, I will offer these mini sessions to a wider client circle once I connect with my usual homeschool family clients. Please note this is a service I usually only offer to those who are homeschooling at least one child in their family. If I have some open slots, I may open it up to those who are doing e-learning. Just depends!

What are Back-to-School Mini Sessions? Here are two links where you can see the past two year Back-to-School mini session recaps (2019 & 2018) & you can see what types of images we’ll get & the fun we have!

 on NEW FOR 2020
NEW FORMAT I have spread the mini sessions throughout the week instead of having them on just two days. This will allow me to pace myself & my body 😉 better & allow for social distancing between families.
MAKEUP RAIN DAYS Make-up Rain days for the scheduled session is the day AFTER. IE if you signup for a mini session on Monday if it rains, your photo session will be rescheduled for the next evening on Tuesday, at the exact same time. If you signup for a session on Wednesday, your makeup rain day is Thursday. Friday & Saturday’s sessions makeup rain day will all be on Sunday. Please make sure you’re free for your makeup rain day as well as the day you signed-up for a session.
COVID19 I have scheduled a bigger break then usual between sessions to allow less contact between my clients. I will have a mask & will wear it when I’m not able to be 6 feet apart during the session. I do not expect those who I’m photographing or interacting with to wear masks since you are the ones in the photos & we will be outside. I will not be taking requests for using masks or toilet paper in photo sessions. I see these as important items & not photo props.
PREVIEWS In the past I’ve sent previews from sessions the same evening the session has happened, with our family being full blown into newborn life plus two other little ones, previews will be emailed out within 24-48 hrs after the session.
DEPOSIT Please remember that a $25.00 non-refundable deposit is due to officially hold your mini session. You will receive an invoice emailed to you within a few days of your signup to pay the deposit.
LOCATION I had a few clients request to go back to last year’s location & I was just there to see how the wildflowers were & the nature center is honestly a huge mess! No flowers this year & it’s all very overgrown & not “pretty”. The nature center is going through a preservation process I read & so I will be looking for another location for us this year. I already have one in mind but need to check on it!

STUDENT MINI SESSION VS FAMILY MINI SESSION As usual I am offering two options of Back2School Mini Sessions. Please see below the detailed description of each session as they’ve changed a bit this year.

STUDENT MINI SESSION: These are now setup for just ONE student. I rarely have a request for this type of mini session so this year there are only two openings for a Student Mini Session. One on Friday & one on Saturday- both at 5:55PM. IE If you have one child in your family needing Back2School pictures, please choose this option.

– 5-7 Images
– $40.00 (*$25.00 deposit due at time of signup)
– I will spend time with the student & take photos of them that truly capture their smile & personality!

FAMILY MINI SESSION: These are for families that have 2 or more students wanting Back2School pictures OR the entire family. IE you have two children in your family needing Back2School pictures, choose this option. OR if your entire family wants pictures, choose this option as well. Please look over the breakdown of the fee charged per the amount in the session.  

– 2 Students $40+$30 = $70
– 3 Students $40+$30+$30 = $100
– 4 Students $110
– 1 to 4 children+parents = $120
After 6 individuals in a session being photographed, there is a $10.00 fee per additional family member.
– 4-6 Images of each student
– Plus images of students together & parents
– We’ll have a blast having your family interact together & capture your family as a whole along with individual pictures of each child in the family!


Sorry that was a lot of details! If you have any questions just email me at If for some reason one of these dates doesn’t fit your family calendar, I will be organizing my Fall Mini Sessions very similar in October. Keep your eye on your email for when I announce those!

I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL! Choose your spot before they’re gone & tell your fellow homeschooling friends!

All images will be delivered within 3 weeks of the session via email with a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded to your computer & then printed wherever you choose. Print Release is also included. Full remainder of the session fee is due at session. An online contract & more details about preparing for your session will be emailed ahead of time. No outfit changes are allowed. These sessions are in my opinion not suitable for seniors in high school. Feel free to ask me about my Senior Experience Package!

If you have any other questions about how a mini session with Naomi Elizabeth Photography is, please feel free to read THIS POST I wrote to answer questions.

Our Son is HERE+Maternity Leave Info

I am officially on Maternity Leave!!! Our son Nehemiah Daniel was born June 26! I still have to think about what his birth date was because as of this post he’s technically still not supposed to be here! Nehemiah was born 7 weeks perfectly early as I like to say 🙂 He came home from the NICU in Peoria just over 2 weeks ago now & is doing amazing. THIS LINK has his birth story.

I’m friends with many of you on facebook so you’ve probably seen some of our story as of late. If not, you can always follow me on Instagram HERE as I “journaled” a few of our family updates or CLICK HERE to view my profile. I love sharing Nehemiah’s story & God’s hand in it!

Thank you from my entire family for your prayers & support to us these past two months. It makes me cry thinking about the community we have!

I will be back to doing photography sessions in September as family life & COVID19 & allows- but that is the plan! In August I will send another enewsletter update that will include how I will handle things with keeping in mind the corona virus. IF you are for sure wanting a session sometime in Sept, Oct & Nov, please email me so I can keep that in mind as I open up my schedule. (I may not respond right away as I’ll be on maternity leave BUT I will see it!)

If because of your family’s situation, you want photos this fall but want to keep close to home, I am opening a few This Is Now sessions. These sessions will be done in either your front or back yard or front porch with practicing social distancing. Please reach out to me if this fits your family best as these openings are very few.

I will be changing how I do mini sessions this fall for several reasons, but one being I want to spread them out a bit further to align with social distancing recommendations.


Yes! They will be happening late September. I know many people are choosing to homeschool their children this fall so I am excited to meet more families!


YESSSSS! These will be in October & I’m SUPER excited to incorporate a change I decided on at the end of last year to do for this fall! Details coming 🙂

ALL Things Printing & Organizing Photos

For the past few years I’ve been working hard at organizing & printing our family photos. Whether it be from our iphones, my camera or a session of our own with a photographer. I’ve made several Facebook videos on all my methods & suggestions & I’m compiling them all here into one big resource for you!

Yes, it feels good to have your photos printed & organized. But what I love about it most is seeing our kiddos looking at the photos, retelling stories with them & reflecting on the seasons the Lord has walked us through. His faithfulness is written in those pictures.

Choose whatever video you feel is what you’re needing help with & put it on while washing dishes, folding laundry & take a few minute break!


4×6’s, Photos I Print, our Photobooks I Make
Video explaining & showing examples of our Photobooks
Video explaining & showing examples of our iPhone Picture Photobooks
Walmart Photo Review
Amazon Photo Review
Where I Order Our Christmas Cards From

PART I: 1. Start 2. Have a Why 3. Choose a Starting Point
PART II: Organizing Your Smart Photo Photos
PART III: Organizing Your Family Photos

Why I’ve Been Quiet+Baby Update

Hello friends, I’m here to share a family update & ask for your prayers for our family. Some of you already know from being friends with me on facebook but life has changed quite a bit for us in the past 2 weeks.

First of all, we “accidentally” found out the gender of our Little Wilcox #3 at 24 Weeks. It’s a whole unique story that has turned into the most precious gift to know. Elizabeth & Ruth have a Little Baby Brother & we are all THRILLED!!!

Secondly, Memorial Day I was airlifted to St. Francis Hospital in Peoria with our little guy inside me. My water broke early that Monday morning at 29 weeks, 1 day & the best place for us to be is at St. Francis where they have an amazing NICU & healthcare team. I’m currently still here on monitored bedrest & being taken care of by high risk doctors. By the grace of God, our Mighty Creator, Little Wilcox at this point has been as content as can be inside me growing & very much enjoying his one on one time with his momma. I will be here at St. Francis until he is born, which we’re praying he stays in until 34 weeks & around that time I will be induced. Once he is born he will more then likely need to be in the NICU here for several weeks.

This has been the both the hardest season for our family & the season where we’ve heard & felt the Lord the most. Because of the corona virus, I can only have one visitor & that of course is my husband. I’m not able to leave my room other then to walk the hall twice a day for 15 minutes. I also have not held or touched our girls since I put them to bed the evening before Memorial Day & at this point it will be 5 weeks until I kiss them. And it’s been that long since I’ve been able to be outside. I’ve never mentally gone through anything like this before. BUT our son is healthy & growing & I/we would do anything for him.

Please pray Little Brother Wilcox stays inside me until the desired 34 weeks. Please pray against infection for him & I-since my water has broke we are at a high risk for that. Pray for Eric & I as we lead our family in this season & for Eric as he’s home with our girls. Please pray for my mental health.

I’m not getting all my emails with having a bit slower internet here at the hospital so if you respond, please don’t worry if you don’t hear back. You can always send me a message on my personal facebook account.

Many of you are like dear friends to me & my family. You’ve celebrated WITH us & I know now you’ll be praying FOR us & that means more to me then you know. I look forward to telling you our son’s entire birth story & sharing an update sometime when he’s HOME with us. I can’t wait to show off pictures of him to you all when we meet up for photo sessions this fall.

We appreciate all your prayers!  

Naomi, Eric, Elizabeth, Ruth & Little Brother Wilcox