Category Archives: family

Roberson | Group Family Session

Earlier this year, I got to meet & do an anniversary session for Leah & Jonathan Roberson. Seriously SUCH a sweet couple. Leah contacted me again just a few months ago about having a family session for the whole Roberson side & to that I said “Of course! Count me in!”And it wasn’t just any family group session, but a time of celebrating the many years Pastor John & Miss Sheri have ministered at their church. As a Pastor Kid myself, I knew this was a session I WANTED to be a part of & celebrate in πŸ™‚

The Roberson family pulled up at our location & the fall colors were in full show-off mode πŸ™‚ I’d only met Leah & Jonathan once before, but I felt like I’d know the WHOLE family for years. I’m sure if you know the Roberson fam, you feel the same way πŸ˜€

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The marriage between a man & woman who do ministry together is so near to my heart since I’ve watched my own parents do that. You can tell they still love each other a ton! Roberson |

And these two, Jessica & her man, CUTIES!

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Love these of “uncle” & “nephew” together πŸ˜€

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Some body was trying to stay warm πŸ˜‰

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And I’m EXCITED that Leah & Jonathan are EXPECTING!!!!!! I see a maternity session & newborn session with them in the future πŸ˜‰ Roberson |

Here’s the non-crying version of that picture πŸ˜‰ Roberson |

The lovely ladies!!!!!! Roberson |

And my FAVORITE group family image from their session!!!

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Roberson’s I LOVED spending time with you all!!! I’d do it again in a heartbeat & hope it happens again sooner rather then later! πŸ˜€


Knapp | Group Family Session

I met Nathan & Elizabeth Stice a couple years ago at our church. We were both newly married brides & I always loved being able to talk to Elizabeth, even if it was just for a moment. She’s one of those people who you just WANT to talk too. Always asks “So how are YOU?” & really listens.

And Elizabeth, I’m sneaking in this photo with you & your mother because I can & it’s just SO precious.

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Elizabeth contact me earlier this year to talk about surprising her mom with a gift of a family photo session from her & her siblings. Because she was so on the ball, I had several months to look forward to this family group session! And it did not disappoint!!!!! I met the Knapp Family in Peoria at a fun park they chose & really just enjoyed getting to know this family that now consists of 4 wonderful couples!

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All the girls!

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And their handsome fellas!

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I love this photo below because they were all telling me about a favorite family memory. I think they laughed about it more then told me because all I understood was just a few words here & there between laughs! hahah! FUN MOMENT!!!!!!

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The kids & their spouses!

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There was an inside joke presentation that happened during our session πŸ˜‰ You’ll have to ask them about it πŸ˜‰ But it pretty much made me feel even more like family to be able to capture it.

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MaryAnn, I know this session was for you. Your kids love you & knew how much you wanted these pictures. You kept thanking them & me over & over for such a special evening. Oh I was SO happy for you!I just want to personally thank you for being so sweet towards me. As a pregnant momma-to-be your sweet words & kindness just filled my heart that evening. And I know that your husband & children have been blessed with the same love & affection shown to them. They’re a blessed family & you’re a beyond blessed mother. I hope you treasure these images for YEARS to come!!!


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Fall Family Mini Session Recap


I love fall! And I love taking pictures in the fall! And I know my clients love it as well πŸ˜‰ Fall pictures hold a special place in my heart since Eric & I had our engagement pictures taken in the fall & just a few weekends ago, we had our maternity session done!

Here’s a few of my personal favorites from this year’s Fall Family Mini Sessions! I only have them once a year but they always book quickly & I like having two days available so that I was able to connect with more families. I’m already looking forward to next year & toying around with the idea of doing Spring Family Mini’s after I’m back from my maternity leave πŸ˜‰ It’s not a set thing but if that interests you, make sure you let me know!


Autumn paints the colors that summer has never seen.

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Everyone must take time to sit & watch the leaves turn. – Elizabeth Lawrence

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Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.

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Autumn carries more gold in it’s pockets then all the other seasons. – Jim Bishop

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I realized I loved you in the fall.

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Wilcox | Family Session

I will turn 30 later this year (& proud of it!) & one of the things I like to look back on in life is to see the answers to different prayers I’ve had. I started praying for my future husband at a young age. They weren’t necessarily long prayers with tons of details. Sometimes it was just “Where IS HE God?” πŸ˜‰ That was when I was older πŸ˜‰ But I prayed for him quite often. For his heart, that he would make wise choices & listen to the Lord.

And I’d also pray for his family. And when it came to praying for his family, I for some reason most specifically prayed for his brother.

I just knew my future husband would have a brother. At least one brother. I did imagine him to be the older brother, like older then who I would marry & therefore older then me & could be my “big brother”. But I at least knew in my heart I’d someday get another brother. I also found myself thinking about who my future brother-in-law would marry, who would end up being my sister-in-law & then realized I should probably pray for her too.

And see this is where it gets hard to write a blog post about your own family. Because you start crying. Your eyes well up with tears & you realize that God more then blew away your expectations for who your future in-law family would be. You realize that those prayers for your future big brother were answered in the form of tall, funny & caring Evan Wilcox. And the thoughts & prayers of who would marry that big brother were answered in the form of who was first a friend & then became family, the beautiful Jessica.

My God cares about the little things we desire & long for. He also writes the most incredible stories, if you allow Him too. I know that He just longs to write the most beautiful stories for you my friend & give you things you only thought were just little whispered prayers said at the young age of 14.

The Lord not only wrote the love story that Eric & I have, but He also wrote the love story that Evan & Jessica have. They’ve been married 3 years this past May & then July 27, 2015, that story grew another branch & their family tree became 3. Leora Pearl was born. Their first child. Eric & I’s first niece. She’s a precious gem.

Eric & I traveled to Georgia the beginning of this month & spent a few days with the ‘new’ Wilcox Family & got to meet Leora. One of the evenings we went to a park that they walk at often & had a little mini family photo session.

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Jessica, God chose you to be Leora’s mother. No one else could be who she needs or know her like you can. I can’t wait to watch you blossom even more into the wonderful mother that you are daily becoming.

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They look good as a threesome don’t they? πŸ™‚

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I love to take the parents away from their kids during photo sessions. To snap even just a few photo’s of them together as a couple. Having children & being parents is a wonderful gift. But sometimes you need those visual reminders to remember that first, it was just the two of you. And that marriage relationship needs to be cultivated even with the pitter patter of little feet around the house. This time of our mini photo session was probably my favorite time of the entire evening. And yes, I was brushing away tears taking photo’s of my ‘big brother’ & sista.

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This is my favorite one of Evan & Jessica πŸ™‚ Totally them!

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Evan, you are the big brother I never had. I’m thankful for you & I’m really excited to watch you be a father to Leora & all the other babies that may come in the future πŸ™‚ I see your love for the Lord & your desire for Him to be the main part of your household. I’m proud of you.

Jessica, you too were an answer to prayer. I think often of how blessed I am to have YOU as my sister-in-law. I do see you as my friend & I love our term we use for each other- “sista”. It is proof that you are more then just a sister-in-law. Your work ethic & your desire to raise your children with what you feel is best, not what society thinks is best, inspires me. I’m still ‘mad’ at your husband for taking you to Georgia πŸ˜‰ but I’m thankful we’ve been able to stay connected. I’m so thankful you’re in my life. I love you!

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And Leora Pearl, you are only a few months old…but your personality & little body grows each day. I pray that you will always shine for Jesus. Never forget you’ve got some amazing parents πŸ˜‰ And you’ve got an Aunt & Uncle in Illinois that love you very much.

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Adkins | life&love Family Session

Couple weeks ago I got an email from Sonyta. She explained to me that their oldest son was going to be in town for the weekend & would it be possible to make a family session happen? Her friend Leah Bond (thanks Leah!) referred me to them & the cool thing was, we already knew each other from a couple years ago!

We quickly decided on a date, time & to have the session at the Adkins home. We did spend most of our time outdoors, but I immediately fell in love with their house. Lots of room & it just felt like HOME. Know what I mean?

The Adkins are BIG on music. From singing, choir, producing music, having their own home studio, playing numerous instruments, I LOVE that Sonyta & Marchan incorporate music in their lives & have passed on this love to their children.

Speaking of their children…each of the kids had such fun personalities! Lundon was in the youth group I helped with back in the day & it was fun seeing him as a grown young man!

Here’s the Adkins!

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Didn’t I tell you these kids have personalities??? πŸ˜‰ Love it!

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I loved these moments between momma & her eldest πŸ™‚

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And here’s the two love birds themselves!

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And if you know the Adkins, you know they’re Dallas Cowboys fans! LOVED their idea of wanting to incorporate their love for the Cowboys in their session!

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Thanks for a fun evening Adkins!!!


Amelia Turns One!

Oh Little Miss Amelia πŸ™‚ If I could, I would totally call this post β€œThe Many Faces of Miss Amelia”! Maybe I just should πŸ˜‰ Amelia is too sweet!!! And she’s ONE!!!!!!

I met Kymber & Ben (Amelia’s awesome parents) 6 months ago in January. We had a fun & quiet 6-month session at their home & I was really excited about connecting with them then. Then a few months later, Kymber emailed me (yay!!!) to start discussing details about Amelia’s One Year Session! Wow! Time flies! And I’m not even her parents!

Meeting with the Poppin’s Family for Amelia’s One Year Celebration Session (complete with a Smash Cake!) was seriously like meeting up with old friends. I know I get to photograph a lot of people that I’ve known for several years, but I LOVE being able to connect with new people & have them be repeat clients. I seriously want to connect with multiple new families & become their family photographer & do life with them & share in the joys & different seasons. The Poppin’s have allowed me to do that & I’m SO grateful!

Kymber & Ben LOVE Amelia SOOO much. I’m being totally honest when I say that I teared up editing these images seeing the look of love in Ben’s eye & Amelia’s leaning towards her momma. Oh friends, see for yourself!!! Here’s the Poppin’s Family!!!!

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Leaning in for momma’s kisses!!! (Probably my favorite images from this session!!!!)

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Cake Smash time!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh silly Amelia & her funny faces πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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Playing a game with daddy πŸ™‚

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I loved the bright colors Kymber dressed her little family in πŸ™‚ Perfect to go with the bubbles & playground!

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMELIA!!!!!!!!!!!! You are sooooo LOVED!!!!

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Bishop | Group Family Session

Sometimes, you meet someone & become friends basically instantly. Then you & your sister start hanging out with your new friend & her brother. You talk about old TV shows that no one else knows about & being homeschooled. As years go by, you continue to meet members of your new friends family & even your parents hit it off & have double dates. Then your new friend gets engaged & asks you to be her Maid of Honor. You say YES! even though she’s going to be moving away once she gets married πŸ˜‰ (Yes, Aaron I AM putting that into my blog #becauseIcan #stillbitter #cantstopme). Through the wedding preparations, you meet more & more of your friend’s family. Through time after the wedding & move, you still stay in contact & continue to meet her family at different things. Her parents still go on double dates with yours & here & there you run into her family members at Walmart.

Friends like that, friends that open up not only their love & friendship to you, but their lives & family as well are hard to come by. If you ever have the privilege of having a friend such as this, such a Joy Phillips, don’t take it, that relationship, for granted. Keep that friend. Cultivate the friendship. Even if her new husband DOES take her away to Kansas City *cough-cough Aaron Phillips*. The times, texts & facebook messages you DO share, through the years will build into memories that are priceless. (And it IS pretty crazy that your own husbands back in the day grew up together & have their OWN stories πŸ˜‰ Isn’t God cool in how He does stuff like that?)

And yes, this session isn’t just about Joy πŸ˜‰ But it was through her that I met her wonderful family. And just a few weekends ago, we all met at local park for a Group Family Session. Do you remember (if you live in Bloomington-Normal) that Saturday, following the Fourth of July & it POURED. Like basically all day? Yeah, that was the day their session was scheduled πŸ˜‰ But you know what? The clouds broke & the sun came through just in time. We sometimes took a break under the shelter at the park, but it happened!!!!!!! I DO think our “No Rain Anymore Dance” in the park helped…just kidding πŸ˜‰

And I couldn’t have been more honored to have captured this family. Gay & Bill, Beverly, Bob & Arlene, the Tharpe Clan, Jeremy & Johnna, Nicole & her kids….They were all fun & I’m grateful they put up with me & the rain. And the “No More Rain Dance”. Again kidding!

Everyone, here’s my personal favorite images from my time with the Bishop Family!

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Sisters!Bishop | Blog post-9

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Look at these handsome guys!Bishop | Blog post-1

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These two precious sisters! I can’t even….!Bishop | Blog post-3

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And I’m totally breaking every rule by posting this next pic, but come on, I HAD to! Too many amazing expressions in this photo πŸ˜‰Bishop | Blog post-16


Oh Bishop family, THANK YOU for having me come hangout!!! I’m totally up for another time! We’ll just leave the rain πŸ˜‰

And thanks Joys for being my friend!

Dawson | Family Group Session

“Family, like branches in a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.”

I posted the above quote with the first preview of the Dawson Family that I posted on facebook last week. I truly believe this quote fits their family so well. As Rachel, Becca, Andrew & Amber have grown up as siblings under the Godly & strong examples of their parents, they now are raising their own families spread across 3 different states & not to mention several time zones πŸ˜‰

Each of the Dawson “kids” have their own little families now. I know from personal experience & observance that they are raising their families to follow & serve the Lord. Just as their mom & dad would want.

Being a part of this group family session was almost like being with my own family. Over the past 7 years, my sister & I have grown close to Rachel & Amber & then of course it helped when Amber married my husband’s childhood friend πŸ˜‰ We’ve been to a wedding, family birthday parties & outings with members of the Dawson clan. My own cousins & other relatives live hundreds of miles away so to be included in special moments like these are TRULY special to me.

The Dawson clan gathered together from all 3 states to celebrate the Fourth of July together & spend lots of time together. Amber & I had been discussing their session for months on hand before & we had the perfect weather for it! A special thanks goes out to my husband who joined me & assisted!

Silly faces from everyone!

Grammy & her grandkids! And yes, you counted right- 13 kids! Starting at 8 years old & then all the way down to 8 months!

All such beautiful ladies!

Just the boy cousins! (Casie, Andrew’s wife made all the bow-ties! Aren’t they adorable?!)

And the girls!!! They’re a little outnumbered don’t you think? πŸ˜‰ But they make up for it in adorableness πŸ˜€


All the siblings & their spouses!

Thanks for inviting Eric & I to come hangout with you all Rachel, Becca, Andrew, Amber & everyone else! We’re free next year πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

McMichael | Family Session

Steve, Jennifer & Leah were several years back “models” for me πŸ™‚ I was just beginning to branch out & photograph other people then just family & close friends. I reached out to the McMichael’s one day & asked if they’d be willing to let me use them as guinea pigs before they left for their new home in Morocco (yes the country!) & Leah left for Wheaton College. I was so glad they agreed & said yes!

Well fast forward about 3 years ago (I think that’s what we figured out it was!) & the three of them are together a little this summer while Steve & Jennifer are visiting family & friends & taking care of various things. And at the same time spending as much time as possible with their beautiful daughter Leah who has a few weeks off before her internship starts. (Which if I have my timing correct, at the time of posting this, she has already started her internship!)

I love the McMichael Family. They are true, loving, giving, caring people. My heart was so lifted & encouraged after my time together with them just a few weeks ago. I’m only around them a few times every couple of years but it’s always a joy when I am able to be around them.

I really want you to just soak in the love, happiness, laughter & JOY in the faces of this special family as you look through these pictures. It’s not very hard to see πŸ˜‰ Their faces radiate it!

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We had their session at a favorite, quiet place in Bloomington-Normal. I loved it!!! It was like we had left the city & had been transferred to a little sanctuary.

Leah is a lovely woman. She just recently got this awesome bike! And I thought it was perfectly fitting that we got a few pictures of her with it! I know she’s going to love riding it around the campus of Wheaton College.

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I’ll say it again, she’s LOVELY.

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Leah & Steve can be funny AND serious πŸ˜‰

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I loved the way Steve kissed Jennifer & held her!

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Oh Leah πŸ˜‰

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Yes, this family loves to laugh & BE together!

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Steve, Jennifer & Leah, I’m so glad it worked out for us to another session. Eric & I are praying for all the adventures that are coming your way. Love you three & we’ll have to do this again sometime πŸ˜‰

M Family | life&love Family Session

When you meet Amos & Renee, you immediately like them.Β You can’t help but not! They’re genuine, loving people. Renee is super sweet & beautiful & always asks “How are you doing?” & Amos, is well, Amos πŸ˜‰ He’s generous & always wanting to help out. Together these two make an awesome couple. My husband & I have had the privilege of getting to know themΒ & their boys while attending our church & our couples small group over the past year. When they called me a few weeks ago to see if I was available to come out to their home & have a session with them, I made it happen!

The M Family is the kind of family you love to be around. You don’t have to pretend & can just be yourself. It’s a fun, new season they’re entering into! With 2 little boys now & one on the way & I was SUPER excited they’d asked me to come hangout with them & capture this time in their lives. Plus, I knew it’d be a ton of fun πŸ˜‰ It always is with the M Family!

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M Family

They love their daddy πŸ™‚

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M Family

I loved being able to spend some time with Renee & get her baby bump on camera πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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M Family

And Amos thinks so too πŸ˜‰

M FamilyΒ  Β  Β Β M Family favorite thing to do is to capture where my clients do life & where they love = their home! I LOVED being able to help Amos & Renee remember these precious moments & activities they do with their boys. Precious times like these NEED to be remembered.

M Family

M Family & I are SOOO excited for your family to be adding another little one Amos & Renee. We can’t wait to meet him! You are raising your boys with the Lord’s help & that’s so awesome. We look forward to continuing to doing life with you & we’re thankful for your friendship. We love you guys!!!

M Family