Category Archives: family

Ulseth | life&love Family Session

I’ve known the Ulseth Family for about 7 years now & it was a very special time that I got to spend with them just a couple weeks ago. I arrived at their house & immediately felt AT HOME. We played outside, hungout, played games, talked & I got to hear many fun stories about their life. Debbie & I had talked about me capturing on camera different activities their family enjoys doing together & we did just that!

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I always enjoy getting to know my clients through the process of preparing & having their session. I LOVED getting to know Debbie even better as we had several phone dates & exchanged emails. I was looking forward to their session because I knew I’d have the chance to be around Debbie. She’s a beautiful, strong woman who loves the Lord so much. And all that pours into how she loves her husband & teachers her children. She’s just amazing.

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One of their favorite family games is Moose Farkel!

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If you know the Ulseth Family, you know how important music & singing & ministering to people is important to them. My VERY favorite part of our session together was getting to watch & listen as they sang together around the piano. The love & strength this family has just filled the house as did their tight harmonies & beautiful music.

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Mark & Debbie & kids, I really enjoyed hanging out with you guys! I felt like was I was spending time with family! I enjoyed every story & every laugh we shared together. Your family’s heart to be a blessing & reach out to people touched my heart & made me look at my own heart & actions. It’s amazing & wonderful to see how the Lord uses your family. May He continue to bless & pour favor on you all! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

PS Be on the lookout for a special interview soon coming with Elizabeth Ulseth!!!

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Norris | Family Session

The Norris family is just plain fun! Lucas is just weeks away really from graduating from high school & Bailey is on her way to completing college not too long from now. Fun, new things on the way!

We met up a couple weeks ago to have a family session & I enjoyed exploring the area where they live. (Special thank you to their neighbors who let us come on their property!)

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What’s cool to me, is that even though this family is busy & has some big events on the horizon, they MADE TIME for a photo session. A session that will forever capture this time, this season they are in. I could not have been more honored to be there & capture them.

Love these two pictures!

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I told these two to pretend they were annoyed with each other 😉 I think they did pretty well haha Course Bailey started to crack up though since Lucas is a little TOO good at it 😉   Norris |   Norris |

Don’t let them fool you! They like each other 😉

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If you come back to the blog tomorrow, you’ll see the senior pictures we did with Lucas!

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She’s such a pretty girl 🙂 Inside & out! Bailey gives a lot of her time to help others & recently got back from a missions trip to Taiwan!

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Thank you Norris Family for asking me to come hangout with you!!!!! I can’t believe we’ve known each other for so many years now! I’m excited for the Lord has for the Bailey & Lucas in the future & I know they’re thankful they have such strong supporting parents!

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Norris | life&love Family Session

I don’t even know how to form the words for this blog post.

See, these pictures, this particular session, this Saturday morning I got to spend with a very special family just HAS MY HEART. If this blog post had a subtitle it would be “That Time a Session Left Me Speechless”. I’m serious (which if you know me doesn’t happen very often 😉 ).

But this session has done that. This session has EVERYTHING I want Nomi Photography to be about. To capture where LIFE & LOVE happen. Sessions right in the homes of my clients. Sessions where REAL moments happen. Whether we’re spending time outside or inside REAL moments is where it’s at for me folks.

Lynne & I chatted on the phone about their life&love Family Session that would be in their home. We discussed how having their family doing a couple activities that their family does on a regular basis would really CAPTURE their family. I seriously was SO looking forward to hanging out with the Norris Family!

So I’m going to be brief & really just let the photo’s speak for themselves. And they do. They really do. You’ll see love written all over the faces of Lynne & Brad’s faces as they interact & spend a memorable Saturday morning with their two littles (with another one on the way!).

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One of the things Lynne was really excited about me capturing was the kids reactions to the “magic tricks” their daddy performs for them. I tell you it was SOOOO fun seeing their reactions! They’ve got a pretty talented daddy 😉 Look at how excited they are! I see not only joy in their eyes but love for their daddy.

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I LOVE that you can see not only the kids expressions in these two pictures but their daddy’s as well!

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  Norris |   Norris |

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Lynne & Brad, you guys ROCK. The way you love & lead your family with love & patience is just plain amazing. I’m huge Norris Family fans. Please let me come hangout again sometime 🙂 Love you guys!

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Martinez | Family Session

This time last year, I was working fulltime at Eric & I’s church, First Assembly of God in Normal as an administrative assistant. One of my roles as an admin was to to support the various ministries we had including our ever-growing Spanish Ministries. Pastor Jose & Melissa Martinez lead & maybe I should say RUN that ministry that is growing & changing lives. I truly admire this dynamic couple that I ADMIRE. I really don’t know HOW they get done all that they do. Seriously. It’s obviously the blessing & favor of the Lord’s on their lives.

But Jose, let’s just be real & honest & tell the truth, your wife is the amazingness behind your team isn’t she? 😉 She (& Jesus) of course is why everything gets done & happens 😉 I seriously want to be Melissa when I grow up.

I got a text one Friday night a couple weeks ago from Pastor Jose asking if by some chance I was available to come over to their home & have a family session the next day. He said that ALL of the kids were in town (& one daughter had traveled all the way from Florida!) & asked if it could possibly work out for me to come over. I said YES. Of course! Moments like this when family especially is spread all over, don’t just happen every day. The next day I headed to Jose & Melissa’s new home & entered in the door to be greeted by the loving & FUN Martinez Family!!!

Even though our session was primarily indoors, I grabbed each of the couples for some quick outdoor snow pictures on Jose & Melissa’s deck! It was cold but everyone was such good sports!!!!

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Martinez Family Session |   Martinez Family Session |

And the sisters got their pic as well 😉

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Martinez Family Session |

Oh Josue 🙂

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Then we went inside! One thing that was really cool about this session was Jose & Melissa have only lived in their new home about a month when this session happened. What a SPECIAL memory they have now of pictures in their OWN home!!! And so many memories more to be made in their beautiful new dwelling.

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Boys will be boys 😉

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All the kids & one grandkid!!!

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Speaking of grandkids, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this shot of Pastor Jose holding & singing to his grandson!

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Martinez Family Session |

He makes her laugh 😀

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Martinez Family Session |

Martinez Family Session |

Thank you Jose & Melissa for having me come over & spend time with your family. The Lord has blessed you with wonderful kids & a beautiful home filled with love & laughter. Can’t wait until next time! 🙂

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Poppins | Family Session

“The most beautiful thing in the world is to see your children smiling. The next best thing is to know that you are the reason behind that smile.” –

Let’s just say that a few Saturdays ago, there was LOTS of smiling going on from Little Miss 6-Month Old Amelia 🙂 See for yourself!

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Poppins Family |

See what I mean? This dolly was just full of smiles!

I loved being able to capture some special moments of little Miss Amelia & her mommy. This is probably my favorite image of the two of them <3

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And there’s no doubt this little one not only loves her mommy, but her daddy as well!

Those legs <3

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Miss Amelia started to get a little tired…

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Sleep tight!

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Harding | Family Session

Does encouraging words mean a lot to you? They do to me. Alisha Harding probably doesn’t even remember this, but just about two years ago, she said something to me I’ll never forget. I was photographing a conference for pastors, their spouses & missionaries that my church was hosting. Alisha was there & I took a quick photo of her & a friend she was talking too. The three of us briefly chatted & Alisha said to me, “I just love your photo’s.” I thanked her & shared a bit of my heart regarding starting a photography business. After listening to my words, she looked at me & said, “I have no doubt you are going to be a great photographer & that your business will go well.” I’ve never forgotten that moment. It was a time where my dream was just a dream in my husband & I’s heart. It was still developing & growing & Alisha’s words was like water on the seed in my heart.

If you ever get the chance to encourage someone, do it. You’ll never know how deep & how much that individual may need your exact words.

Alisha, your words meant the world to me. It was an honor to almost 2 years later capture your family <3

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Boughan | Family Session

“I’d like to be a kid again but only because naps were insisted, twirling in circles was acceptable, and the only password I had to remember was open sesame.” – Adar Burks

Couple Saturday’s ago, I had a session with Whitney & her 3 cuties. It was a very chilly day but we made the most of it! We twirled & ran & shivered! 🙂 On our phone date before the session, Whitney described to me each of her little ones & their fun personalities. The weather did not hinder us from capturing each of her kids! Aren’t they just adorable?

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A momma & her youngest <3

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Such a beauty!

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Don’t let this face fool you, he was great for the session! Look at those blue eyes!!!

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Love this one! Nothing like a momma’s embrace!

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Lance | Family Session

Kat Lance & I met several years ago at our church & they recently moved to South Caroline. When she emailed me back a few months ago & said their family would be in town & could we make a family session happen, I was SUPER excited! When someone drive almost 14 hours to you for you to photograph their family, you can’t help but feel like you’ve just been given a huge compliment 😉 Haha yeah, so maybe I wasn’t the reason they came to visit 😉 haha It WAS to see family! 😉

Kat & Jake attended our church while they lived in Illinois & finished up school, bought a home & had their first child! Kat & I threw a couple baby showers for friends together & later, I got to attend the shower for her baby!

They are both one of those couples that seem to be always smiling. Kat recently sent me a hand-written note full of encouraging words. It was just what I needed at the right time. Thanks friend 🙂

Kat & Jake have since moved to South Carolina & are enjoying it very much. Their extended family actually came to the session too! I’m sharing some of that we got at the tail end of the three Lance’s. Kat & Jake (& Hudson!) it was great spending with your family & getting to see you guys! Maybe next year we can reconnect!

Here are a few of my favorites!

Look at that happy face!

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Such an adorable little guy with a fun personality!!!

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Lance Family Session |

Love this <3

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Lance Family Session |

Lance Family Session |

Deal | Family Session

Home is the nicest word there is. – Laura Ingalls Wilder

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Ashley emailed me a couple months back & we began discussing their family session. I knew in my heart when she described what she was envisioning that their session was going to be something special. And it was.

Yes, it was a little chilly, OK, very chilly 😉 BUT, it was a special time. Ashley & her husband Greg, welcomed me into their charming farmhouse & surrounding property & little Braden was totally excited to show me the cows 😉 (Did you know cows say “Moo”? 😉 If not, just ask Braden, he’ll tell you 😉 )

Ummm, he pretty much stole my heart.

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Deal Family Session  |

LOVE that their little wagon for Braden has their family farm name on the side of it.

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Deal Family Session  |

Because it was rather cold, we went inside Ashley & Greg’s wonderful farmhouse. Ashley has mean decorating skills & I loved all the windows & coziness the home offers. I was so thankful that Ashley & Greg were so easy going & had not problem with me spending time capturing their family indoors.

No Saturday morning would be complete without a reading of Braden’s favorite book- “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. All 3 of them know it by heart 🙂

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Deal Family Session  |

At the end of their session, I took Greg & Ashley outside to capture a few moments of this couple.

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Ashley you are GORGEOUS!

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Deal Family Session  |

Ashley, you have so much talent & the little details you added to this session were PERFECT. So you guys. And Greg, thank you for answering all my farming questions 😉 THANK YOU for spending a sunny, chilly Saturday morning with you three 🙂 Braden is blessed to have you two as parents. It’s obvious that you both love each other & him very much.

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Labertew | Family Session

A common question when I meet new people is, “So where are you from?” To that I answer, “Well, I’ve lived in Bloomington-Normal for about 6 years now but I was born in North Dakota & I’ve lived in 7 different states.” After I get the usual “gasp” or “Oh wow really?” reaction, then the next thing 95% of the time people ask is me “Are you a military kid/brat?” And to that I answer proudly, “No, Pastor’s Kid/Brat.” 😉

So for those of you who didn’t know, there you are- I’m a Pastor’s Kid. And proud of it! My parents pastored for over 20+ years.  We moved around a lot. We saw people change & healed. We drew close to those around us & were hurt by others. We also had incredible experiences that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Growing up as a pastor’s kid is unlike anything else. I’m thankful for the journey the Lord led my family on & how the Lord used it to shape us all.

Couple weekends ago, I had the privilege of spending time with our new lead pastor (at Eric & I’s church-First Assembly of God) & his family. We caught the tail end of October leaves & weather & I thought it was rather fitting that it worked out to do their session at that time of the year since October is Pastor Appreciation Month.

The Labertew Family has  been at our church since around the Fourth of July. It seems longer. We are thankful they are here. Friends, support your pastor/s & their families. Pray for them. Be there for them. Say yes when they ask for help. You will be blessed beyond measure for doing so.

Meet the Labertew Family!

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Loved her giggles 🙂

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Getting silly!

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