Category Archives: notes

How a Photographer Chose Her Own Photographer

Just in the past 6 months, Eric & I (& little Miss Elizabeth Leah!) have had the chance to have two photography sessions. I’m always asked by people “who our photographer is” & how we find the photographers that we do. I thought I’d write out the 3 things I consider when choosing my own photographer & that maybe this will help you as well in the future!

I have several photographers that I follow their work & am inspired by. (You can see who they are HERE.) Any photographer that I want to have photograph my family & I needs to be someone that emulates the look & feel that I admire & love.

As a photographer myself, I want to work with someone that is professional yet fun. Delivers what he/she says they’re going to & in a timely manner. Someone who communicates to us before the session & during makes everything go smooth & is helpful. I also want to work with someone that shares the same values as me & doesn’t just mirror everything they see on Pinterest. I want someone who is inspired by my family & does things to get us to interact & be ourselves & get those genuine moments. I can’t take a picture of Eric & I goofing off together or of the THREE of us looking at the camera but I sure am going to search for a photographer who can!

1064_NaomiandEricMaternitycopy(Photo by the amazing, AMAZING Amy Paulson. You can see our entire maternity session on her blog HERE.)

Let’s be honest, if I was comparing two different photographers & they were both the exact same in every way, the one thing that would decide who I went with is the money. Just being honest! BUT I totally believe in paying a workman what they deserve! When we have needed a photographer for different times in our life we have gone with yes, the one who fit in our budget but also fit our style & caught our family on camera in a special way & if that meant paying a little more we did it anyway. Because friends, finding a photographer who catches the way your husband looks at you, makes your kids giggle & makes your family look forward to having family pictures done is a photographer you don’t want to want to loose!!!

Wilcox, Elizabeth newborn-51Photograph taken by my friend Megan Decker. I posted our session on my blog HERE.

I want a photographer that see’s into my family what I see but can’t capture because I’m there in the moment myself! We had Amy Paulson do our maternity session & my friend Megan Decker (who has actually retired from photography & now only does it for friends & family) capture Elizabeth’s newborn session. BOTH experiences were different & yet the same-the same in that they were both talented women who shared they CARED about my family. They were different in of course in that they had different personalities & thus different ways of capturing us. But they still had the three things that I wanted in a photographer- amazing style, wonderful to work with & were well worth their price. In each time we’ve needed someone else (other then Eric & I & our tripod or my sister!) we’ve applied these 3 principles & never been sorry!

How about you? What’s important to you in finding a photographer?

Mini Sessions for 2016

If you’re like me & love to plan ahead, here is the list of Mini Sessions I’ll be offering in 2016 & a few of their dates! As we get closer to the mini’s in the later part of the year, I’ll update with their set dates as well.

Last year, I posted a survey to see what my clients were most interested in mini sessions wise. Because of the responses, I’ve added a few mini sessions that I think A LOT of people will be excited about (hint, think Christmas!) & am simplifying what I’m offering this year compared to last year. Can we say hashtag mom life? ๐Ÿ˜‰ All of my mini sessions are relationship based (like Mom & Me and Grandparents Day) & they will always continue to be so!

All mini session images are received via an online gallery. I’m also excited that I’ll be using an online sign-up system this year that will make life a lot easier for many of us ๐Ÿ™‚ Again, #momlife

Here they are- the list of Mini Sessions Nomi Photography will be offering in 2016!


Mom & Me – April 30

Spring Family Mini’s – May 14

Sibling Mini’s – June 4

Back-to-School Mini’s – July

Grandparents – September

Fall Family Mini’s – October 22

Christmas Family Mini’s – November 19

(I may add a mini session for Sisters & Besties but I haven’t quite decided. If you’d really like to see that happen, shoot me an email!

I’m looking forward to an awesome full 2016!!!!!

Sharpe | Family Fall Mini Session-11

Fall Family Mini’s!

Hofer | Fall Mini Session-5

I’m EXCITED about my LAST mini sessions of the year!!! Fall Family Mini’s will be October 9 & 10!

Now before I go any further- please note these sessions go FAST. Like crazy fast. If you want one, please email me asap. I will be scheduling them on a first come, first serve basis. So whoever emails me first gets the first slot!

If you noticed, I AM having my Fall Mini’s spread out into two different days, Friday afternoon & early evening & then on Saturday as well. I will be even farther into my pregnancy then & I need to space myself a little ๐Ÿ˜‰ But I also want to allow for as many of my clients as possible to take advantage of these, thus the two day window ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s the details!

  • Familyโ€™s with up to 6 members ($10.00 per additional family member after 6 members) is $75.00
  • ***NEW for 2015*** For EVERY family you refer to me (so someone I have not worked with before), & they book a Fall Family Mini, you will receive $5.00 off your session. I will honor that up to 5 families- so you could save $25.00 of your session!!! When scheduling their session they need to mention that you referred them to me ๐Ÿ™‚ *Their session cannot be canceled & must happen for you to receive the credit ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Location is Ewing Park III (where I had them last year & also known as Jersey Hill).ย  I’ve reserved 20 minutes per family/session to have a fun interactive short session. I will be scheduling sessions back to back with short breaks in between.
  • You will receive a total of 15-20 images.
  • All images will be delivered within 3 weeks of the session (plenty of time to order Christmas Cards!) via a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded & printed where you choose.
  • Print Release is included.
  • This session does not allow for outfit changes.
  • If for some reason it rains either day, I will work out with each client a time to reschedule on Sunday, October 11.

So what are you waiting for?!!! Email me at to reserve your session slot! We’ll work together to choose the right time slot that fits your family. Reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis via email!

I LOVE fall & I LOVE families! Therefore, Fall Family Mini’s is a favorite time of mine!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I look forward to spending time with YOUR family!

Gonzalez | Fall Mini Session-2

ย  Gonzalez | Fall Mini Session-32ย  Hofer | Fall Mini Session-14

What to Expect Now that I’m Expecting!

If you havenโ€™t heard, Eric & I our expecting our Little Wilcox around December 31! (You can read our announcement HERE.)

I’ve had many of you ask me different questions about the plans of Nomi Photography with a little one coming & if I plan to have a maternity leave. So here’s the answer to those questions & a few more!

When we started Nomi Photography in 2014, even then, Eric & I had our future family in mind. For us, it is important for me to stay home & being a photographer that works during evenings & weekends allows for that to happen. I am able to help our family out a little financially & am able to have a creative outlet that makes a difference. I LOVE meeting people & working with reoccurring clients & being able to share seasons of their lives with them. I’m excited for a new phase of life as a photographer AND a mommy ๐Ÿ™‚

what to expect now that I'm expectingThis Fall:

  • SENIOR SESSIONS โ€“ Class of 2016, if youโ€™re wanting to book a senior session with me, weโ€™ll need to get that on the books! Iโ€™ll only be accepting senior sessions for this fall. (You can wait to have your senior session in April when I’m back from maternity leave but I don’t recommend that ๐Ÿ˜‰ )
  • FALL FAMILY MINI’S I want to accommodate as many of my clients as possible for Fall Family Miniโ€™s & I also donโ€™t want to wear myself out ๐Ÿ˜‰ This year, Fall Family Miniโ€™s will be spread across two days: a Friday (afternoon/evening) & Saturday. Details on those coming Wednesday, September 2. (Those who are on my e-newsletter list find out first & have the opportunity to signup before others! See the right side of this page to signup if you’re not on my list already!)

My Maternity Leave:

  • NOVEMBER Saturday, November 28 will be the last possible day to schedule a session with me in 2015. I will probably be still editing sessions from that month, but since I will be around 35 weeks pregnant, I will not be scheduling any actual sessions for after that day in 2015. My maternity leave will officially begin when the last session has been delivered ๐Ÿ™‚
  • NEWBORN SESSIONS – If you are having a baby in February or March of 2016 & want me to do your newborn session, please contact me. We’ll see if we can make that happen ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d advise contacting me sooner rather then later since I will not be checking my email that much ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • APRIL I plan to officially be back & scheduling sessions in April 2016. I may even take some sessions in March depending on what I feel I can handle at that point with a newborn & possibly returning to my part-time nanny position.
  • MOM & ME MINI’S – No matter when I’m back in full photographer mode, my Mom & Me Miniโ€™s in 2016 will for sure be happening!!! I will be getting info & details on those out in plenty of time for reservations. (I may possibly have my Sibling Mini Sessions in the spring of 2016. Iโ€™ll probably put out info & see what the response is.)
  • DELIVERY OF MINI SESSION IMAGES – Iโ€™ve already begun this transition, but my mini sessions will now be delivered by a online gallery where images can be downloaded to your own personal computer instead of a CD of USB Drive. This will make my life as a new mom easier ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to email me ( & we’ll chat! Little Wilcox is coming at a good time of year & 2016 is going to be a good full year of photography sessions which I’m very excited for!!!

Iโ€™ve already seen how becoming a mother has changed what I feel is important in photography & capturing those special moments. Not going to lie, Iโ€™ve teared up & all out cried at a few recent sessions since becoming pregnant ๐Ÿ˜‰ And Iโ€™ve found myself wanting to hold & snuggle the babies Iโ€™ve had sessions with ๐Ÿ˜‰ Being a mom is going to make me an even better photographer! I’m so thankful for the Lord’s blessing in Eric & I’s lives & can’t wait to be a mom-tog (mommy photographer) ๐Ÿ˜‰

And here’s a 22 week bump picture for those of you who are into that sort of thing ๐Ÿ˜‰

Our Little Wilcox ~ 22 Weeks Pregnant! 22 Weeks



And love.

Those two words…life & love…they have been spinning in my head for over 6 months now. I mentioned in my last e-newsletter that I was working on something behind the scenes (& it wasn’t just growing a baby ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). It all started last fall when I was having a phone date with a client & described my sessions as capturing where life & love happen.

life&loveAfter that, I couldn’t stop thinking about the phrase, those two words. Because they do hold all that I want to fill the images that come from my camera. I want to get all the life that is going on, whether it’s a sweetie’s one year session or an anniversary…I want to with the pictures I take catch the life, the emotion, the season that is happening right then & there & literally freeze it for my clients to look back upon. To remember & be thankful. I want to catch the love, the look between a mother & son, the smile between a newly engaged couple…catch allllll of it & be able to show my clients when they see their images- LOOK! This is how your husband looks when he looks AT you! THIS is how little one, your daddy ADORES & loves you.

I haven’t wrapped my head around it all yet…still trying to share what’s in my heart, but you will be seeing those words more & more. In the way that I describe my photography & in the way I capture my clients.

As Eric & I walk into this new season of life as becoming parents, I feel these two words dig deep into my own heart as well. I want to share bits & pieces of our life, my life, things I love doing & I will be sharing more on my blog about different things, even stuff aside from photography! Stay tuned ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sister Sister Mini Sessions in 2015

1923543_8447687078_6578_nMy sister is my best friend. Hands down. (PS That picture above was 7 years ago!) Aside from my husband, she gets me like no one else. We’re four years apart & yet people still sometimes think we’re twins. We quote old movies lines to each. She sends me tons of texts a day that crack me up (she’s got a funny sense of humor). And she always hated it when I’d crawl into bed with her & try to snuggle ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’m 29 & she’s 25. She’s going to be an aunt soon & I still like having our girl movie nights. We’ve grown up as different women, but thankfully, we’re closer then before.

back2school- angela-1

And, may I ask a question? When was the last time you had a picture taken with your sister? When was the last time you & your sissy or sisters had some good ol’ quality time? When was the last time you all chatted & reflected on the treasured friendship you share?

I want you to have that opportunity. Either to spend it with your sister, sisters or even someone who is like a sister to you…to spend it together & have some amazing photo’s taken together.

This mini session will be a short photography session on Saturday, August 29, where you & your sister, sisters or someone who’s like a sister to you, can come laugh & reflect on growing up together. And hey, you may not have always liked each other ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’d love to hear THOSE stories too ๐Ÿ˜‰

This 20 minute photo session will take place at an outdoor location in Bloomington-Normal & is $60.00 for 2-3 sisters (additional ladies after 3, may be added at $10.00 a piece). And it’s for ALL ages! Babies, toddlers or even 80 year olds! You will receive a 10-15 images & a wonderful memory to share! All images will be delivered within 3 weeks of the session via a link to an online gallery where they can be downloaded & printed where you choose. Print Release is also included. This session does not allow for outfit changes. Email me at to reserve your session slot! Reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis!

Bishop |

Family Experience Giveaway WINNER!!!

I love entering giveaways ๐Ÿ™‚ I entered 2 different ones just last week myself!

And I LOVE having giveaways too!

But what I love more then that, are families! Whether it’s a family of 6, a single mom & her two littles or a couple that are just beginning their journey of marriage together…I love FAMILY!

I have to say I was really excited about who was going to choose as the winner!!! And today I’m THRILLED to announce that the winner of my Family Experience Giveaway that is helping me celebrate the ONE YEAR Birthday of Nomi Photography is……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

HEIDI SHARPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoohoo!!!!!!!!

YAY!!!! Heidi, please email me within the next 24 hours at to claim your prize & we’ll start working out all the details!!!!!!!!

Thank you to EVERYONE who entered & who has supported Eric & I in the launch & past year of Nomi Photography. We couldn’t have done it without.

Be watching my facebook page for some pretty awesome sessions that will be happening in July!! I’ve got a few openings for July left & am currently booking for August & September of 2015.

Family Experience Giveaway!

It’s TIME!!!! It’s time for the biggest giveaway I’ve ever done! It’s time for the Nomi Photography Family Experience Giveaway!!!!!!

Family Experience Giveaway Ad

I believe in relationships & I believe in family! I also believe in celebrating the big & little things in life & Nomi Photography turned 1 year old this past May! I say that calls for some CELEBRATING!!!!! I wanted to show my thank you to all my wonderful clients by giving away a $25.00 Giftcard to Avanti’s & a $25.00 Giftcard to Pheasant Lanes Bowling to help jump-start a family night OR a date night for a couple! It’s the beginning of the summer & what a fun experience to have has a memory! Plus, whoever wins, will receive $50.00 off any Mini-Session I have left in 2015. (Those Mini Sessions are Best Friend Mini’s – June 27; Back-to-School Mini’s (for homeschoolers only) – July 18 & July 15; Sister Sister Mini’s – August; Grandparents & Grandkids Mini’s- September 12; Fall Family Mini’s – October 17.)

The contest is LIVE now & will close at midnight June 18, 2015. You can enter every day if you want too! Feel free to get your friends & family entering as well! (Those who have won giveaways from Nomi Photography in 2015 are not eligible to win. Discount cannot be transferred to any other session offered by Nomi Photography. Nomi Photography reserves the right to cancel giveaway at any time.) I will announce the winner here on my blog on June 22!!!!!!

Use the link below to enter!


Why I Had a Newborn Session with Nomi Photography

I recently had a Newborn Session with the Gulso family as they had just welcomed little Avery into their family.

Brittany, 9Avery’s momma ๐Ÿ™‚ ), was kind enough to have a short & sweet interview with me regarding her Newborn Session with me! I’ve also used Brittany’s personal favorite images from their session through-out this interview ๐Ÿ™‚


Gulso |

Me (Nomi Photography): Why did you choose to have Nomi Photography come capture your baby & family in your home?

Brittany: I chose Nomi Photography because Naomi had done a family photo session for us in the spring and she did such an amazing job.

Me: What was your favorite part of having a newborn session in your own home?

Brittany: That I did not have to worry about getting everyone out of the door on time to be at the photo shoot. It was so convenient just to have Naomi come to our house. That worked out so well.

Gulso |

Me: If you could use three words to describe the session you had, what would they be?

Brittany: Fun, relaxed, and precious moments captured

Me: Is there anything else youโ€™d like to comment about regarding your session?

Brittany: I was a little nervous about having the photo shoot done in my home because I really like outside photos, but they turned out better than what I could have imagined. So glad I decided to go with Naomi for this session!! She captured such special moments that I could have never captured myself. I will treasure these pictures forever.

Thank you for your kind words & the time you took to answer these questions Brittany! (Click HERE to view the entire session!)

Gulso |

Scheduling a Newborn Session

Sharpe |’ve said it before & I’ll say it again. I want to photograph ALL THE BABIES ๐Ÿ™‚

Every momma has a list of things they need to get done. Especially when a new baby is coming to the family. While having a Newborn Photo Session with the newest little is always a want, it doesn’t always get to happen. Whether it’s because mommy & daddy didn’t know who to work with, or the timing of when to have the pictures or even if they have the time for pictures, all these things on top of other reasons can make scheduling a Newborn Session confusing.

That’s what this blog post is about. I’m going to clear the confusion for you by answering those questions including others such as “When should I schedule my baby’s first photo session? I’m not due for 6 months, should I still get that figured out?” “We have other kids we’d like to incorporate into the session, is that possible?”

So start off, first things first. You’re expecting- HOW EXCITING! Please know I am over the MOON excited for you & that I will strive to make this process of scheduling your new baby’s FIRST ever photo session.

1) Once you know you’re expecting & have a due date, that’s really all you need in order to schedule your session with Nomi Photography! As a photographer, I’m oftentimes am scheduling sessions MONTHS in advance & if you would like me to capture your newest addition in their first couple of days, all you need to do is email me at Once you email me, we will more then likely setup a phone date to chat & get to know each other.

2) I HIGHLY recommend having your baby’s pictures done within the first 3-10 days of their life. Why? Labor side effects (like skin spots & their head shape) have diminished but they are still all ready to curl up & be all cuddly as if they were still in the womb :). (Day 9-12 of their life they’ve already begun developing muscles & are *tear* already growing up just way too fast!)

Sharpe |

3) So we will look at your due date & I will put that specific date on my calendar. Now I’ll be in touch with you during your pregnancy as you get closer to your due date just to see how you’re doing & if there are any changes. Once Baby comes, I will send you an email that says something along the lines of this: “Hey Mama-CONGRATULATIONS! You have just delivered a beautiful, precious baby & I am here ready to go! Here are the times within the next 3-10 days that I am available to come over & capture your little one. You do NOT need to answer me back right at this moment. I just want you to know I’m here, I’m aware Baby has arrived & just let me know at your earliest convenience that I am SOOOO EXCITED to come see you & meet your precious new bundle of love!”

4) We then work out a time that I can come over to meet your new little one & I count down the days until I’m able to meet your Baby ๐Ÿ™‚

And ta-da! We’re ALL SET!

That’s IT? you may be asking. That’s it ๐Ÿ™‚ Through the process of us getting to know each other, I’ve already talked to you about outfits, the best times of day to have the session & a few other little things.

I simple ADORE newborn sessions at my client’s homes. Your house DOES NOT have to look like a Martha Stewart magazine. All we need are windows & the right time of day for lighting to hit those windows. Some mommas get nervous about their home being perfect & please don’t be. I get more into that during the process I go through with my clients, but all I ask for is your bed to be made & windows. Seriously. If I see anything during the session that needs to be moved, I’ll move it. If you need to move to a different area of the house, I’ll move you. That’s my job ๐Ÿ™‚ Besides, you just gave birth to a little one & if you’re making your house look all perfect instead of cuddling the newest addition to your family, I may just scold you a bit ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sharpe | benefits to having a session in your own home are endless. ESPECIALLY when you have a new little one. Why worry about lugging everyone to a location that’s not your home when I can come STRAIGHT to you? Besides, you cuddling your Baby where you do life & love is just priceless.

I allow 2 hours for each Newborn Session. Most take an hour & fifteen minutes. I simply LOVE incorporating other members of the family. Obviously, daddy is a must & the other siblings are always a joy to capture as they are getting to know their newest family member. (And please, someone invite the grandparents to the session as well! I would LOVE to capture them with Baby as well!)

Sharpe | if you’re expecting, please go right up to Step 1 & email me. Let’s work together to capture the very first days of your Baby’s life <3 Because why? Because I want to photograph ALL the babies ๐Ÿ˜‰ (Yep, there it is, I said it again! ;-))

PS If you’re interested, click HERE to view all the details regarding my Maternity+Newborn Session Package that is here for 2015!