Last year, I realized how I LOVE photographing newborn baby sessions in my clients homes. Bringing a baby home is no small item (pun not intended 😉 ). It’s a significant moment in a couples life. It’s the birth of a new season in a family. A brand-new life has joined your family & that moment, that time, that season that changes oh so quickly, needs to be remembered.
A photo session with your new arrival should not be stressful. It should not be rushed. It should be as wonderful of an experience as possible! That moment of holding your baby with all the newborn smell & softness of their skin filling your heart is something you’ll never forget. And I’m here to help make that memory stay. We’ll discuss your session in a phone conversation & choose just the perfect time of day that fits your little one’s schedule. Because this is such a memorable time, I have put together a wonderful package for momma’s for 2015! Any momma that schedules a Maternity Session AND a Newborn Session together will receive an $50.00 savings! (Complete price details are on my Investment pa). First, we will workout details to take in the time of your pregnancy, a time that comes only a few times in a woman’s life. And then we’ll work together as the weeks grow closer to the day of your baby’s arrival, for a newborn session.
Along with this new package, I’ve added a personal touch. Recently I was going through some boxes & found the baby announcement my parents used to share my arrival 🙂 I may be old fashioned but it got me thinking how I could incorporate something like that into my newborn sessions. After dreaming about it, I’m very happy to share that ANY newborn session will receive a complimentary birth announcement! I personally have designed this announcement & am in love with how simple & classic it is.
After having your Newborn Session, I will have the images edited with two weeks of your session. We’ll look over the images & you’ll choose which picture you want to use in the announcement, if you want it to be horizontal or vertical & then you’ll decide what color from the color palate you’d like it to be. I’ll use your choices & your baby’s arrival info to finalize the announcement design. The announcement will be a file you will receive that is the size set for a 4×6. It will be included in your images you’ll receive in the mail with your Nomi Photography client package. You’ll be able to print this 4×6 announcement anywhere you choose & give it to family & friends!
Having a baby’s first photo session in their own home, with the sounds & smells they are used to, is so wonderful. And if you’re worried about if your home will work to have a session in it, please, don’t worry! If your house has windows (which if it doesn’t, you should probably get a new house 😉 ) that’s all we need! If your home has windows, you are good to go for a special time of you & your family cuddling the newest member of your family while I happily snap away on my camera.
I’m REALLY excited about this package & the added birth announcement. Maternity Sessions & Newborn Sessions can still be scheduled separately, but I know there are so many momma’s who would like to do both & the $50.00 savings is something I’d like to offer. If you are interested in beginning the process to schedule a Maternity Session, a Newborn Session OR BOTH, contact me ( soon!!! I want to photograph ALL THE BABIES 😉