Category Archives: notes

Maternity+Newborn Special Package!

Last year, I realized how I LOVE photographing newborn baby sessions in my clients homes. Bringing a baby home is no small item (pun not intended 😉 ). It’s a significant moment in a couples life. It’s the birth of a new season in a family. A brand-new life has joined your family & that moment, that time, that season that changes oh so quickly, needs to be remembered.

A photo session with your new arrival should not be stressful. It should not be rushed. It should be as wonderful of an experience as possible! That moment of holding your baby with all the newborn smell & softness of their skin filling your heart is something you’ll never forget. And I’m here to help make that memory stay. We’ll discuss your session in a phone conversation & choose just the perfect time of day that fits your little one’s schedule. Because this is such a memorable time, I have put together a wonderful package for momma’s for 2015! Any momma that schedules a Maternity Session AND a Newborn Session together will receive an $50.00 savings! (Complete price details are on my Investment pa). First, we will workout details to take in the time of your pregnancy, a time that comes only a few times in a woman’s life. And then we’ll work together as the weeks grow closer to the day of your baby’s arrival, for a newborn session.

Baby Announcement - Horizontal

Along with this new package, I’ve added a personal touch. Recently I was going through some boxes & found the baby announcement my parents used to share my arrival 🙂 I may be old fashioned but it got me thinking how I could incorporate something like that into my newborn sessions. After dreaming about it, I’m very happy to share that ANY newborn session will receive a complimentary birth announcement! I personally have designed this announcement & am in love with how simple & classic it is.

Baby Announcement VerticalAfter having your Newborn Session, I will have the images edited with two weeks of your session. We’ll look over the images & you’ll choose which picture you want to use in the announcement, if you want it to be horizontal or vertical & then you’ll decide what color from the color palate you’d like it to be. I’ll use your choices & your baby’s arrival info to finalize the announcement design. The announcement will be a file you will receive that is the size set for a  4×6. It will be included in your images you’ll receive in the mail with your Nomi Photography client package. You’ll be able to print this 4×6 announcement anywhere you choose & give it to family & friends!

Birth Announement Color PaletteHaving a baby’s first photo session in their own home, with the sounds & smells they are used to, is so wonderful. And if you’re worried about if your home will work to have a session in it, please, don’t worry! If your house has windows (which if it doesn’t, you should probably get a new house 😉 ) that’s all we need! If your home has windows, you are good to go for a special time of you & your family cuddling the newest member of your family while I happily snap away on my camera.

I’m REALLY excited about this package & the added birth announcement. Maternity Sessions & Newborn Sessions can still be scheduled separately, but I know there are so many momma’s who would like to do both & the $50.00 savings is something I’d like to offer. If you are interested in beginning the process to schedule a Maternity Session, a Newborn Session OR BOTH, contact me ( soon!!! I want to photograph ALL THE BABIES 😉

Siblings Mini Sessions!

Did you know April 10 is National Sibling Day? ;-) Now you do!

EW Couture Timeline Covers

Saturday, April 11 is the date of the Sibling Mini Sessions I will be having! The Mini Sessions will be in the afternoon starting at 1:00PM at an outdoor location in Bloomington-Normal. I’ll be keeping my eye on a couple locations as things start turning green & we start to see more color!!!! I also thought it’s a perfect time to have your children take pictures (if you wanted to) in their Easter outfits! My siblings always took a group picture on Easter Sunday :) And this isn’t just for the young ones! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to get all your adult siblings together for some updated pictures?!

These will be a 20 minute interactive photo session for siblings of ALL ages! We’ll laugh, we’ll talk, we’ll play & capture the special relationship you have with your siblings. One of the key words of Nomi Photography is relational. I TRULY believe in capturing those special relationships in our lives and in an authentic way. Whether you’re 45 & you & your sister have not had pictures in a long time or you have 3 little ones- this mini session is just perfect! I’ve decided to only offer a select amount of slots so if you would like to schedule one, please contact me ( soon! (A full list of my 2015 Mini Sessions can be found here-

Each session will be 20 minutes long. A total of 10-15 images on a flashdrive will be mailed within 3 weeks after the session. Full payment of $55.00 is due at the time of the session.

I can’t wait!!! Feel free to share & let your friends know!!!

PS If you’re still not quite sure what a Mini Session is, here’s a brief description- it’s a shorter photography session (usually 20-30 minutes), a smaller amount of images then a full session, & all for a lower cost then a full photography session at a set location. They’re on a set day & I schedule sessions with different families & individuals back to back with small 10 minute windows between each Mini Session.

Who’s Currently Inspiring Me

As time goes on & I continue this journey as a photographer, there are several amazing photographers that I look up too. I thought it’d be fun to give you a little peak at these ladies (they all actually happen to be ladies!) & show who is currently inspiring me.

From Sydney's Session without logo-2

I have a HUGE passion for families. I am planning some things I’ll be unveiling soon that will make family sessions even MORE special but for now, here is a look at the women I look to for inspiration when it comes to capturing families & couples:

Amy Paulson

Amy is my VERY favorite for MANY reasons. The Lord has gifted her in an incredible way that I’ve never seen with any other photographer. She’s my fav. Hands down. No questions asked. I want to be her when I grow up. And I hope to introduce you to her in the coming months 😉

Website: Facebook:

Gina Zeidler

I have never met Gina & who knows if I ever will! (I’d love it if it happened!) But her style of how she works with light & uses her humor to share about people is just fantastic. Her classic style is impeccable.

Website: Facebook:

I also enjoy checking out the blog “Let the Kids Dress Themselves”. They are constantly highlighting a photographer that captures families & children in a special way. Maybe someday I’ll be on there! One can dream right? 😉


Even though I don’t photograph weddings, I have a secret love for following wedding photographers. I have many fav’s & actually a few of them have stepped into capturing more of families & children as well! I REALLY love the look of film. I try to imitate that look with my photography with photography sessions I have outdoor. I have a lot of clients who tell me they really like the pictures I take outdoors with the “blurry backgrounds”. That is actually called “bokeh” & is something that’s used in film a ton. And it’s funny that 2 out of 3 of the photographers I’m about to list are primarily film photographers 🙂 Here’s my top three in the Weddings/Couples/Families category 😉

Nancy Ray

Website: Facebook:

Nancy is also a very wise lady! I follow her on Instagram & just love reading her blog! Especially since her & her husband are expecting their first baby soon!

Emily March

Website: Facebook:

I found Emily March by following one of my  fav’s Lara Casey ( I love how Emily has captured so many things including weddings, families & even small group meetings!

Laura L

Website: Facebook:

Laura photographs another favorite of mine, Emily Ley ( I ADORE her planners). I’m slightly jealous of Laura since she gets to photography her family 😉


I also have a desire to someday tap into product photography (we’ll see if that happens!). My only favorite in that category is Shay Cochrane! Website: Facebook:


Well there you are! Hope that was interesting for you & that it shed some light into the look & passion I desire for Nomi Photography 🙂

Mini Sessions in 2015

On this snowy day, I’m excited to finally publicly announce the Mini Sessions I will be having in 2015. I’ve been thinking about these for a long time now (probably the last 6 months!) & am EXCITED to share them!!! (Those who are subscribed to my e-newsletter found out Monday. If you’re not signed up for my e-newsletter click on the navy box on the right of this page.)

If you’re not sure what a Mini Session is, here’s a brief description- it’s a shorter photography session (usually 20-30 minutes), a smaller amount of images then a full session, & all for a lower cost then a full photography session at a set location. They’re on a set day & I schedule sessions with different families & individuals back to back with small 10 minute windows between each Mini Session.

One of the key words of Nomi Photography is relational. I TRULY believe in capturing those special relationships in our lives and in an authentic way. Keeping relationships in mind, that is how my Mini Session themes came about for 2015. I’ve kept a few from 2014 & have created some very special ones that I’m seriously just JOYFUL in my heart about. See for yourself!

2015 Mini Session List

Do you spy the new for 2015 Mini Sessions in that list? I’m not lying when I say my heart is seriously PUMPED for the Siblings Mini & the Grandparents Mini! The Siblings Mini will be open to ALL ages of siblings! Not just children! And the Mini Session that will be just for grandparents & their grandkids- HOW SPECIAL is that going to be?!

Each Mini Session is set in the chosen month for a particular reason.

SIBLINGS: (New for 2015) Did you know April 10 is National Sibling Day? 😉 Now you do! I also thought it’s a perfect time to have your children take pictures (if you wanted to) in their Easter outfits! My siblings always took a group picture on Easter Sunday 🙂 And this isn’t just for the young ones! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to get all your adult siblings together for some updated pictures?!

MOM & ME: Last year, the Mom & Me Mini’s were so very special & wonderful. I’m excited to have those again just in time for Mother’s Day!

BEST FRIEND: When was the last time you had pictures taken with your best friend? Well, National Best Friend Day is June 8 & we are going to “celebrate” it by having Mini’s just for you & your BFF! Or ALL your BFF’s!

BACK TO SCHOOL | For Homeschoolers Only: Last year I met so many wonderful homeschooler families with these Mini’s! My husband & I were both homeschooled & I loved being able to use this opportunity to meet so many other local homeschoolers. And yes, this is a firm for homeschoolers ONLY Mini’s :)These will be in the end of July or very beginning of August.

SISTER SISTER: Probably one of my favorite Mini’s is the Sister Sister Mini Session. National Sister Day is August 2 & this Mini Session will be scheduled just around that time.

GRANDPARENTS: (New for 2015) Probably the Mini Session I am MOST EXCITED about for 2015 is the new one just for grandparents & their grandchildren. This would be a wonderful Grandparents Day gift or even have the session in September & save the images & print them all for Christmas gifts!

FALL FAMILY: I will be having Fall Family Mini Sessions this year. They will be in October since the leaves are usually in FULL color then.

Now the reason I have to wait on the exact dates is because of weather & choosing a location that is just perfect. Since I do my Mini Sessions outdoors, it’s important to find a location that is pretty too! 🙂 I promise to leave plenty of time to let you know ahead of time. I’ll be releasing the Siblings Mini Session date early March.

I try very hard to make my Mini Sessions as unique, special & fun as possible. Be on the lookout for the official release date of each Mini Session (e-newsletter subscribers are given the opportunity to book first!). I hope you & your loved ones will join me for a Mini Session (or two!) this year <3 Can’t wait 🙂

PS Also, CONGRATULATIONS to Brittany Gulso who won the Giftcard Giveaway 🙂

Favorite Images from 2014 | Part III

Today’s blog post is the last in a 3-Part blog mini-series featuring my personal favorite images from each session I had in 2014. You can view Part I here & Part II here.

Today’s post is just as fun as the last two. I did add a fun surprise image that probably none of you have ever seen (*hint-hint* it has a bride & groom in it ;-)) & I HIGHLY recommend listening to this song (You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile) while scrolling through the images (I’m currently addicted to the new Annie soundtrack.) It’s a fun song that will keep you movin’ & groovin’ for the rest of the day 😉

Make sure you scroll through all the images & read just a few more lines from me!

Fav's of 2014-28

See more of Grace’s beautiful face here!

Fav's of 2014-23

Fav's of 2014-51


Fav's of 2014-50 More of this special farm session:

Fav's of 2014-14

Fav's of 2014-25

Fav's of 2014-45

More of Leah & Lucy:

In the summer of 2014, I had the honor of being the second photographer at a wedding with the incredibly talented & beautiful Jamie Grant of Jamie Grant Photography. I had never captured a wedding before. I was 90% sure I did not want to be a wedding photographer & I decided that this was an opportunity to find out if that was the right choice. It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding & just a lovely day. Jamie was super sweet & spending the day with her was a wonderful experience in itself. I also got to connect with Eric & Sabriah Floberg. Here’s one of the images I took from the bride & groom’s First Look.

Fav's of 2014-trager wedding-1

I know the Lord has me in the right place by not having me be a wedding photographer. It was fantastic experience but it’s not where my heart is. You can view the full wedding post here-

Fav's of 2014-15

Fav's of 2014-49

More of my handsome brother:

Fav's of 2014-47

These two love birds have many more pictures-

Fav's of 2014-46

My pastor & his family’s full session can be viewed here:

Fav's of 2014-44

There’s more!!!

Fav's of 2014-16

Fav's of 2014-20

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Fav's of 2014-40

These cuties have more family members! See them all here:

Fav's of 2014-42

There’s more here!

Fav's of 2014-30

This fun family has tons of great images!

Fav's of 2014-32

Gorgeous Chloe:

And that’s a wrap!!! (I’ve always wanted to say that, but never had a reason too 😉 haha)

Thank you everyone for sticking around these past few days & looking back at 2014 with me!!! Didn’t I get to work with some incredible people??!!! I think so!!!

There’s a reason I shared all of these, not just because they’re my fav’s, but because they are leading me into a stronger, more focused direction with Nomi Photography. I’ll be sharing more on that later 🙂

I have just about 1-2 session spots available for January & am booking further into 2015. Contact me at to schedule your session! I’d LOVE to capture you & your families smile!

View more at


Favorite Images from 2014 | Part II

Man this has been fun! Sifting through so many pictures & remembering the laughs & moments shared at the sessions I had in 2014 & just smiling ALL over again! THANK YOU to everyone who has had a session with me. THANK YOU for trusting me & being a part of this journey! Nomi Photography wouldn’t exist without you.

If you missed it, here’s Part I. Now, who’s ready for Part II?!!!!

Fav's of 2014-31

View more from this double maternity session here:

Fav's of 2014-36

Gabriel’s full blog post is right here if you wanna see more!

Fav's of 2014-29

More of the Lyttle Family here:

Fav's of 2014-3

Fav's of 2014-12

Fav's of 2014-33

View more here of this sweetie & his entire family-

Fav's of 2014-48

Sydney | 18 Month Portrait Session-14

Fav's of 2014-39

Fav's of 2014-24

Fav's of 2014-53

You can see more!

Fav's of 2014-21

Fav's of 2014-4

Fav's of 2014-52

There’s more here!

Fav's of 2014-37

This little guy was just too much fun!

Fav's of 2014-41

More fun pictures of this family:


Well there’s Part II! Come back in the next few days for the final blog post!

View more at


Favorite Images from 2014 | Part I

Personal 2014 Fav's Board for Blog Post-smallres

First of all choosing my personal favorite images from each session I had in 2014 (all 42 of them!) was WAY more difficult then I imagined it to be. Several of these families are very close friends & others became close friends! I didn’t realize how much of my heart was connected to each session. But as “hard” as it was for me, it was also a wonderful experience- to look back & remember all of these special moments that I got to be a part of with so many incredible people. I’m not just saying that to make you all feel good 😉 I am truly thankful & blessed to have worked with each person/family/couple I met in 2014. And let me just say, looking back has made me VERY EXCITED for 2015. EXTREMELY excited 🙂

So just a reminder, this blog is a mini series, which basically means I will be posting several blogs posts to hold ALL of the images. I can’t put all of them in one! I’m spreading them out into about 3 posts (so there’s about 2 more coming!). I’m also adding the photo’s in complete random order. So if you don’t see my personal favorite image from your session, don’t freak out! 🙂 It’s coming! Hopefully the suspense won’t kill you 😉

You may be wondering how I chose my personal favorites, but before I answer that question, remember it was EXTREMELY hard to me to pick my favorites!!! Basically all the sessions I had about 2-3 fav images per session. It was very hard to narrow them down. But the ones I chose, are those that have personally stayed in my mind, touched my heart & made me fall even more in love with photography & capturing the smiles of so many people. If you look at each picture, you’ll notice I didn’t always choose the “perfect picture that had the perfect lighting & perfectly centered pose”. I usually chose ones where there’s a true genuine smile on their face or a belly laugh about to happen, the mom glowing while looking at her husband, a daddy holding his daughter close or you can totally see true love & tenderness in the eyes of those in the picture….AHHH!!!!! Who’s ready to see some pictures??? 🙂

Fav's of 2014-17

Fav's of 2014-1

Fav's of 2014-35

Fav's of 2014-2

Fav's of 2014-26

Fav's of 2014-18

Fav's of 2014-43

See the Weber full blog post here-

Fav's of 2014-22

Fav's of 2014-5

Fav's of 2014-34

Fav's of 2014-6

Fav's of 2014-27

Fav's of 2014-19

Fav's of 2014-13

Check back in the next few days for Part II!

View more at

Merry Christmas!!!

Our 2014 Christmas Pictures-6

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

With love, Eric & Naomi

Nomi Photography


Who can add to Christmas? The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him.  ~ Corrie Ten Boom

Gift Certificates!

Gift Certificate Christmas Ad-small

Nomi Photography is offering Gift Certificates beginning this holiday season! A photo session results in images that last a lifetime. What a perfect gift! If you would like to purchase one email me at to do so! Certificates can be used towards any session during 2015 & can be purchased in $10.00 increments & above. Purchase some for others or maybe you’ll want to put one on your own Christmas List? 😉

6 Month Birthday Giveaway #2!

And the winner of the 1st Giveaway that was randomly selected isssssssssssssss……………………





Yay! Congratulations Joy! Please email me within 24 hours with your address to claim your prize!

And now, for the 2nd Giveaway & how to enter!


giveaway-2 with graphics

The Second GIVEAWAY contains the items in the above picture:

1) a handmade “You Were Made to Smile” canvas tote bag

2) a blue mug from TJ Maxx

3) two bags of Tazo Earl Grey Tea

4) a framed “You Were Made To Smile” hand lettered print by my sweet friend & local artist Ana Pyper (size 5×7)

5) a $10.00 giftcard to Hobby Lobby (Hobby Lobby is like, my FAVORITE store!)


Here’s HOW TO ENTER- it’s easy!

Make sure you’ve “LIKE” Nomi Photography on facebook then

1) Send an email with the subject line “I want to win!!!” to You can enter once today & Thursday! And that’s it-simple as that!

*********This is not required, but for additional Entry Points you can share the above image that is on the Nomi Photography Facebook page on your own facebook profile once on Wednesday & then once Thursday. If you do share it, email me at each day & say “I shared!” in the email subject & you’ll receive an additional Entry Point per time you share it.***************************************************

The randomly selected winner of this giveaway (which is the second of THREE giveaways!) will be announced here at on Friday morning. The third & final Giveaway will also be announced then as well!

The winner of the giveaway must contact me by email ( with their mailing address within 24 hours of being announced, otherwise another winner will be chosen. Anyone can enter the giveaway. All prizes will be mailed Tuesday, November 10 after all prizes have been awarded & cannot be exchanged for anything else.

Yay!!! Now go enter!!!