Category Archives: family

Labertew | Family Session

I think everyone would agree that Ewing Manor is just one of the prettiest place in Bloomington-Normal. Every time I have the opportunity to have a session there I’m just so excited about it!!! The home is gorgeous & has so many fun areas to take pictures. So obviously I was BEYOND thrilled when the Labertew Family decided to have their family session there.

It was my second time taking pictures of this family & I know these are my favorite pictures of the two sessions we’ve had! Jacob, the eldest of the Labertew kids, is at away college in Missouri & so having the whole family together meant a lot to them all. We laughed a lot during our time together & I know you can see it in their expressions through these amazing family images!

Joel & Angela are our pastors at our church & I’m just SO THANKFUL for this amazing family! 


Rumley | Family Session

The Rumley Family has a very full schedule! Put together the calendar of their 5 lives plus mine as a mom & wife, we had quite the time finding a time to get a session in before the fall beautifulness had gone away! THEN when we got to where I wanted us to do our session, the location was being used- I was so bummed! But then I went a little deeper into the wooded area where we were meeting & found an EVEN BETTER spot! I’m honestly so thankful we weren’t able to photograph in the first spot because I like the second spot SO.MUCH.BETTER. Even with all the difficulties we had with getting together & find a great location, the Rumley Family’s session is one of my all time absolute FAVORITES.EVER.

I say all that to say- even when there’s adversity, you can still find beauty.

The Rumley Family has faced a lot of difficulty, pain & unknown in the past couple of years & when I look at these photos I can’t help but see the beauty & the goodness of the Lord. I love their family & I love these photos. I seriously cannot choose a favorite so just get ready for LOTS of pictures of the Rumley Family 😉

Also let me just say when I look at these pictures I think #familygoals 🙂




Nebgen | Family Session

I love the fall! And I love photographing families!!! And when you put those two together- you’ve got one of my all time favorite combinations!!!! I seriously wish the colors & weather of the fall could last longer because it’s just such a gorgeous time of year to take photo’s.

I was SO excited when Brenda connected with me about doing their families photo session! It had been a long time since they’d had photos together & that made me feel even MORE honored that they chose with me to take some updated ones. And we had a blast in the meantime 🙂 I love all of the photos we got! Take a look for yourself 🙂




Birkey | Family Session on the Farm!

When someone invites you out to their farm to hangout & take pictures, as a photographer you can’t say “YES!” quick enough! That’s what happened when Rachel told me she wanted their family session to be on the farm their family has together & for it to be a fun & laid back session. And that’s exactly what it was! Complete with plaid shirts, apple picking, 4-wheel riding & a gorgeous sunset!

Some of you may know that my other part time job is watching them & their brother two days a week. Elizabeth gets to come with me & these three cuties are the big brothers & sister Elizabeth will never have 😉 The Birkey kiddos are just plain special to our family. I’ve been nannying for the Birkey family several years now & I’m just so thankful for the relationship my little family has with theirs & I’m so grateful for the job in general.

Now here are some of my favorites photos from their session!


I’m still catching up on blogging sessions that I had this past fall & this was a favorite I had. Today I wanted to make sure it got published because the twins just turned 5 (their bday is Valentines Day!). I remember when we were praying for Birkey babies to come along & now they’re 5 years old!

And Winston is the adorable baby brother 🙂

One of my favorite family photos ever!!! Love the joy & realness in this picture! Love you Birkey’s!!!!!!!!


Olson | Family Session

It’s the week of Thanksgiving & I’m finding myself listing things I’m grateful for. It’s not a surprise to me that most of  “things” are indeed people & the list of people I’m thankful for seems to be unending.

I’m thankful for my friend Kaela. We met about 7 years at a weekend retreat for pastors kids in Illinois. Kaela was coming with a team from a church in Rockford to volunteer their help & my sister & I were coming from Normal. I don’t remember how or even what we said when we first met, but I know Kaela & I clicked & I wanted to be around her laugh & wise words as much as I could that weekend 🙂 If you know Kaela she’s all about scarves, messy buns & loving people. During our time at the retreat, God used her to confirm some stuff that was going on in my life & I’ve never forgotten that.

Kaela & I did get to meet up a few years ago in Fargo, ND where she was working & my mom’s side of the family live. We exchanged updated life stories & I told her about the guy in my life (Eric) & she told me about the guy (Peter) in hers. Fast forward to 2016 🙂 Kaela & her little family have been traveling in the U.S. this year & getting ready to travel back to Africa to love on the people there & tell them the Truth & Good News of life. It worked out perfectly for them to come by Normal & we had a mini photo session, spaghetti AND the BEST PART of all was that our girls got to meet! (Photo of that at the end of this post!) Oh & of course our husbands had fun meeting too 🙂

Now I’ll quit writing & let you look at these pictures- pictures of such a PRECIOUS & SPECIAL family.


Arielle sure loves her mommy & daddy!!!!

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This one just melts my heart to pieces.


And of course this!


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She’s the joy of their worlds.


Those eyes & that smile!!!!


I love this next picture. I wasn’t planning on this happening, but if you look close to the right of this picture, you can see mommy & daddy in the picture 😉


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JOY overload!!!



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And these two!


Peter, Kaela, & Arielle, we love you guys!!! We hope to have many get togethers, even if they’re several years a part 😉 in the future. We are praying for you three & that God will protect & use you. Love, Eric, Naomi, & Elizabeth




Hackbarth | Family Session

Kenny, Katie & Gavin moved to Bloomington-Normal almost two years ago. If you know Eric & I, you know that we love our church & are thankful for the community that we have there. The Hackbarth family moved here so that Kenny could be our Worship & Fine Arts pastor. We’ve enjoyed getting to know their little family & having them in the same small group as ours. Katie is just plain gorgeous, Gavin is hilarious & Kenny is so kind.

Katie had a particular vision on mind for their family session & it meant to much to me that she chose me to carry that out. We met up in a fun part of Bloomington downtown & I just love what happened! Their personalities & my camera was a match made in heaven. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all these pictures we got. I know after looking at these you’ll want to be friends with Hackbarth family too & I don’t blame you 😉


Gavin Paul is seriously like a little model. He’s such a sweet kid!!!!!

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One of my fav’s! hackbarth-7hackbarth-4

Gavin, you completely stole my heart during our time together. hackbarth-5hackbarth-9hackbarth-3hackbarth-6

These two! I love their connection & playfulness with each other!

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Katie, you are SO beautiful. hackbarth-17

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Hackbarths, my family is so thankful your family is here. Thank you for your serving & loving hearts. Kenny & Katie, your love for Gavin is so special. You are AMAZING parents & I can see in your eyes how much you care for him. He is growing into a strong & sweet little guy. We can’t wait to see all that the Lord does through your family here. And thanks again for letting me come hangout with you guys 😉 Just say the word & I’ll do it again in a heartbeat 🙂




Rumley | Siblings Session

I’m a little behind on blogging but I couldn’t leave out this fun session I got to have with the three Rumley siblings! These three…let me just say, I didn’t have to do much to get them to interact with each other 😉 They did PLENTY of that just naturally 😉 Some fun sibling interaction with goofing off & teasing & making each other laugh was what our hour together consisted of. Made me feel right at home since I have 3 younger siblings myself. Here’s a few of my favorites of the Rumley kids!

Rumley      Rumley


I love these two pictures! We took them in a skywalk!



They love their brother 🙂



Ready for some lovely girls?




Rumley        Rumley

My favorite of these two!!!!! LOVE the sister bond they have!!!


Gentry | Family Session

It’s pretty crazy how many “connections” I had to the Gentry Family even before I met them! My mom teaches piano lessons to Beau & Annaliese’s son, Wilson. She has been for awhile now! Then the mom of the kids I nanny for, Rachel, she & Annaliese were friends in college!  Crazy huh? 🙂

Annaliese emailed me right before my maternity leave & said they wanted to have a session when I got back. When my leave was over, Annaliese had a phone date to discuss their session & I was SUPER excited not only to meet them, but that the session was going to be at their home!


I told them when I walked into their home, I felt like I was walking into a finished home on Fixer Upper 🙂 It’s beautiful! We ran all over their yard & found some fun spots!


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I think the tire swing was a favorite spot!


Even mom & dad got in on it 🙂



Gentry      Gentry



Oh On-E & Beau, THANK YOU for inviting me over & for a fun session. You two are wonderful parents. I can see it in how you love your kids & how they love you back. You’ve been blessed. Blessed beyond measure 🙂




Decker | Group Family Session

It’s a special thing when one photographer is asked by another to photograph their family. It’s like being entrusted with something precious. As a photographer you strive SO hard to work with families & earn their trust & make them feel comfortable & have fun. So when it comes your turn to have pictures done, you’ve set the bar high yourself & to find someone that meets those expectations is really a treasure of a find.

This is how we felt when asked my friend Megan to do our Newborn Session with Elizabeth. Then after the wonderful job she did, imagine my nervousness & excitement when she asked me to take pictures of her family & her husband’s side! We all got together a few weekends ago & was just barely able to dodge the rain! I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Megan’s little family for the first time! I wanted to adopt her adorable son and her littlest girl is just about a month & a half older then Elizabeth! Here’s a few of my favorites from their session!

Here’s the whole family!

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Sweet little Gracie 🙂

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Such a sweet family of three!!!!! And Gracie’s little cheeks are to die for!

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The proud grandparents of all these sweeties!

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My personal fav! It’s an outtake but I love the joy in this photo!!!!!

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Such a fun family & fun session!!!!

Barker | Family Session

To end my 2015 photography season with SUCH a special family & at a fun, incredible location was just perfect! I’ve always wanted to have a session at Ewing Manor, it’s been on my photographer dream list & I was SUPER excited when Nikki suggested having their family session there. Barker Family + Ewing Manor = Amazingness

Pop on some Christmas music & grab a hot chocolate & visit the Ewing Manor with the Barker Family & I! Barker |

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My husband & I love the Barkers, who doesn’t? 😉 We’ve loved watching them go from a couple to a family of four.

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One of my favorites right here! Barker |

They kind of like each other 😉 Barker |

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Favorite! Barker |

Hadley & Eliott are precious little ladies to us. I can’t believe Hadley is halfway to 3 years old & Eliott is on her way to 7 months! Each girl has such a fun personality & I’ve loved being able to watch each develop. And I LOVED their pretty dresses Nikki had them wear! The colors were just perfect!Barker |

Daddy & his Hadley girl 🙂 Barker |

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It was my pleasure to spend time with you four, Barker Family 🙂 It was fun seeing what we’ve talked about for awhile now all come to life. But my most favorite part of the session was seeing the love you all share. Hadley & Eliott are blessed girls. They have parents that love the Lord & each other.

These images make me SO ready for Christmas & I had this song going through my head while putting together this post. It’s one of my favorite Christmas songs & I think it’s a perfect ending:

Another year I’ve had with you
We’ve grown together beyond all that we’ve been through
This season holds a place in me
Where there is always room to make new memories

It’s Christmas time my darling
And all I can say is I’ll love you
For only always

Only Always, by Kathy Troccoli

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