Tag Archives: lifestyle photography in illinois

Doddek | Newborn Session

“Because I could watch you for a single minute and find
a thousand things that I love about you.”

Well there she is folks. Miss Rylynn, the adorable daughter of Heidi & Jordan. Super proud parents & completely smitten with their first daughter. I’ve been able to watch the journey of Heidi & Jordan become boyfriend & girlfriend then husband & wife. And now (& I’m sure they will tell you this themselves), their greatest “titles” of all, mom AND dad. THIS post shares their maternity session & walks you through memory lane, all the way back to when Heidi & I had classes together in college.

And now a daughter fills their arms & love & pride fills their hearts.

These next three pictures…just hold my heart…..too precious for words…


This little beauty kept her eye on me about 98% of the session!

This next one is one of my most favorite pictures I’ve ever taken at a newborn session. Mother & child. Together. Just days old & a whole new world unfolding for both of them each day. I’ll never get used to the fact that I’m asked to capture these sacred moments.

This was a sweet & tender, unplanned moment…LOOK at the love in Heidi & Jordan’s faces!!!

This beautiful quilt was handmade by a family member. TOO special.

SO much love put into her room!

At the beginning of this year, I shared all the changes that I was making in Nomi Photography. You can read more about that HERE, but the gist of that blogpost shares how motherhood has changed me as a photographer. In that post, I wrote this sentence:

I want to help that dad remember what it’s like to hold his little girl’s hand before it can no longer fit into his.

My eyes teared up while editing this photo & realizing that phrase came into fruition through this special newborn session with such special people.

And I might add, this little gal was COMPLETELY content to be held & loved on her daddy!

If you go back & look at Heidi & Jordan’s Maternity Session, you’ll see how we were able to recreate some special photos. LOVE photographing families inside their homes where they do life & love.

So happy for you Doddek Family. Happy beyond words. I ask for peace & health around your little family. The Lord is GOOD & I can’t wait to see your journey continue as a family.

All my love,


Amelia Turns One!

Are you ready for some SUPER sweetness??

This little just turned one & I got to hangout with her & her parents for a bit a few weekends ago at a new FAV location of mine! I’d been just dying to use this special spot I’d spotted 😉 hehe & Amelia’s session was the perfect time to do so!

Amelia was so interested in exploring! It was so fun to see her take a few steps (!!!!) on her own & watch her little personality flourish in front of my camera!

Do they make shoes like these in MY SIZE??? 🙂

My personal fav right here!

Amelia’s mom & I have a fun backstory! We used to work at Cracker Barrel together! And for a season, we attended Heartland Community College & had a time during the day we could study together 😉 Or it was more like more talk & less study 😉 April actually (not even sure if you’ll remember this April!) helped me play an April Fool’s joke on my now husband but who was at the time just a crush of mine 😉

Now April & I are both married & have our own little girls! Cory, April’s husband & Amelia’s attentive daddy, came along for the session & I tell you, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a daddy love on his girl more! BOTH April & Cory were SO sweet & loving towards Amelia. The focus of the session was the birthday girl but I just had to grab a few of this loving trio!

Happy birthday Amelia!!!! Your parents & so many others love you soooo much sweetheart! I’m so glad I got to meet you sweet one & spend time with you!!!!

Family Mini’s 2017 Recap!

Here’s a few of my personal favorites from this past June’s Family Mini’s I had! I LOVE all these pictures & families!!! And if you’re wondering how you can get in on some Family Mini awesome-ness next time I have them, signup for my enewsletter & you’ll get all the info, a free gift for signing up & no junk mail- I promise! Signup HERE!





Gonzalez | Family Session

I’ve gotten to photograph this special family for several years now. It’s been a privilege! Stephanie was one of my very.first.clients.ever & I’ve never forgotten how she trusted me with her sweet littles when she was pregnant with Karsyn! Stephanie spoke into my heart at just the right time I needed it & it encouraged me to keep going when I first started Nomi Photography. Usually I hangout with the Gonzalez clan in the fall so I was SUPER excited that Stephanie approached me about doing a full session the beginning of this summer- UMMM YES! There’s is NOTHING like the smell of summer, laughter, the golden hour & chasing each other around during a photo session 😉

Because Stephanie has been a such an encouragement to me & a wonderful client/friend, I asked her to share what photos mean to her as a mom. Grab some tissues & get ready to hear Stephanie’s heart!

“How often do you say to yourself “I will never forget this moment”? Only to realize years later, looking back, that moment is a fog? As a working mom of 4, those moments are so, very important to me. Capturing our family photos is a piece of those moments. From those where we all stand still to smile for the camera to the real pictures of us laughing in the moment… You, Naomi, have been able to capture those precious moments in time for me. I will be able to look back at these moments and remember. I will remember the love shared when Kyle was whispering in my ear. I will remember Kendall’s independence. I will remember Kipton’s mischievous ways. I will remember Kadence’s sass. I will remember Karsyn’s ability to wrap every family member around her finger. THESE are the moments I will treasure and THIS is why our family pictures are so, very important. Thank you for capturing THESE!!!”

Stephanie, you are too kind! Yes, it was so sweet to hear what she said regarding my photography BUT the reason I wanted to share this is to help people understand WHY photos are so important & why photo sessions matter!!!

Now take a look at these awesome images we got of the Gonzalez Fam!

My personal fav of the four kids right here!

That gaze…        

That giggle…        

That spunk…        

That class…     

THIS FAMILY <3 <3 <3

One of my favorite things about a full photo session with me (vs doing a mini session) is that I get to take photos of each parent with EACH KID since we have more time!

This was such a special moment…I just held my breath, stood back & snapped away…       

YES!!! ALL the yes’s! My personal favorite!!!

I’m a fan of the Gonzalez Fam 😉 Can’t wait until next time guys!!!





Zack | Class of 2017 Senior Session

Meet Zack 🙂 Class of 2017 & someone I’ve watched over the past 8 1/2 years become the amazing young man he is. Zack’s passion is music & he’s super involved with playing his guitar at our church, on the adult & youth worship teams. He’s competed in the Fine Arts Festival program & is pretty excited about being Snoopy in Calvary’s “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown”. He’s a busy guy & that’s just the few of the many things I know he does!

I was so excited about incorporating Zack’s love of music in his session. The urban setting we chose fit so perfectly for this part of the shoot!

Walking around Uptown Normal, Zack & I talked about his upcoming senior trip to Florida that he’s pretty excited, play practice & how cold it was outside 😉

I remember watching Zack in Junior High youth group when I was a youth leader & now I get to see him use his talents on Sunday mornings as he leads our church family in worship. Crazy how time has flown 🙂

This is one of my personal favorites!

Favorite right here!

Zack, I’m so proud of you. You’ve made choices that honored the Lord & I know He’s leading you in the steps you take & the decisions you make. You are loved by so many & we’re ALL so excited to see where the years & roads take you on. Just keep your eyes on our Savior & you’ll always hear His voice.


Family Mini’s for 2017!

So what are these Family Mini Session all about? Well let me fill ya in friend 😉 Basically together with your family we’ll laugh, play & hug while I snap away on my camera to deliver you images you’ll reflect back on in years to come.

Here’s the quick info list for my Family Mini’s this year!

  • Saturday, June 3 (rain day is Sunday, June 4)
  • 15 minute interactive mini photo session
  • Each session is $100.00 & covers 6 total people. (After 6q individuals, there is a $10.00 cost per additional person.)
  • You will receive a few images from your session via your email as a preview. The remaining images & a print release will be delivered to you later via an online gallery where you can download them & print them wherever you choose.
  • Location will be outdoors in Bloomington-Normal

(If you’re not exactly sure what a Mini Session with Nomi Photography consists of or want to check out the most frequently asked questions regarding my mini’s, read HERE.)

Spots are limited! Save your session HERE.  I am not offering Family Mini’s again until this fall so get your spot now!!!  Later you’ll receive an email from me with the location of our mini sessions & other details. Email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com with any questions you may have! I’m looking forward to hanging out with your family!!!






Mom & Me Mini Sessions in 2017!

Together with your littles, we’ll laugh, play & hug while I snap away on my camera to deliver you images you’ll reflect back on in years to come. When you’ve had a day that you’re just about to loose it, on the day they’re walking away from you into their Kindergarten class for the first time or to their first prom-these, THESE are the images that will remind you that motherhood is more then worth it.

Here’s the quick info list about Mom & Mini’s this year!

  • Saturday, May 6 (rain day is Sunday, May 7)
  • 20 minute interactive mini photo session
  • Each session is $85.00 & covers 6 total people. (After 6q individuals, there is a $10.00 cost per additional person.)
  • You will receive a few images from your session via your email beforehand just in time for Mother’s Day to view. The remaining images & a print release will be delivered to you later via an online gallery where you can download them & print them wherever you choose.
  • Location is TBA but I’m on the lookout for something with lots of FLOWERS!!!!

(If you’re not exactly sure what a Mini Session with Nomi Photography consists of or want to check out the most frequently asked questions regarding my mini’s, read HERE.)

Spots are limited! Save your session for a Mom & Me Mini HERE. Later you’ll receive an email from me with the location of our mini sessions & other details. Email me at naomi@nomi-photography.com with any questions you may have!

Mom, you’re valuable. Not just because you drive everyone here & there & know JUST what to do to get your precious girl to sleep. Not just because you make weekends magical & trips to the library so fun. And certainly not just because you give THE.BEST.HUGS & know exactly what to do when the tears are falling,

It’s because you give of yourself ALL.THE.TIME. Usually without thanks. You love until it hurts. And then keep on loving some more. And frankly, we couldn’t do life without you. Mom, YOU ARE LOVED. More then you know.

And frankly, I can’t wait to get you & your children behind my camera & remember every moment & memory. BEST.THING.EVER.






Charlotte | Newborn Session

Today’s post is about a very, very special girl. She is so special. Her story is amazing & miraculous, one of hope & promise. In fact, I’ve asked her momma to share her story, their story of how they prayed, waited & longed for Charlotte. It’s a story that she needs to tell, not me. Their story is a wonderful reflection of the power of God & needs to be told as only the mother of Charlotte Elizabeth can tell it. I invite you to read these words that are directly from Charlotte’s momma’s heart.

“We had almost given up hope that we would have a child. Charlotte has three siblings in Heaven, who sent her to us. After the heartbreak of two miscarriages and one ruptured ectopic pregnancy, she is the blessing of God’s redemptive power. I thought my body was broken, and because we prayed through tears we learned God’s healing is perfect. She is perfect, because God takes the broken and makes them whole.

She is our miracle…



The odds have been stacked against her since the beginning, and yet here she is. The road on the journey to this point of her life was paved with many obstacles. I had gestational diabetes and a marginal cord insertion while pregnant with her. Every minute of her life, even before conception, has been covered in prayers of those who love her. She is the living proof that God listens to His children. I held my breath for nine months. I was guarding my heart from another lose, but she is here. God’s protection is perfect. She is perfect, because God shields those who find refuge in Him.

She is our fighter…

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Diamonds are formed by heat and pressure over time. Our story is one of walking by faith through the fire. She is the outcome of our refining and the embodiment of God’s faithfulness. We have been waiting years for her, and while still not understood with our finite minds, God’s timing is perfect. She is perfect, because from ashes God makes beauty.

She is our diamond…


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Our story will shape the kind of parents we will be. It will shape the person she will become. I prayed that she would be healthy and that she will grow to know Jesus. We still have scars on our hearts for the ones we lost, but she is the string God used to stitch the pieces back together. I pray she will be the light of God’s love. I believe that God has big things in store for her. While we do not know the future, we rest in knowing that God’s plan is perfect. She is perfect, because God creates life where there was nothing. She is our joy…

 She is our child.”


Thank you Elyse for sharing your heart. Your beautiful words needed to be put along these photos. Tears well up in my eyes every time I read your story & look at these photos. May the Lord grant you & Chuck wisdom, patience & peace as you raise Charlotte. May her story, your story be told to encourage others. You’re a strong momma because you lean on the Lord. I love you. I can’t wait to watch Charlotte Elizabeth grow up into who the Lord has designed her to be! – Naomi

Chuck & Elyse’s maternity pictures are HERE if you missed them.




Olson | Family Session

It’s the week of Thanksgiving & I’m finding myself listing things I’m grateful for. It’s not a surprise to me that most of  “things” are indeed people & the list of people I’m thankful for seems to be unending.

I’m thankful for my friend Kaela. We met about 7 years at a weekend retreat for pastors kids in Illinois. Kaela was coming with a team from a church in Rockford to volunteer their help & my sister & I were coming from Normal. I don’t remember how or even what we said when we first met, but I know Kaela & I clicked & I wanted to be around her laugh & wise words as much as I could that weekend 🙂 If you know Kaela she’s all about scarves, messy buns & loving people. During our time at the retreat, God used her to confirm some stuff that was going on in my life & I’ve never forgotten that.

Kaela & I did get to meet up a few years ago in Fargo, ND where she was working & my mom’s side of the family live. We exchanged updated life stories & I told her about the guy in my life (Eric) & she told me about the guy (Peter) in hers. Fast forward to 2016 🙂 Kaela & her little family have been traveling in the U.S. this year & getting ready to travel back to Africa to love on the people there & tell them the Truth & Good News of life. It worked out perfectly for them to come by Normal & we had a mini photo session, spaghetti AND the BEST PART of all was that our girls got to meet! (Photo of that at the end of this post!) Oh & of course our husbands had fun meeting too 🙂

Now I’ll quit writing & let you look at these pictures- pictures of such a PRECIOUS & SPECIAL family.


Arielle sure loves her mommy & daddy!!!!

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This one just melts my heart to pieces.


And of course this!


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She’s the joy of their worlds.


Those eyes & that smile!!!!


I love this next picture. I wasn’t planning on this happening, but if you look close to the right of this picture, you can see mommy & daddy in the picture 😉


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JOY overload!!!



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And these two!


Peter, Kaela, & Arielle, we love you guys!!! We hope to have many get togethers, even if they’re several years a part 😉 in the future. We are praying for you three & that God will protect & use you. Love, Eric, Naomi, & Elizabeth




Hackbarth | Family Session

Kenny, Katie & Gavin moved to Bloomington-Normal almost two years ago. If you know Eric & I, you know that we love our church & are thankful for the community that we have there. The Hackbarth family moved here so that Kenny could be our Worship & Fine Arts pastor. We’ve enjoyed getting to know their little family & having them in the same small group as ours. Katie is just plain gorgeous, Gavin is hilarious & Kenny is so kind.

Katie had a particular vision on mind for their family session & it meant to much to me that she chose me to carry that out. We met up in a fun part of Bloomington downtown & I just love what happened! Their personalities & my camera was a match made in heaven. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all these pictures we got. I know after looking at these you’ll want to be friends with Hackbarth family too & I don’t blame you 😉


Gavin Paul is seriously like a little model. He’s such a sweet kid!!!!!

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One of my fav’s! hackbarth-7hackbarth-4

Gavin, you completely stole my heart during our time together. hackbarth-5hackbarth-9hackbarth-3hackbarth-6

These two! I love their connection & playfulness with each other!

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Katie, you are SO beautiful. hackbarth-17

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Hackbarths, my family is so thankful your family is here. Thank you for your serving & loving hearts. Kenny & Katie, your love for Gavin is so special. You are AMAZING parents & I can see in your eyes how much you care for him. He is growing into a strong & sweet little guy. We can’t wait to see all that the Lord does through your family here. And thanks again for letting me come hangout with you guys 😉 Just say the word & I’ll do it again in a heartbeat 🙂


