Sweet Baby Toby 🙂 If you go a few posts back, you can read Tobias’ Birth Day Story or just click HERE. About a week after he’d been born, I got to go see him again! Only this time he was at home & hanging out with his mommy & daddy & two older brothers.
The LaBerge Family is very special to my husband, Elizabeth & I. Seeing dear friends grow their family has got to be one of God’s special gifts He gives. I actually was able to photograph Harrison, Toby’s older brother’s newborn pictures (you can see them HERE).
Here’s a few of my personal favorites from my time with Toby & his family!
Baby boy was pretty awake for most of his session! He wanted to keep an eye on me 😉
I love these two photos of Amber & Toby!
These next two photos will just melt your heart…
Love their faces 🙂
I love how Kyle looks at his son.
I love ALL the pictures from this session. I really, really had a hard time choosing just a few for this post. But I feel this last photo really captures the love, the joy & the silliness 😉 in this precious family. Love you guys!