Category Archives: portrait

Amelia Turns Two!

Amelia is Two!-1

I met these three wonderful people when little Amelia was just 6 months. I was welcomed into their home & we had a life&love session & then a year ago, we celebrated Amelia turning one! This time, we got together for two special reasons! Amelia is turning TWO!!! AND she’s going to be a big sister!!!

Isn’t this cute little tea table idea that her mommy had & PUT TOGETHER ALL BY HERSELF simply adorable? #momoftheyear 😉

Amelia is Two!-10

Amelia accidentally kept pushing the sign over & then would giggle & it was just too funny to us!

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You are going to be such a wonderful big sister Amelia!!!!

Amelia is Two!-11

Oh sweet Amelia, how loved & precious you are!

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Amelia is Two!-5    Amelia is Two!-3


Amelia is Two!-2   Amelia is Two!-12

Amelia is Two!-6

The birthday girl!!!!

Amelia is Two!-13

Poppins Family, I know I’ve told you already, but being able to connect with your family several times now for sessions just makes me feel like I’m spending time with good friends, not just clients. You have raised such a sweet little girl & I CANNOT WAIT to see you as your family grows to a family of 4!!!!!!

Amelia is Two!-4

Eliott Turns One!

Baby Girl Eliott, where has the time gone? It was just yesterday that we took your Newborn Pictures & then it was just a few days after that I feel that we did your 6 Month pictures & took some pictures with your mommy & daddy & big sister. Now you’re turning one next weekend & I feel like I just blinked & you grew up.

At your newborn session, I had horrible morning sickness (no one knew we were pregnant with Elizabeth yet!) & just today I was holding our Elizabeth Leah & you were being all sweet & gentle & playing nicely with her. I pray you Eliott & my Elizabeth are friends in the making. The Wilcox Family loves you sweet girl. I love your smile, your BIG beautiful eyes & your sweetness.

Happy First Birthday Sweet Baby Girl!

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The location we went to for Eliott’s One Year Session is a new favorite of mine. I totally did not plan that there would be so many beautiful purple spring trees & that Eliott would be wearing a purple dress! I love how the purple flowers through her session just made her little outfits pop! The flowers make special appearances in so many of her photo’s!

Flowers at Hidden Nature Center-8

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Her mommy brought this special rocking chair from home that Eliott loves sitting in!

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Happy girl!

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It’s so tiring being a Princess 😉 Eliott Turns One wwwnomiphotographycom-16

Those eyebrows!!!!!

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I love that her mommy brought a hat with! It was so cute watching Eliott play with it & I feel like it helped her personality come out even more!

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My personal favorite!

Eliott Turns One wwwnomiphotographycom-43

Love you bunches Eliott Nicole!!!

Elizabeth Leah’s Newborn Session

Choosing a name for our coming child was a huge decision & something we talked about often. The name “Elizabeth Leah” quickly became our first choice for several reasons. Elizabeth is my middle name & it’s always been Eric’s favorite girl name (I like how now his wife AND daughter now share the name :)). Leah is my sister’s name & I had decided several years ago in honor of my sister & I’s close relationship, should Eric & I someday have a girl, she would carry my sister’s name 🙂

If you know my husband & I’s story of when we began our dating relationship, you’ll know that the word “covenant” is very important to us. It’s been a special word not only from right before we started dating, but also on into our engagement & now marriage relationship. The name Elizabeth means “oath or covenant of God”. Since we had chosen to have the gender of our baby be a surprise, it was indeed a wonderful surprise when our Elizabeth was born, she has & will everyday be a reminder to us that the Lord keeps His promises, His covenant to His beloved children.

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In January we had our OWN newborn session with Elizabeth at our OWN home! For almost 3 years I’ve been photographing families in their own home & it was a JOY to have a session with my friend Megan Decker in our own little home. She made us feel so comfortable & it was such a special time. I chose some of my favorites (it was hard to narrow them down!) to share with you all!

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Cambry | Senior Session

Oh Cambry 🙂 I was SO excited when your mom contacted me about doing your senior pictures!!! For the last like 6 years, I’ve watched you grow into such a beautiful young lady. I’d see you at Pastor’s Kids Retreat & at other district youth events, & each time I realized you were coming closer & closer to the door of not being just a teen anymore, but a young woman 🙂

I admire many things about you Cambry. I know you love Jesus with all your heart & you desire & strive to keep Him first. You have a beautiful voice & can lead worship on your guitar like no one else I’ve seen. And speaking of beautiful, you ARE beautiful. Your long hair & eyes, man, killer! I love how you carry yourself & how you don’t hangout with just the “cool kids” but anyone who you see needs a friend. You have amazing leadership abilities & I look forward to seeing those developed in you even more as you continue to blossom. And I love your heart. Your heart that I’ve see in the years while I’ve seen you become who you are today & your heart that I got to hear talk & share your future plans during your senior session.

Cambry |


Cambry |     Cambry |

Cambry |

Oh Cambry your smile makes me smile.Cambry |

I told Cambry to show me her “A Game” face for these shots. She totally nailed it 😉

Cambry |    Cambry |

One day I’ll be able to point out your album Cambry & say “I took that girl’s senior pictures!”

Cambry |

She liked to make me laugh during her session 😉

Cambry |     Cambry |

Cambry |

Cambry |

Cambry |

Cambry |

Oh Cambry, the Lord’s anointing is all over you. Don’t take that for granted. And don’t believe it just because people tell you. Seek after Him & all your ways will be made straight. He will never leave you nor forsake. Go after Him girl. Go after ALL that He has for you. Don’t hold back. And He will give you the desires of your heart & surprises & adventures you never dreamed of.

I think you’re pretty special girl 🙂 I THOROUGHLY enjoyed my time with you & it was a true HONOR to take your senior pictures.

Love you girl!
From one fellow PK to another 😉


Bentley Turns One!

This kid. Like seriously 😉 He’s SUCH a cutie & is a happy baby like all the time. I remember going to the Sharpe’s home to do his Newborn Session & now, here we are a year later & Bentley is ONE!!!

He’s got an adoring big sister who takes care of him & gets him whatever he wants 😉 AND two very loving parents who work hard at giving him the best & raising him right.

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I said it in one of the facebook previews I showed of him, but Bentley could seriously be a GAP Baby.

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Am I right or am I right?

Heidi, had a fun little idea of incorporating the basket we used for a bit of his Newborn Session for this session as well! She’s so crafty! She made a little balloon basket out of it 🙂

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Let’s just say he liked it 😉

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Bentley- “Sissy, want my leaf?”

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I guess not 😉 I LOVE THIS!!!! Haha!

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And this 😉 Seriously SO adorable even when he was done with the session 😉

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All eyes are on you Mr. Bentley 😉 You are a very loved little guy!!!

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I love every chance I get to have with the Sharpe Family! They are not only clients but friends & that’s the best kind of clients to have in my opinion!



Amelia Turns One!

Oh Little Miss Amelia 🙂 If I could, I would totally call this post “The Many Faces of Miss Amelia”! Maybe I just should 😉 Amelia is too sweet!!! And she’s ONE!!!!!!

I met Kymber & Ben (Amelia’s awesome parents) 6 months ago in January. We had a fun & quiet 6-month session at their home & I was really excited about connecting with them then. Then a few months later, Kymber emailed me (yay!!!) to start discussing details about Amelia’s One Year Session! Wow! Time flies! And I’m not even her parents!

Meeting with the Poppin’s Family for Amelia’s One Year Celebration Session (complete with a Smash Cake!) was seriously like meeting up with old friends. I know I get to photograph a lot of people that I’ve known for several years, but I LOVE being able to connect with new people & have them be repeat clients. I seriously want to connect with multiple new families & become their family photographer & do life with them & share in the joys & different seasons. The Poppin’s have allowed me to do that & I’m SO grateful!

Kymber & Ben LOVE Amelia SOOO much. I’m being totally honest when I say that I teared up editing these images seeing the look of love in Ben’s eye & Amelia’s leaning towards her momma. Oh friends, see for yourself!!! Here’s the Poppin’s Family!!!!

Amelia Turns One! -5

Leaning in for momma’s kisses!!! (Probably my favorite images from this session!!!!)

Amelia Turns One! -4

Cake Smash time!!!!!!!!!!!

Amelia Turns One! -3

Amelia Turns One! -2

Amelia Turns One! -1

Oh silly Amelia & her funny faces 🙂 🙂 🙂

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Amelia Turns One! -10

Playing a game with daddy 🙂

Amelia Turns One! -9

I loved the bright colors Kymber dressed her little family in 🙂 Perfect to go with the bubbles & playground!

Amelia Turns One! -6

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMELIA!!!!!!!!!!!! You are sooooo LOVED!!!!

Amelia Turns One! -8

Sibling Mini Sessions

Here’s a few of my favorites from the Sibling Mini Sessions we had a couple Saturdays ago! I was excited to introduce this new Mini Session theme to the list for 2015. My relationship with my siblings is something & cherish! And it was super fun to see these 3 sibling sets interact!

Brotherly love 🙂 🙂

E&H | Sibling Mini Session-3

E&H | Sibling Mini Session-4

She’s seriously SUCH  a great big sister!

B&B | Sibling Mini Session-4

B&B | Sibling Mini Session-3    B&B | Sibling Mini Session-2

These two cracked me up!

N&H | Sibling Mini Session-2

N&H | Sibling Mini Session-3

N&H | Sibling Mini Session-1-2

For the list of the Mini Sessions I’ll be having in 2015, click HERE!

Amanda | Portrait

Today’s post is all about the birthday girl Amanda 🙂

I met Amanda 3 years ago at a retreat for Pastors Kids (PK). There was a little “store” that the PK’s could purchase snacks & small little souvenirs that I was helping out at & Amanda had her eye on several of the little stuffed animals there. Little did I know that a little over a year later, she & her entire family would be moving to Bloomington-Normal & that her dad would become one of my  boss’s while I worked at First Assembly.

I was really looking forward to spending one on one time with Amanda & taking pictures of her! We had a beautiful sunny Saturday, probably the first really warm one of the year & I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Amanda.

Amanda |

Amanda |

We walked around Uptown Normal & talked. Amanda was a good sport & laughed at all my corny jokes 😉 And I got to hear about all her plans for her birthday party she was planning & the art piece she was entering into a festival.

(I think she’s laughing at one of my silly jokes here 😉 )

Amanda |                 Amanda |

If you know Amanda, you know she loves her Converse shoes!

Amanda |

She’s such a beautiful young lady.

Amanda |

Amanda also loves running. I asked her to show me how she looks right before it’s time to speed off 🙂

Amanda |

Amanda |

You’re a beautiful & talented young woman Amanda. I know the Lord has special plans for you. I hope you have a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY & that this year is full of fun, adventure & God surprises 🙂

Amanda |

David | High School Graduate Session

I love my brother David.

Some of you may not know, but I am the oldest in my family & I have 3 other siblings. A sister & two younger brothers.

I’ve shared this story with people before but never written about it. One time when my sister & I were very young (aka no little brothers were in sight) we were playing at a playground. There were two little boys that were brothers that showed up to play too. My sister & I had such a blast with them. I remember enjoying myself so much that during the midst of our adventures on the swings & laughs on the slide, I prayed & asked the Lord for two brothers just like them. I didn’t just want one, but two. TWO brothers.

Years later, the Lord answered my childlike prayer. I can still remember that day at the playground clear as day. And I’m very, VERY thankful that the Lord didn’t give me just one brother, but TWO.

My brother David is awesome. He’s my grocery shopping buddy- every two weeks he joins me in picking up everything on my grocery list & we have a brother/sister date. He’s very good with little kids. He’s musically talented in so many ways. Rap & singing solo’s. He makes the best hot chai tea ever. My parents dog & my sister’s dog love him. He’s got a mind for business & could probably run Apple himself. He writes awesome poems. He’s very discerning & can tell when someone’s feelings are hurt or is being left out. He’s very helpful. He’s funny. Actually, he can be pretty hilarious.

David High School Graduate Session |

His “classic” funny face 🙂

David High School Graduate Session |

David High School Graduate Session |              David High School Graduate Session |

This is one of my favorites.

David High School Graduate Session |

David High School Graduate Session |

David High School Graduate Session |

I love you David. I prayed for you years ago & I’m so thankful the Lord answered my prayer by giving our family you. You’re talented. You’re smart. And you care about people. I’m thankful you’re my brother.

PS This was one of the very last picture we took & it’s my very favorite.

David High School Graduate Session |

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Leah | College Graduate Session

My sister is so beautiful. It was a joy to be able to spend time with her on her 25th birthday last month & capture some fun portraits of her. Other then my husband, my sister is truly my best friend. We have tons of inside jokes & quote old black & white movies that no one else has even heard of. (Although she often trumps me by quoting a movie line & saying, “What’s that from?” & I can’t remember.) Leah’s hilarious & is often cracking me up through-out the day with texts full of her wit.

Leah is also a very wise woman. And smart. This next month, Leah will be graduating from Illinois State University, magna cum laude with her Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education.

We spend some time in my parents neighborhood for awhile at the beginning of her session. Leah thought of having her morkie dog, Lucy, for part of the session & I thought it was a great idea!

Lucy looking up at her momma 🙂

Leah | College Grad Session

Leah | College Grad Session

If you’ve been to my parents house & met Lucy, I’m sure you’ll agree with everyone else that she’s a sweetie. Because everyone loves Lucy 🙂

Leah | College Grad Session

I could have posted TONS images from just this portion of the session. My sister is SO beautiful.

Leah | College Grad Session

The soon to be graduate & teacher!!!

Leah | College Grad Session

Leah | College Grad Session

I love you Leah! You’re not just my sister, but my best friend 🙂 I know you are my little sister, but in so many ways I look up to you. This has been a hard year for you & I’ve seen you to continue to grow & blossom instead of shrink & wither. You pressed on. Through these past years at Heartland & at ISU, you pressed on. I’m so PROUD of you. I could never have done what you’ve accomplished. You’ve let the Lord guide your dreams & take you down the journey He has for you. The best is yet to come. And I promise, I will be the LOUDEST person at the Redbird Arena on the ISU campus come December 13 next month when you walk. I will be smiling, crying (as I am now 😉 ) & yelling, “THAT’S MY SISTER!”

I love you Eah.

Leah | College Grad Session

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